A birthday party

3 loves but 1 life

March 7,
the end of the day came quickly. Misako went home with Chiaki and they changed every 2 because Jin was soon to come. Once ready, waiting for Jin, the two girls talking. They learn to know each other better every day. After dépard Yukari that morning, the group decided not to talk about her.
Jin arrived, the girls got into the car and see, Ryo and Yamapi with him. The boys took her girls in a restaurant and then they all go in a box below.

Misako: Kame does not come?
Jin: If he comes and he took his girlfriend
Misako: Hmmm
Jin: Nani? What is the matter?
Misako: No no
Jin, Go I know you, what is happening, not tell me ...
Misako: Here, Naoya
and Nissy! Kombawa ^ ^
Ryo: Oh, come Kame
Yamapi: Misako, you dance?
Misako: * who watched Kame and his girlfriend
* hai ^ ^

And they danced all 2. The evening went well, as usual, the trio (Jin, Ryo and Yamapi) start drinking a lot. Chiaki approached Keiichiro. Everyone was talking and got along well. Misako was happy because this is the first time that all the world (almost) were met.
Misako often looked at Kame. She did not know why but she could not help it. While she danced with Yamapi (yet) one thing she hoped without much hope happened. She saw Kame's girlfriend to get up as if she was angry. She came out, followed by Kame. Naoya seemed to laugh as well as Jin and Ryo. The song ended, and Misako Yamapi come see the other. Kame back together without a word. Jin completely drunk.

Jin: It is you've finished dancing with my Misako-chan!
Misako: Here we go!
Yamapi: not start, onegai!
Jin: How does it!! You have not understood it seems, it's MY Misako! Whoever I touch ... I ...
Nissy: You make us what? vomited on? XD
Jin: I ... I ... I must go to the toilet
Ryo: A to earlier ^ ^
Misako: * to the members of his group's came and who did not know Jin * Gomen, when he drinks, it is not very ... how to say ... stable.
Ryo: But if it is stable! and then what is it stable?
Keiichiro: Despairing
Hidaka: Do not worry, it was what it is ^ ^

The evening ended for the trio, Misako and Chiaki go to Jin. Kame helped them to get the boys in the young man then went away.

Misako: Matte!
Kame: * backs * Nani?
Misako: I know it does not concern me but all is well with your girlfriend?
Kame: Gomen, I do not want to talk about it now.
Misako: Ok, demo, if you want to talk, I ... I ... I am at your listening.
Kame: * turning to face her
* Arigato ^ ^  Take care of them yourself well
Misako: Hai ^ ^

And girls were left alone and prepared a futton to sleep. Before sleep:

Chiaki: Misako?
Misako: Hmmm?
Chiaki: Tell me, do you have feelings for Kame?
Misako: Huh?!
Chiaki: I've seen all night, you do not stop watching him!
Misako: Ano ... I ... no ... I do not think ... and then you too with Keiichiro you do not stop you stick to it!
Chiaki: Yes it's true that I am interested but not change the subject!
Misako: Ok I maybe a little bit of feeling for him but that's it! For now I do not want to couple.
Chiaki: So you admit! x) But you dance with a lot Yamapi!
Misako: I often dance with him when we leave. But its still a friend no more. But Kame, do not tell anyone onegai
Chiaki: Do not worry ^ ^ So you will never go away with him?
Misako: Who? Yamapi? No, never. I want us to keep our amitier ^ ^

And the evening finished with everyone and discuss about anything and especially because Chiaki boy realizes that his feelings for Keiichiro are strong.
But one of the boys did not sleep, he listened to the conversation of the girls went to bed and worry about noise, but sad.

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Your story is amazing! JPOP ftw~ ^^<br />
Update soon ^_________^