Chapter 14

Mr. Perfect

Inside Italian Restaurant - 8:00 pm:

Raymond was the first to arrive. He was told to have a seat in the lounge to wait for his guests. The restaurant will not seat patrons until all members of their party are present. He sat on a stool at the end of the bar and ordered a glass of wine. Glancing around the room, he caught sight of Charmaine as she entered. Nervously he walked towards her. "Hi."

Charmaine looked up at him and murmured a "Hello" searching the room for Myolie and Ron.

Knowing who she was looking for, Raymond interjected, "They're not here yet." He looked at his watch. "They should be here soon. I just ordered a glass of wine. I'll get you one too."

Not having any choice, since Myolie and Ron have not arrived yet, Charmaine nodded and followed him to the bar. The bartender served them their wine and removed himself to the far end of the long rectangular counter. They sat in silence sipping their wine while they waited for their friends.

"How have you been?" Raymond asked softly, searching her face for any telltale signs.

Charmaine turned to look at him and replied, "I'm fine." She took a sip from her glass and looked at him again. Quietly, she continued, "I want to thank you for looking after me that night."

Hearing her speak to him in such a friendly manner brought a smile to Raymond's face. "No need for thanks."

"Ron explained everything to me. I jumped to the wrong conclusion and accused you. I was upset and overreacted. I'm sorry."

Touched by her apology Raymond teased, "Apologizing is not enough." With a grin he stated, "The old fashion and correct way is to pay for dinner."

For the first time in weeks, Charmaine laughed and it felt wonderful. Benny's betrayal did in fact had an impact on her but she realized that she was more angry than heartbroken. She was angry at herself for not seeing the heartless and cruel man that he was. She knew about the countless women who surrounded him but she never paid them any attention or felt threatened by them. Myolie suggested that perhaps Charmaine never truly loved Benny. That she stayed with him out of comfort and security and not love. She met Benny not long after her parents death, a time when she was emotionally vulnerable. That would explain why she wasn't even the least bit angry at Claire or felt any jealousy towards her.

She smiled at Raymond. "Not a problem." Just then her cell phone began to ring and so did Raymond's. She turned away to answer the call and so did Raymond. "Myolie, where are you?" "Is he going to be okay?" "Do you want me to go with you?" "Okay, I'll let the guys know." "Call me if you need anything." "Bye."

Hanging up she heard the end of Raymond's telephone conversation. "Ron, don't worry. I'll let the girls know. Bye."

"Myolie has to bring her father to the hospital and won't be able to come."

Raymond looked strangely at Charmaine. "Ron can't make it either."

The two continued to sit at the bar, each lost in their own thoughts. Charmaine was worried for Myolie while Raymond was thinking of ways to get back at Ron for unexpectantly setting this up. He turned to Charmaine. "Do you still want to have dinner?"

Charmaine turned to look at him not knowing whether to go or not but thought better of it. "Why don't we wait for another night when Myolie and Ron are both free?"

"Why wait? Did you eat yet?" Charmaine shook her head. "Then lets have dinner."

"I.. I.. " she couldn't find the right words. She was starving, since her last meal was breakfast but she felt strange being alone with Raymond. After all, she didn't really know him.

Raymond saw her indecision and asked seriously, "Are we friends now?"

With a smile she answered honestly, "Yes."

Raymond quickly took her elbow and led her out of the Italian restaurant. Playfully he said, "You're my prisoner and right now we're going to eat. No objections!"

Charmaine stood back at arm's length and asked coyly, "Are you always so bossy?"

He bent his face low, his nose almost touching hers. "Only when I have to get what I want."

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charray #1
Oh Simcon Simcon I'm gonna die for you!!! Hehe!!!