Meeting Again

The Summer I was 18


"Changmin?" I knew that voice, it had deepened over the past seven-ish years but I still knew it. Taking a deep breath, I'm twenty-five I can do this. I turned around to see Yunho's hesitate face.

Forcing myself to smile, it really wasn't that hard. It was good to see him. "Yunho."

His face spilt in two, eyes lighting up. "I thought it was you but couldn't be sure." He moved forward, his arms beginning to outstretch as though asking for a hug, then thinking better about it. "It's been seven years? You aren't around here all that often."

Mentally weighing the advantages and disadvantages with hugging him, I decided it was something that was needed. Consequences be damned. I initiated the hug for the first time, Yunho stiffen a little at the start then warmed up and nearly crushed me. "I've been busy with school, and traveling here to there just didn't seem worth it for only a few days."

We pulled away though Yunho's hand remained on my upper arm. "Didn't you graduate a few years ago though?"

"It was four years ago for undergrad. I only recently finished up with my Ph.D." I didn't even bother hiding my pride. It was hard worked and well earned.

Yunho's eyes widened in the normal surprise, "Ph.D.? My, my someone is ambitious."

Raising my eyebrows, I stifle a laugh. "I'm ambitious? Coming from the man who got his law degree in record time, then became the youngest district attorney in the county, maybe even the country."

His hand hid a shy smile, with a blush gracing his cheeks. "Alright I'll give you that. But still, an undergrad in three years? Then straight off to graduate school. You must like being kept busy."

Yeah and it was all to keep my mind off you. I opened my mouth reply another, more socially acceptable answer when I heard my name being called. "That would be my mother. I apparently am in charge of the drinks table, ever since my trip to Italy she thinks I'm some sort of wine expert."

Laughter rang loud and clear in the small yard, and dear god help me I was just as much in love with it now as I was back when I was a teen. "Wouldn't want to disappoint her then. But how long are you going to be in town? It would be nice to catch up with each other."

He left it open, not promising anything, not expecting anything. Though he is probably expecting me to run at full speed in the other direction. However that would be teenage Changmin, the older Changmin would greatly like to catch up. "That sounds really nice. I haven't really talked to anyone from around here that isn't my mother or Kyuhyun. Are you free next weekend, or sometime during the week? I won't start working until September."

"Friday around noon work for you? I can treat you to lunch." I'm going to pretend the light in his eyes isn't there.

"Sweet free food, it’s a deal." And just like that it was as if those past seven years never happened.

Friday came way too soon and couldn't be there any faster in my book. I wanted to talk with Yunho, really sit down and talk with him. But at the same time, I had no urging desire to talk to him about everything that's happened in the time we've been apart. I don't want to hear his side just as I don't want him to hear mine.

Yunho first suggested picking me up at my house. Yet as that screamed more of high school date than anything else, I suggested that it would be easier for me to just walk over, as I would be downtown anyway. The place Yunho choose can't be described as anything but quaint. It was a little place, that seated no more than twenty people and from every seat you could see the kitchen.

The name didn't help to what the place's specialty was, but the menu did pose a larger clue. "Burmese food?"

Yunho gave me smile, "Have you ever had it?" At my head shaking, his smile grew. "Good, then I get to introduce you to some more food you'll love." Just like he used to when we dated.

"What do you suggest?" I ask, putting down the menu and leaning over the table to peer at his.

"Well it’s family style, so whatever you're having I get too and vice versa. But we are getting the coconut rice. There is no if's about it. But I would suggest a type of curry, they're good with that." If he took any notice at my attempts to flirt he didn't do anything about it, so I shrugged and settled back down into my seat.

After ordering, there was an awkward pause in the conversation and I really didn't know how to talk to this Yunho. I wonder if he sensed my discomfort as he broke the silence. "You mentioned something about Italy?"

