
I Don't Know If I Can Risk It All


"Two bottles of Soju ajumma." Sungmin ordered. The ajumma in the shop knew who super junior were and were always happy to serve them even through the bad press.

"Two? Is something going on?" Super Junior had been going to that shop for seven years and she knew quite a lot about the boys; when they were sad, happy or even tired.

"No, we just need to clear Hyukkie's head." Sungmin gave the ajumma behind the counter the money for the Soju.

"Don’t drink too much! Stay safe." She ruffled Sungmin's hair playfully as she also knew what a playful drunk Sungmin was, it was quite frightening how everybody seemed to remember Sungmin's bubbly personality but Sungmin. Sungmin had once been so drunk that he began to bash the other members with a long stick, in the morning he was worried because the members were beat up he had no clue that he had done that to them.

"Alright." Sungmin took that bag from the ajumma and left the store with Hyukkie in tow.

"Shall we go back to the park? We could start a little fire, it's really cold out now." The weather had drastically changed, from clear blue skies came the deadly chill of the night. It was very cold and crisp.

"Sure, let's go!" Sungmin hooked onto Eunhyuk's arm and pulled him along. "The faster you walk the less cold you will be!" He was trying his best to make Eunhyuk feel better.

"Ah…yeah." Eunhyuk began to skip alongside the happy little bunny, Sungmin.

~They started a fire and began to drink~

"So have you thought about it more?" Sungmin asked curiously.

"I haven't stopped thinking about it! I love Hae so much but I don’t want to ruin what me and him have together." Eunhyuk couldn't help weigh the negatives higher than the positives because there was so much he could lose if he and Donghae didn’t work together.

"To me you and him look like the perfect couple. Donghae is very protective of you and he cares for you a lot. I don’t honestly see anything going wrong but there is always that chance…" This topic required a lot of thought. If Eunhyuk threw himself into Hae's arms without thinking it through then there was bound to be more arguments.

"Please, I thought you wanted to take my mind off of this?!" Eunhyuk poured himself another drink, he just wanted  to forget to day just for a little while so he could relax.

"Yes! Right, you want to play a drinking game?" Sungmin offered.

"A drinking game is no fun with only two people!" Eunhyuk whined. Sungmin tutted, he was the SuJu king of drinking if he wanted to play a drinking game with only two people he'd invent a whole new drinking game!

"Alright listen; here's how it's going to go. We are going to play opposites, when a person loses they have to take two shots!" Opposites was a game in which a player would move their hand in one direction and the opposite player must move their head towards the opposite direction. A game usually played by school children just became a game for drunken super junior members.

"Ahh, you are on!" Sungmin raised his hand towards Eunhyuk's face and the game begun.

~Four hours later~

Eunhyuk had passed out on the park table and Sungmin could barely keep his eyes open. He was completely unaware that Eunhyuk wasn’t following him so when Sungmin got back to the dorm he just went to bed, with Kyuhyun of course; Sungmin always slept with Kyu when he was drunk. Eunhyuk lay asleep on the park bench all night long. Him being an over sleeper meant that he we still asleep at ten the next morning.

"Sungmin, where is Eunhyuk?" Sungmin was tired, he also had a major headache; he was suffering really bad from the night before.

"Eunhyuk? Isn't he in bed?" Siwon shook his head disapprovingly. Something had happened to Eunhyuk and knowing that Sungmin blacks out when he is drunk meant that Siwon had to pretty much guess were Eunhyuk had gone off to.

"No, I'm going to look around for him." Sungmin could only nod before collapsing into the sofa. Siwon grabbed a jacket and put on some shoes, ready to find Eunhyuk.

~Siwon looked across the field, in the studio both dance and singing. He looked into every store along the street and no Hyukkie.~

"Where could he be?" It was not only for Hyukkie's sake that he must be found, any fan girl who would see Hyukkie wouldn’t stop to think about taking pictures of him or worse- to take him home with them.

It was only coincidence that Siwon found Eunhyuk, he decided he was going to go and get some groceries from the supermarket next to the park and hope that Eunhyuk would return by himself. There Eunhyuk was, asleep on the park bench, a real life sleeping beauty.

"Eunhyuk…Eunhyuk it's time to wake up now." Siwon began to shake Eunhyuk vigorously but the poor boy was comatose. Siwon picked him up bridal style and began to walk back to the dorm. Luckily Eunhyuk was one of the lightest members.

Whilst walking along Siwon looked down at Eunhyuk's sleeping face, when Eunhyuk was calm and still he looked so peaceful. It made him seem rather attractive. Siwon had to mentally slap himself for having those thoughts. Somehow he couldn’t help think that Eunhyuk was beautiful, his heart began to pick up pace and he could heard his heard beating through his head. It was a hard feeling to shake off but from that moment, Siwon couldn’t deny; he must have some feelings for his Hyung. It was strange but true. All of a sudden he was overwhelmed with the need to protect Eunhyuk, he kept thinking about holding his hand through an airport of crazed fans and putting his arm around Hyukkie whenever he was sad. Was this how it feels to like someone? Siwon being a sworn Christian thought that he would never fall for another man but there he was, holding Eunhyuk in his arms and his heart grew ten sizes too big.

