
I am forgotten, But I'll show you!

[Sorry if the chapter is long, I got too into it! XD)

I laid in bed thinking about the audition tomorrow. 'What song should I sing? What if Im not good enough?' Thinking about these things made my heart beat faster and faster. Then HyunChul-Oppa's face appeared  on my mind. 'Tomorrow huh? I wonder what he really is planning. . .' I tossed and turned in bed trying to find a comfortable position to sleep in but couldn't. I spreaded my arms out and reached for my mobile phone. I went through my text messages and looked at the picture that was sent to me. 'Who sent that picture to me? Or another question would be, When was that photo taken?' I stared at that picture, it looked like i was dragging HyunChul-Oppa into the apartment. . . 'AH! I was! I remember now, it must of been that odd flash I saw this morning' But I could have sworn there was no one there.

I woke up the next morning to hear my phone vibrating. I reached for the phone and answered. "hmmm,  Hello?"

"Hey, are you ready yet? I'm waiting outside"

I was still half asleep. "What, Wait, Who's this?"

I heard laughing on the phone. "It's me"

I got up from bed pissed off. "It's me? Who's me? Can't you just tell me your name? Quit trying to act cool!"

The laughing on the other end became louder. "I take it you just woke up? It's HyunChul."

I frowned, "Hyun . . .HyunChul-Oppa?"

He answered slowly, "Yeah?"

My eyes widened after I realised what I had just said to him, "OMG, I'm Sorry I didn't know it was you! I'm Sorry,"

"It's okay, But are you ready yet?"

I smiled. "Wait 10 minutes!"

I got up straight away, tying my hair, wearing clothes and make-up. I drank a glass of juice and ran downstairs.

Outside, HyunChul waited looking at his silver watch. "Wow! you really did take 10 minutes!"

I smiled. "Why did you come so early?"

HyunChul-Oppa's smiled faded to a frown. He bent down and whispered in my ear. "I woke up at 5 a.m to sneak out."

"Sneak out?"

"Yupp, Being an Idol, its not easy doing the things I want, anyway enough about me, How are you feeling?"

"I'm actually excited,"

HyunChul-Oppa laughed, "Really? And here I was worrying about you, Can i hear the song you're going to sing?"

I paused, "Well, you see . . . I kinda just sing any song I want, I haven't really chosen one yet."

"Hmmm," HyunChul-Oppa thought for a bit, He went through his black sling bag to find a small piece of paper. 

"I thought you wouldn't know what to sing, so I composed a simple song for you to sing"

I took the peice of paper and read the title of the song. 'Let's Stop' I looked at HyunChul-Oppa, "Did you write the song yourself?"

He smiled, "Especially for you"

I read through the first few lines of the song:

"Gue man ha jan, Gue man ha jan, I have been hurt so much (Gue man ha jan basically means, 'Lets Stop')

Do you understand my feelings for you? Deep inside my heart, I'm always thinking of you

Even if you you don't remember me, Even if you are angry, I'll Still love you~

I looked at HyunChul-Oppa, "These lyrics are really nice, but how do i know what tune to sing it in?"

HyunChul-Oppa smiled, "I wrote this song, which can only be sung by you, no one else, you will know how to sing it on your audition, I guranteer it!"

I gave an unsure look, but I trust HyunChul-Oppa right?

He opened the car door for me and I sat inside. Inside the car I spoke to him to aviod the awkward silence. "Did get any wierd text messages yesterday?"

He opened his phone, "Like this one?"

I looked at the message and it was the same picture i received. "Im sorry, If I got you into any trouble"

"Trouble? I haven't yet, and lets keep it this way, It seems that it's only you and me that has the picture, All we have to do is try to find out who took the picture"

I rolled my eyes, "That's virtually impossible, The message was sent by an unknown number,"

HyunChul smiled, "Time will slowly show us who did it, dont worry, I won't let it leak out in public."

"Time will what?" I frowned, some people can say such weird things. Just as i wondered of in my thoughs the car stopped.

"We're here"

I looked at the building, It was huge, and I mean HUGE! HyunChul-Oppa got out of the car and opened the car door for me on the other side. I stepped out and walked towards the building with HyunChul-Oppa walking beside me. He was quite tall next to me, I felt very short standing next to him. He lead me into a room with green carpet. The sign on the front read: 'Auditions through reccommendations' HyunChul-Oppa pushed me into the door, "You're in!"