I relaxed immediately at the mention of Italy, something that will most likely happen for the next few years or so. "Last summer, I went on a trip with my then boyfriend. It was his way of telling me to lighten up a little. School had been so stressful and I hadn't even taken one break since starting undergrad, so he surprised me with the trip. It was one of his better ideas."

"Then boyfriend?" Okay maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that part.

"Yea, we broke up around the same time I received my Ph.D. after being together for nearly two years." Talking about the breakup did nothing to dampen my smile.

"I'm sorry, it was recent then?"

"Three months ago," then noticing his pained face I quickly continued. "But it was mutual, Julian and I just realized that we started behaving more like friends than boyfriends. It also helped that he was moving to France."

I watched Yunho blink rapidly. "That's one way to break up, moving half way across the globe." That sounded much to like the reason we had broken up.

"He wanted me to go with him." I shrugged, "That's how the whole conversation started out, a chance to move to Europe. Sadly it ended with a break up."

Yunho leaned over the table, "Any other boyfriends I should know about? How did you meet? Do you have one now?"

"Nope," I comment grinning. "I only had one other relationship than Julian, who was a basketball coach at my graduate school. My other…boyfriend, I guess you could classify him as that, I met my sophomore year of college. He was a music professor there."

"Changmin!" I could hear the scolding getting ready.

"I know, I know. It was stupid and I deserved to get my heart broken. Kyuhyun has already yelled at me enough, thank you very much."

"Sorry, that came out wrong."

"No, it came out exactly the way it should. Trust me, I knew I was playing with fire, it was exactly the reason why I didn't tell anyone about it for a while." I hadn't even told Kyuhyun about Dongwook until it was nearly over. He had skipped out on his own classes for a week to comfort me.

"Please at least tell me he wasn't your teacher," Yunho's eyes were shut tight. I'm guessing the lawyer in him was thinking of all the possible lawsuits that could have come with it.

"Again, no. He was one of my friend's. I went with them to his office hours, and he spent them flirting with me. I am well aware it was stupid but I flirted back." A snort left my mouth thinking about that hellish relationship. "We only dated for seven months, and the entire time was a constant cycle of breaking up and getting back together."

His eyes opened and he looked at me with a pleading expression. "Why, why did you keep going back to him? And don't give me the 'stupid' excuse, you're a lot smarter than that. Give me the real reason."

Shrugging, I looked around the restaurant quietly praying that our food would appear soon. A cough brought me attention back to Yunho, who was sitting with his chin resting on his clasped hands. "I don't know," at his pointed glare I gave an exasperated sigh. I shouldn't have mentioned anything, just left it at Julian. "I guess I was in love with the idea of love. When Dongwook wanted my attention he would go to great lengths to get it. One time I came home to find that he had decorated my apartment in roses as an apology. I was…charmed and flattered that he was pursuing me at that length. Now I wish I could go back and slap myself for being so…"

"Young? Innocent?" Yunho provided, a knowing look on his features. "You can't blame yourself for any of that. That guy was playing you and I'm glad you finally saw it and got out of it."

"Kyuhyun helped." I muttered.

A short bark of laughter, "Thank God for Kyuhyun." It drew the desired giggle out me that Yunho was going for. It also gave a good break to the food being brought out. There were a few moments of quibbling at the proportions and who gets what. There might have been a few moans on my part, Yunho always excelled at getting me things I would love.

After a few bites, I decided it was know Yunho's turn for the investigation. "So what about you? Any boyfriends or girlfriends?"

Swallowing, "None that are worth note." Ouch, I feel sorry for who ever it was that Yunho dated.

"Come on there must be someone that's worth mentioning." Please, let there be one. Please do not tell me that you pinned after me all those years.

Yunho placed his chopsticks down on the plate and sighed. "Really, none of them even lasted that long. Most were over before we even came close to 100 days. The only one that lasted longer then that was a girl who my parents wanted me to marry."

"That sounds serious," Maybe retribution could have been achieved in other departments, this doesn't seem like a topic either of us wants.