He coughed. Admitting this truth to himself was hard so he'd be damned if he was going to let anyone else find out. He had to shake off these feeling before Eunhyuk woke up. For some strange reason Siwon didn’t even mind the fact that Eunhyuk was starting to dribble on him.

Siwon knocked on the dorm door with his foot as his hands were full but the sound was barely heard. Everyone was eagerly waiting for Eunhyuk to return.

"Donghae…?" Eunhyuk called out. His eyes began to flutter open and the first person on his mind was Donghae. Siwon didn’t look down to Eunhyuk because he hadn't quite shaken the smile off of his face.

Eunhyuk continued to stare at Siwon, he felt so protected  in Siwon's arms. It was strange his heart began to beat. It was the same speed and volume as when Donghae was near. Could it be he was developing feelings for Siwon? As if his problem wasn’t hard enough he could do without swaying towards Siwon.

"Are you okay to stand?" Siwon finally looked down at Eunhyuk. His icy stare took Eunhyuk's breath away, afraid of anything else happening he quickly nodded his head. "Alright." Siwon gently put him down. He watched Eunhyuk stand onto shaky legs, every part of him wanted to pick him up again and carry him inside.

Siwon knocked on the door  before he too did something that was totally life changing. The way he saw it, he had to try and loose these feelings for Eunhyuk as soon as possible.

"Eunhyuk!" Donghae rushed to the one he loved and scooped him up in his arms. At that moment he had forgotten what had happened the night before; he just wanted to hold Eunhyuk.

"Hae…" It was a little awkward for Eunhyuk because he did remember. He didn’t want Donghae to let him go but in the end every hug has to end .

"Where did you go? Why didn’t you come home?" Donghae parted Eunhyuk's hair and kissed his forehead. Luckily this was normal EunHae behaviour so nobody had to hide or ask questions.

"I'm sorry Hae." Donghae escorted Eunhyuk to the sofa, his legs were still a little shaky.

"Do you want some tea?"Siwon for some reason was jealous. He wanted to be the one by Eunhyuk's side getting him tea and taking care of him. Watching Donghae do it made him a little infuriated.

"I'm going to get some shopping." Siwon didn’t say anymore, he just wanted to leave. It was making him jealous watching Donghae tend to Eunhyuk the way he had wished to.

"I'm getting you a blanket, you must be freezing!" Donghae put the kettle on and prepared some tea. He rushed to their room and grabbed the double blanket from their bed.

"I am kinda cold." Donghae threw the cover over Eunhyuk, he began tucking bits in and plumping bits up. Once he was satisfied that Eunhyuk was fully warm he grabbed the tea. "Hae…you covered my hands…" Eunhyuk looked down at the tortilla that Donghae had made him into.

"Exactly, I'm going to help you. Don’t worry." Donghae began to blow into the tea trying to cool it down before Eunhyuk could drink it. Eunhyuk felt like he was being bathed in love. He could help but smile, Donghae was being so adorable it made him want to say yes without any second thoughts but he still knew that he wasn’t ready. Donghae continued to help Eunhyuk drink his tea until it had run out. He placed the empty cup onto the coffee table and joined Eunhyuk under the covers. Donghae placed an arm around Eunhyuk's shoulders and rested his head onto his monkey's chest.

"Hae…" Eunhyuk muttered.

"It's okay, just sleep." Eunhyuk nodded. They both closed their eyes and before long fell asleep.

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lemon-deulop #1
Chapter 3: That can't be good. I'm glad Eunhyuk stood for himself, and what Donghae did was really stupid-- even if he hit Eunhyuk by accident, he was about to hit Hong Ki... Stupid-stupid-stupid. No really, that stupid man, or should I say child. ^^'

Thank you for updating, I'll see you around. [;
ELFhyukhae #2
Chapter 3: Omg poor hae , it's not his fault that
he is a jealous pie~ kkkk
hyukkie~.u can't be mad at him right?
You are hurting him.!!!
Thank u for the update~
Chapter 3: woooww. siwon and now hongki make him jealous~
JuliaBoo #4
Chapter 3: Oh no! This can't be in that way ._.
PLEASE update soon!
wildrose88 #5
Chapter 3: poor hyukkie T_T
possessive hae sometimes really annoying but still i love it lol
hope they will be alright ><
cant wait !
thanks authornim , take care !
JuliaBoo #6
Chapter 2: Soo cute!
I love it! Please update soon *-*
lemon-deulop #7
Chapter 2: : Ah, this is such a lovely beginning, I'm waiting for more. <3
For now, I really want it to be HaeHyuk, but at the same time, I really want it to be SiHyuk. Such a dilemma. c;
Thank you for this, update soon, yeah? c:
Black555Angel #8
Chapter 2: I love HaeHyuk but I really want SiHyuk in this story :)
wildrose88 #9
Chapter 2: they're so cuteeeeeeee !!!!
cant wait ><
ELFhyukhae #10
Chapter 1: Omg omg ! I feel sorry for hae , hyukkie too
C'mon just go have a date and elfs will protect u loool
I can't wait til siwon will appeare
Update soon