I walked up to the wooden desk and told them my name. The judges gave me a wierd look, "So HyunChul reccommended you? I hope you're good." I stood in the middle of the room and began singing the lyrics HyunChul-Oppa composed. Surprising he was right. The tune of the song did come to me, and I was impressed, I left the room and heard good comments from the jugdes. I walked towards HyunChul-oppa and smiled.

"How did it go?"

I smiled, "They said they would call soon."

HyunChul smiled, "Now we have the rest of the day to celebrate you're birthday"

I paused, "Birthday?"

HyunChul grabbed my hand and dragged me out, "Isn't it your Birthday today?"

"Oh! It is, I nearly forgot!' At that time I saw another flash on the corner of my eye, I turned again,

"Whats wrong?"

"I just thought I saw another flash from that direction," I pointed to my right.

HyunChul-oppa ran towards the direction I was pointing to. A girl ran away and HyunChul chased her. I followed. Luckily I did not wear high heels, but converses. I followed hyunChul-Oppa but I couldnt keep up. Unexpectedly he was very fast. Instead i jogged around the building looking for HyunChul-Oppa, I noticed him in a dead end with the girl. She looked at me and HyunChul turned around to look at me, he ignored the girl and she ran past him. He was off-guard. He yelled, "WAIT, I SAID WAIT, YAH, SOON-AH!"

i looked at him and the girl getting away. "Soon-ah?..... Do you know her?"

HyunChul-Oppa looked towards the ground, "That girl was the one who Ji Hwan invited into the house that day, She was the one that liked Ji Hwan"

My eyes widened, "It was her?!"

I turned around, "Why would she do this?"

HyunChul-Oppa walked towards me, "This is bad, If this spreads I'll-"

At that moment HyunChul-Oppa's phone rang, He picked it up, "Yes, I'm Sorry, What already? Yeah, I'll bring her"

HyunChul-Oppa hung up and looked at me, "That was my manager, the photos from yesterday are on the net already, So I have to see him, he also wants to see you too."

I swallowed, That can't be good.   

We arrived at HyunChul-Oppa's entertainment industry. I looked at the building, It was even bigger that the one I auditioned for! I looked at HunChul-Oppa, His hands were shaking, I felt very bad. I whispered to him, "I'm Sorry for getting you into trouble."

He looked down to me, "It's nothing I can't handle, So don't worry,"

We walked towards the building and the manager stared. Standing stiffly and crossing his arms. Just as we were gettting closer he spoke, "Hurry, Get into the main office,"

I looked around, "Where's the main office?"

HyunChul-Oppa laughed, "I'll take you there"

Walking in front of me I could hear voices all around me. I thought for a bit, 'Exactly how much trouble can a picture cause?'

HyunChul opened the door to the office and there were four boyus standing around the big glass table.

A blonde headed guy spoke "Manager Hyung says you're gonna get it"

I looked around the room and noticed Ji Hwan standing and staring at me, "Who's the girl?" There was no answer. I looked at him and thought, Is he Stupid?

The manager closed the door and all the boys stood around me and HyunChul-Oppa. A guy with black hair came to me and spoke, "Are you the one HyunChul snuck out to see?"

HyunChul put his arms in front of me, "Suhoon Hyung, dont talk to her, please"

I murmured, Suhoon-Hyung? He's the leader?!

SuHoon Spoke, "How dare you sneak out and see her! And worst of all, the Paparrazi took shots of the both of you! Do you know how much attention and gossip this could seek?!"

HyunChul-Oppa spoke, "I'm Sorry,"

The manger grabbed onto his collar and slammed him onto the door, I gave a big gasp. "HyunChul-Oppa . . .?"

SuHoon grabbed onto my wrist, "don't bother the mangaer hyung is furious, If you enter you could make things for HyunChul worst."

I sat on the office corner watching HyunChul-Oppa get hit, My eyes watered and the members stared. I Yelled,

"Aren't you going to do something?! He's your member isn't he?!"

At that time SuHoon spoke, "Stop it,"

Everyone stopped and looked at the leader, "Did SuHoon hyung just . . . ?"


Chapter 5 preview~

SuHoon-Oppa smiled and whispered in my ear, "Perhaps he likes you"

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Chapter 25: Off to read the sequel~~~
Congratulations :)
congratulations~ ^-^
congrats :)
commovente #5
Congratulations on the feature!
congrats~ :3
Congrats! :)
Wow dae guk nam ah, pretty uncommon around here I would say!
Congrats on getting the random feature :)
Chapter 25: OMO this story was amazing! <3
congrats bby