"It was an arranged meeting, both our parents work together and thought it would be a good idea as neither of us had any success in the relationship department." Yunho shook his head, "It was an utter disaster. We barely speak now."

"Was it anyone I know?"

"Remember Boa?" He asked with a pained grimace.

"Boa?!" I very nearly jumped out of my chair. "There was no way you two would have worked. You're far too similar, both in personality and mentality. That was just a disaster waiting to happen, what the were your parents thinking?!"

"They weren't," Yunho said curtly. "Then again neither were Boa or I, as we both agreed to it. It was, using your own words, stupid to think that it would work. I used to be able to talk to her about anything, now if we see the other we can barely manage a 'hello'."

Reaching out, I grabbed his hand and squeezed it in a show of comfort. "I'm sorry."

"Me too." With that we both turned back to our meal, the air noticeably colder than when we had started. I wish I had never even brought up the topic of old relationships. I should never have mentioned Julian or Dongwook.

The check came soon and was sent off just as quickly. When we left the restaurant Yunho grabbed my arm before I could get very far. "I just made a mess of lunch, do you think I could get you a cup of coffee or something to apologize?"

I wanted to say yes, but at the same time what if it went the way lunch did? Should I?

You know what, everything I do with Yunho, or don't do, has to do with a damn 'should'. And every ing time I don't do it, I always regret it, so I am going to say yes and pray for the best.

"Coffee," I say it like I'd been debated what I wanted rather than if I wanted to go or not. By the look on Yunho's face he's not fooled. "Coffee sounds good."

He took to another small place that was on a side street of a side street. Opening the door, he smiled warily at me, “This place has some of the best coffee in the neighborhood.”

“Just some of the best, not the best?” I smirk back at him. “Jung Yunho you have lost your touch. Should I be insulted that you aren’t taking me to the best place.”

“Brat,” he calls affectionately, I’m sure. “This is the best place within walking distance of the restaurant.”

“Hmph,” it’s hard to keep a straight face when all I want to do is laugh. “Fine, I guess I’ll just have to settle.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Yunho roll his. “Yes your highness. Now go find us a place to sit while I order your Americano and something for me. Want anything to eat?”

“We just came from lunch.” I remind him.

He raised an eyebrow at me, “Your point?”

Why did I ever leave this man? Glancing up at the pastries, “Get me a Danish, whichever flavor they have that looks good.”

Yunho gave me a mock bow before stepping in line. I stood there for another moment, just thinking about him in general before making my way to a table in the back of the small café. Sitting down so I would have a good view of the line, and consequently of Yunho, I mulled over the day so far.

It’s almost like we never left each other, like I never left all those years ago. Even with all the awkwardness of lunch, this ‘date’ still rates pretty high on my scale. None of my dates with Dongwook ever went well and with Julian they were either hit or miss. Some would be amazing that left me with a giddy feeling for days afterwards, or they would end with us not talking to each other for days. There was no in between with us.

Glancing back up at Yunho, I noticed that he’d moved to end of the bar, casually leaning on the counter while chatting with the barista. His suit jacket was draped over one arm, and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. The lines of his suit fit him to perfection, showcasing his body to the café dwellers. And I was more than enjoying the show.

My eyes trailed down his torso, my mind taking me back to a time where, for a few months, that body had been mine. I can still feel his hands roaming my body even after all these years. We'd only been together for three months, intimate for less than a month, yet it was his touch I remembered in the dead of night. In those few months, he learned and knew my body better even than Julian, and I’d dated him for two years.

The sound of a plate clattering against the table brought me out of my daydream. Looking up I saw Yunho gazing down at me with fond expression. “What were you thinking about so hard?”

Taking my Americano, I smiled up at him. “The past.”

He sat down, an eyebrow raised as a silent question. “More specifically, that during the short time we were together, you knew me better than anyone.” A short laugh escaped me. “Hell you still know me better than anyone, and we haven’t seen each other for seven years.”

