Run Away

The Lost Princess
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[CONTENTID1]Run Away[/CONTENTID1]   [CONTENTID2]Sora exhaled as she fell back on her bed. She was exhausted, even though she hadn't exactly done a thing.   It had been a frequent occurrence with her recently, she would tire herself out just by doing nothing. Although, right at this moment Sora had a legitimate reason to be drained because Minji had just left after questioning Sora as if she was a crime suspect. Despite the fact that the girl was getting on her nerves, Sora had made a promise with her so she could not go back on her word even if she wanted, therefore she'd told Minji everything starting from the very beginning; when she woke up in hospital to finding him making out and his abrupt demand of beings friends, the situation had somehow led to Lotte World and the events that had taken place afterwards.   Sora also had not forgotten to include how she had suddenly become conscious around him as well as the beat of her heart which seemed to increase in speed whenever the boy was near. Of course, feeling abashed, Sora had decided to leave out the moment she had shared with Chanhee in the classroom during lunch. For some strange reason, she felt that it should be kept a secret.   But to say the least, Minji was appalled with Chunji for faces with some random girl, however, when she found out that Chunji had saved Sora not only once, but twice her opinion of him was instantly replaced with kind thoughts and she started to view the boy in a different light, she found him to be very sweet and likeable as Minji had additionally witnessed how he had spoken to her best friend, so the girl could safely say that he was attracted to her. He had been so gentle and caring as if Sora was breakable. All in all, she had come to a conclusion that Sora had also fallen for the boy.   Surprisingly, Sora-being the blunt girl that she was had openly admitted to her feelings, stupefying Minji that she for once, had accepted her emotions instead of denial.   In answer to her best friend, Sora had only shrugged casually, saying that she was grown up and knew herself well enough to perceive her feelings. Instead of some girls who were informed by a third party, which would only cause them to blush as they acted shy and baffled; Sora honestly found those actions cringeworthy.   Which reminded her of the time she had spent with Chanhee during lunch hour, resulting in her face heating up as she blushed when she remembered how close they had been. He had even held her foot in his hand! She covered her face in embarrassment as she giggled, however when the girl realised what she was doing, she took a deep breath and fanned herself in order to cool down. Gosh! She would have never thought that she'd become such a fool.   Sora sat up as she exhaled, she looked at her right foot before biting her lip and wiggling her toes. Everything was mashed up together and she was going to go crazy. Why couldn't he be more clearer?   "Not something, someone"   What on earth was that supposed to mean? Could Chanhee be possibly referring to her? Sora creased her brows before she shook her head, it couldn't be, because as far as she could think, she was in no way special to him. Just the idea of it was senseless. Chunji was suave and intelligent with a background that was not to be left out when describing him, so he could find anyone of his status, proof enough were the girls fighting for his attention every day. Although, she knew that they would not work out, secretly in her heart, the girl longed to be someone special to him.   Sora sighed once again as an insecure feeling settled inside her, it was difficult to imagine Chanhee with another girl, but what should she do? Sora very well knew that was a coward because she was stressed about the situation, and the only solution that appeared in her brain was that she give up; why fight if there was no end result, it would only break her heart. She didn't want to face it. Sora was afraid.   Tak! Tak! Tak!   Sora flinched out of surprise when she heard a knock, the frightened girl placed a hand on her heart to calm down and waited, perhaps she was hearing things.   Tak. Tak! Tak!     "M-mom? Is that you?" She called out as she looked towards her door, assuming that it was her mother.   "It's me. Open up." A voice whispered.   Soras' eye's widened and she almost fell off her bed before she scrambled up and hurried towards the window, the voice could not be mistaken. It was him.   "What are you doing here?" She whispered the question when she pulled the curtains and opened the window. If her parents found out that he came at this time through the window no less, they would both be in trouble.   "You need to come with me!" He stated urgently, there was no time to waste.   "Right now? Are you insane? It's half eleven!" She exclaimed in disbelief as she tried to keep her voice low.   "It's an emergency. You have to come." He told her.   At the word emergency, Soras' mind went blank and she stopped moving. It really seemed something serious was happening, Chanhee was panicking too; and considering Sora's worrisome nature, she wanted to help in any way possible so she threw all her rationality out of the window when she spoke her next words.   "Alright, give me two minutes." She nodded before she changed into whatever she could find and walked towards the door, causing Chunji to widen his eyes.   "Where are you going?"   "I'm just going to tell my parents so they won't worry." She said innocently, as if accompanying a boy out of the house at midnight was an every day thing.   "No, no, no! They won't let you leave, we'll talk to them later. Just come." He beckoned her towards him.   "It's fine, they're very understanding." She replied, oblivious to his strange behaviour and tone of voice.   "Come on! There's no time!" He told her as he jumped into her room and grabbed her hand, pulling her along.   Sora widened her eyes when she felt Chanhee circle his arm around her waist, the girl gasped when she looked ahead and realised what they were going to do, it was obvious, yet
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ataemindreamer #1
Chapter 12: omg! can't wait for the next chapter >_< so exciting ~
ataemindreamer #3
Chapter 11: omggg!!!! I can't wait for the next chapterrrr!!!
New reader here. This sounds really interesting :)
Chapter 10: Oh my God. s about to go down. O.O
Kpop_lover_88 #6
ataemindreamer #7
Chapter 9: OMG OMG ITS GETTING SO GOOD ♡♡ I can't wait till the next chapter ♡
Sarah265 #9
Chapter 9: Omg sora is going to find out that she is the princess n chunji's soulmate. Omg YAY!!!
Sarah265 #10
Chapter 8: Cant wait for the next chapter. This chapter is amazing. :))))