
I am forgotten, But I'll show you!

Back at home I looked at the audition form HyunChul-Sunbae had handed to me. His words echoed in my head, and more thoughts arised in my mind 'What should I do? What if I get rejected?' I looked up at the window from my bed and stared at the stars in the sky. I thought about it about it for a while when something popped into my mind. 'What would Ji Hwan's expression look like if I was more famous than he was? Would he recognise me?' I hesitated.

"Why would I want him to recognise me? Is it that much of a big deal?"

I threw the forms on the floor and layed on my bed, thinking deeply on what to do.

The next morning, I woke up unusually early. 7:00am. Waking up at that time nowadays was rare. Even for me. I got up from bed and heard a weird scrunching noise when I stood up. I looked on the floor to find the audition forms. I picked it up and started filling out some of the blanks. 'Why was I doing this? Was it because I really want Ji Hwan to remember me?' I looked at the calender and noticed a big red mark in tomorrow's date. I placed the forms on the table next to my bed and walked to see the date.

16th of July. 'My Birthday'

I looked with widened eyes. I had nealry forgotten my own birthday. I sat on my bed getting the forms filled out. 'Was I doing it for HyunChul's sake?' Looking at the forms I became more and more clueless on why I was even giving it a try. I looked at the photo on the corner on the table. It was a pic of Ji Hwan and myself. We were both smiling. I smiled back unconsciously and frowned, thinking about what happened yesterday. I whispered under my breath. "Ji Hwan, You Jerk, Fame isn't everything" Just as I looked at the photo, I noticed the date written in blue ink on the white photo frame. July 16th.    

July 16th - 3 years ago

I can remember sitting on the school benches and eating lunch alone. Watching people muck about and hang out with friends. I just simply watched alone in the winter season. I had no friends, and I was alone. No one liked me for some odd reason. I stared at the schoolboys play soccer when I hear a person yell out my name. I turned around to notice a short skinny boy smile. He had black hair and a bowl cut. He ran towards me.

"Isn't it your birthday today? You should celebrate with your friends"

I turned my head towards the ground and spoke shyly.

"I D-d-don't have any friends."

The boy's smiled faded away. "No friends?. . . Aren't you sad?

I didn't reply. Instead I looked towards him. His eyes widened, "Oh, I just brought a new camera, COME ON, let's take a photo to remember this day."

I remembered that back then I hated taking photos. I replied to him coldly. "No, I don't want a photo."

The skinny boy frowned. "It's to celebrate a new friendship . . . and your birthday."

My eyes widened." Friendship?"


I looked up towards the sky and smiled, a shriek startled me, I turned again. It was Ji Hwan.

"You smiled just then, It suits you more than the lonely expression you had before"

I stared into his eyes, and he went on " . . . Oh, By the way, I'm Jeon Ji Hwan, But Ji hwan is fine, It's a pleasure to meet you, Let's hope to become close friends!"

I smiled and agreed. 'u-huh'

Ji Hwan ran towards me and sat on the bench. 'Okay, I'm taking the photo which will give us the memory of today!"

I laughed and replied. "That's soo lame!"

"Okay, okay, What about this, 'Your first birthday with me?"

I smiled, 'That's better'

I looked at the picture we took that day and tears ran down my cheeks. 'What happened to you Ji Hwan?' Upon that photo, I decided to take the audition. I looked at the instructions on the form.

Bring this completeled form to your audition. Auditions are on July 16th.

I stared. 'My Birthday? This is too much of a coincidence' I completed the form and stared back at the photo. "Ji Hwan, will you remember me after this?"

I tilted my head towards the clock to see the time. 7:30 am. It was still early. The form had to be in by 6:00 pm today, just a few hours before the auditions would start. I had already finished filling out the forms and need to submit to the main building. But where was it? I thought. That HyunChul didn't tell me where to submit the form! I looked at the timetable just below the clock. 'Good, no university today, I can go hunt down the company.' I Placed the forms in a folder and carried it outside. As I was walking towards the bus stop, I noticed a silver car parked in front of the apartment building. A strange man appeared from the car. He stared at me and walked towards the other side of the car and opened the door. 

Out of the door, a tall guy wearing a hoodie and a cap appeared. I stared and the guy stared too. He slowly walked towards me. I slowly backed away one step at a time. He came closer and closer and I stepped further and further back, until i tripped on a concrete crack. I dropped the folder causing all the forms to drop out everyone on the ground. The hoodie guy picked the forms up, and spoke.

"I forgot to tell you where to submit the forms from yesterday, sorry"

My eyes widened, "Yesterday . . .? Could you be that same guy?"

He took of his cap. "Ta-da! HyunChul at your service!"

I frowned. "Please don't do that again. . ."

HyunChul frowned. . . "Wasn't it cool?" He picked up all the forms and spoke again. "I went through all the trouble to sneak out from everyone to see you about these auditions"

"How did you know where I lived?"

HyunChul answered in a casual manner, "I saw you walk into this building yesterday, So I assumed you lived here."

I gave a sacastic grin. "So you stalked me?"

HyunChul's smile faded, "No, I just happened to see you, it was just a coincidence," He paused and went on, "About these forms, they're all completed. Does that mean you're , , , "

I answered halfway into his sentence " Yupp, I decided to go for it."

HyunChul smiled, "That's good to hear, I'll Submit these in for you." He gave the strange man the forms and the man smiled. I spoke.

"Why are you helping me?"

HyunChul turned back to me, "I told you, I believe what you said, I also believe that you have some talent lying inside you,"

I looked down, for some reason, I could feel a weird, warm feeling on my cheeks. A small tugging from my bag startled me.

"Ehhhh, so you have it too huh,?"

I looked at HyunChul to notice him holding a copy of the photo of Ji Hwan and myself. I thought about it for a moment, 'Shoot, I forgot, I made copies of the photo and carried it in my bag!'

HyunChul thought for a bit, "Ji Hwan has a copy of this, but it . . . "

I frowned, "What? It what ?"

HyunChul mumbled, "You're face was erased from it. . ." 

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Chapter 25: Off to read the sequel~~~
Congratulations :)
congratulations~ ^-^
congrats :)
commovente #5
Congratulations on the feature!
congrats~ :3
Congrats! :)
Wow dae guk nam ah, pretty uncommon around here I would say!
Congrats on getting the random feature :)
Chapter 25: OMO this story was amazing! <3
congrats bby