Yunho moved slowly, tearing the pastry in half, before looking at me with serious eyes. “Do you regret it?”

I could pretend that I don’t know what he’s talking about, distract him from it and go home without ever learning the truth. My heart in my mouth, “Do you?” Do you regret letting me go, do you regret like I do?

A humorless laugh left his beautiful mouth, his gaze left mine to stare down at the table. “I don’t regret our relationship, if that’s what you’re asking. I regret how it ended.”

“To be fair, I also agree that the text message was just a tad harsh and more than a little cowardly. But then I was a coward so it kinda fits.”

A real laugh boomed out of Yunho and his kind eyes were back. “No, I meant that I regret letting that be the end. When I first got your text, I was ready to drive up to your campus and talk to you in person. Whether it would have ended in another chance or us breaking up for good, I didn’t know or care. But after I got into my car, I couldn’t start it. My key was in the ignition but I just couldn’t turn it. So we were both cowards, you for sending the text and me for letting it go just like that.”

I smiled back at him, mind reeling through possible what if’s. Thinking about how much my life would have changed if he had come to my college dorm seven years ago. “I can tell you now, that if you’d shown up randomly at my dorm, the then me would have been ecstatic. Back then all I wanted was for you to tell me that you didn’t want to break up. But now…now I’m glad that you didn’t show up. I may have gone through tough times, yet I know that I wouldn’t have pushed through if you had been with me. I know that I wouldn’t have grown up. I wouldn’t have the confidence that I do now because I would have been hiding behind you. You would have protected me from the world if you could, but I needed to experience it to grow up.”

Yunho looked at me with a proud but heartbreaking smile. Taking courage in that pride, I continued. “For years I didn’t let myself regret my decision. Even during that mess with Dongwook, or when I would compare Julian with you, I refused to regret it. Then I come home and see you for the first time in seven years and all I can think is how stupid I was to break up with you.”

His face looked younger, like all the stress of these past years just melted away. “You weren’t stupid, just a teenager faced with his first serious relationship. It’s understandable.”

“I thought it would hurt less,” I told him my chin resting on my hand, eyes looking outside. “I thought that if I broke up you it would hurt less than when you broke up with me. Shows what I know.” I looked over at Yunho. A smile grew at seeing his confused and shocked face. “Stupid right?”

He shook his head. “I wouldn’t have done that to you Min.” My heart beat a little faster at hearing that old nickname. His hand moved to grab mine, but it brushed against his cup. I watched as it toppled over, the lip popping off, covering the table in liquid. Some dripped off onto my lap, covering my lap with the sticky concoction.

“, sorry.” Yunho jumped up, grabbing some napkins and began whipping up the mess. He noticed me getting some napkins and dapping at my jeans, and his face scrunched up. “Sorry.”

“No worries,” I smile up at him. “At least it’s iced and not hot.”

“Still…” Yunho finished cleaning up the mess on the table then turned to me. “My apartment isn’t far. You can wash your jeans there and I can let you borrow some pants for your walk home.”

“It’s no trouble,” I mumble, playing the ever-polite person my mother raised me to be.

He held out his hand to help me up, “I insist.” And how could I say no. It didn’t even cross my mind to say it.

His apartment really wasn’t too far. We barely walked a block before entering the building. Once inside, he handed me some sweats to change into while my jeans were in the wash. It was a comfortable silence as Yunho moved around the washer getting the detergent and everything.

A silence I decided to break. “You know after we broke up, I made a promise to myself that when I had enough confidence I would tell you something.”

“Hmm,” He appeared completely immersed in working the machine, but I knew he was listening to me.

“That the summer I was 18, I was completely and hopelessly in love with you,” He paused in his movements, becoming still. “And I think I still am.”

Crossing the small room, I close the lid to the washer and press start. Yunho still hadn’t moved from his spot, but I can see a grin forming. “So,” I comment leaning against the machine facing Yunho. “How much longer are we going to pretend that you spilling the coffee was an accident?”

He threw his head back and laughed, full and happy. “Oh I don’t know,” Yunho said face full of joy. “Let’s say two seconds.”

I knew I pulled a face. “Two-” and his lips were on mine.

He pulled me off the washer and I went willingly into his arms, tilting my head just so, deepening the kiss. And dear God, it was even better than I remembered. I could feel Yunho’s hands moving down my body, before reaching the end of my shirt. He moved his hands under my shirt and the borrowed sweats so he could caress my bare skin.

Pulling away from the kiss, I breathed out, “Wait for a moment.”

“Why?” Yunho’s lips never left my skin, so his reply vibrated against my neck.

“Because we can’t just continue where we left off Yunho.” But even as I spoke those words, I stepped closer to him, moving my head so he could continue following my neck with his mouth.

“Why?” he said again, though this one was muffled, as he was busy making a hickey at the base of my neck. Against my wishes, my body relaxed in his arms and I let him continue.

“We haven’t seen each other for years. Neither of us are the same as we were when we were together. We should start over and be responsible adu-Hey!” the bastard moved his hand down under the sweats fabric and grabbed my bare .

Yunho brought my hand to his mouth, kissing my wrist at the vein, staring at me with hot eyes. “Do you really think we can hold off on for a month or so?”

Short answer: nope. But for some reason this reminds me of having on the first date. Sure we’ve have before, a lot of it, yet we haven’t in years. And…

Yunho looked at me with the same heated gaze, the same wicked smirk that used to always work on me all those years ago. He pulled on my wrist, which he still hadn’t let go, dragging me closer until our bodies were flush against each other.

“ it, we can start over tomorrow.”

His smirk became into a full-grown grin, and I knew he’d been playing me. But those thoughts left my mind when he turned me around pushed me against the wall before I pulled him down into another dirty kiss.

*Some time later*

“You know what,” I comment lying in Yunho’s large bed, under the sheets. He was just as , his head propped up with one of his hands, and the other was placed possessively on my hip. “Since tomorrow is Saturday and thus the weekend, we should wait until the weekend is over before starting over. After all, the week begins on Monday and it’s only right to start at the beginning of the week.”

I could still hear Yunho’s laugh echoing through the apartment when we met for a kiss.



AN: Well this story is finally finished. Sorry for the long wait and let me know what you think.



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Chapter 4: I love this so much. You made me laugh and cry at the same time. You have a great way with words. Please wright a sequel or just another HoMin. Thank you for this.
Chapter 4: Oh my

AHHHHHHHHHH omfggggg I really thought it was going to end last chapter and I was so scared of scrolling down and not finding a "Next" button but this omfg this-
nam101 #3
Chapter 4: oh my god yessssssss this is so god damn good. thank you :)))))))))))))))))
Chapter 4: Omg~~~~~ I'm dying~~~
Chapter 3: Oooh this was ahold chapter ^^
Hero2409 #6
Chapter 3: This is really good. I started crying at Yunho's reply to Changmin's message though :( i didnt like the feeling that they were giving up... This is not the end is it?

I found this on A03 last night and i thought i would come over here to read your fics and stuff.

Thank you for sharing your writing with us ^^
Beniikyuwon #7
Chapter 3: Lol. That comment was me~ I think ~ but I just found your story (like really yesterday at midnight or so at AO3 and I just started looking for more and well... I've read a lot of stories unfinished and I just had to try because this is really great. Awfully and painfully great. Really, also I'm new into the Homin Ship (why hadn't I read about them before.) I'm happy it actually helped you to write this chapter really I wasn't expecting for you to update (I mean I expected to never hear about this fic ever again. It has happened to me a loooot of times ;3;) anyway~ I'll wait for the end. Ugh this is long. I'm sorry.
Beniikyuwon #8
Awww :< i hope you can finish this story u.u