I Lost the Bet from the Beginning

I Lost the Bet from the Beginning

"Dear Future Husband, I was so surprised when I found out that I was chosen for We Got Married. I'm nervous! Eotteohkae? 

Since we aren't allowed to introduce ourselves yet, I'll just give you hints. I'm also a dancer in the group but I'm not the main. I laugh a lot. Yeah, even though it isn't funny or I'm not required to laugh, I still laugh. Even though a person would just look at me in the eye, I would easily laugh. So please bear with me! Don't worry! I'm excited to meet you too! You seem too excited, made excited as well. I'll do my best to be a good for yoouu~ Happily yours, Your dear Wifeu" B-Joo read which sent the whole Topp Dogg to tease Xero about it. "Uri Xero is getting married!" Seogoong cheered.
"Aigoo, I wish that wife of yours a goodluck" Nakta joked.
"But Jiho! What about me? I thought were gonna live a lifetime together?!" Hansol complained. "What about that promise?!"
"Shut up Hansol, you're overreacting again" Hojoon said with an annoyed look on his face.
"I am not! He promised me!" Hansol protested. Hojoon rolled his eyes at Hansol's complaint.
"They are filming us Hansol, stop destroying your image" Hojoon whispered through gritted teeth.
"Our image" Kidoh corrected.


While everyone was cheering and talking about Xero's marriage, Xero read the letter again and smiled. It got him really curious. There are tons of girl groups. He doesn't even have the slightest clue of who she is.


Scanning the letter over and over again, he saw an unfamiliar sentence at the bottom of the paper saying, "PS : I don't know yet. Whatever flies your spaceship?" he silently read. It somehow reminded him of his bestfriend, Minki. She would often use that phrase whenever they're together. He smiled. There was a little flutter in his heart. He can't wait to get married.




"Xero-ssi, this way please" the writer noona said, showing the way to the practice room. When they reached, he chuckled at the thing written on the door. "We Got Married's Dancing Couple~" he read. He remembered that his wife is also a dancer if the group.

"Xero-ssi, your wife is inside, waiting for you" he nodded in acknowledgement. Before opening the door, he can hear music inside the room. It's not just music, it's actually his group's debut song, Say it. "Is my wife....dancing our debut song?" he asked the writer noonas.

"There' only one way to find out" one of them said.


He just shrugged and gently opened the door. In there, he saw a girl wearing a purple dress with a black blouse, dancing his group's debut song. Seems like his wife didn't notice that he opened the door since she paid no attention to the door and him. She kept on dancing their debut song. Even though there was a mirror in front of her, he can't recognize her face since she was moving to fast. "She's good" he commented. He decided to watch her until she finishes.


After the song finished. Minki felt a presence nearby. She quickly looked at the door and saw someone standing by it. It gave her the shock of her life when she saw Xero by the door, same goes for Xero. They both widened their eyes, taking in the situation. What is he doing here?! Minki thought, staring at Xero with her wide eyes, them about to pop out from its sockets. Xero thought the same. Xero slowly made his way towards his best friend, eyeing her. "Kim Minki, what are you doing here?" he questioned.

"What are you doing here?" Minki asked back.

"I'm here for We Got Married, they said that my wife is in here"

"Well, same goes for me, I'm here waiting for my husband"


After a few seconds of staring, they both fell on the floor and started laughing. "You?! My husband?! Impossible!" Minki exclaimed, slapping her leg. Xero, on the other hand, was laughing out loud while rolling on the floor. "You, my wife?! That letter came from you?! What the heck is this sorcery?!" Xero stood up from his place and went to one of the cameras in the corner. "We Got Marrried, you said that we my wife and I have chemistry? Is she the one you're talking about?!" Xero bursted to another round of laughing. "You got to be kidding me!"


After how many minutes of laughing and exchanging of insults about being husband and wife, they both decided to stop and to be quiet for a while. "So," Minki began. "We're really gonna do this?"

"What else? We can't back out, can we? It's like the first episode" Xero said.

"Okay, fine what do you wanna do?" Minki asked since she has no idea how this things works.

"I don't know, what do you suggest we do?"

"Have no idea?"


Xero stood up and went to the laptop and scanned the music in the laptop. "Ah! Comeback song isseo! Let's dance this!" Xero suggested, motioning Minki to come to him. Minki stood up and went to Xero's side. "Do you know how to dance our comeback cong? It's more easier than Say it!"

"Since when did Topp Dogg have an easy choreo?"

"You don't know this yet?"

"Aniya, you just had your comeback last week"

"Then I'll teach you!" Xero jumped up and down excitedly.

"Why are you suddenly this energetic?"

"Because I want you to teach you're group's dance! The latest one, it was so awesome!'

"Okay" Minki muttered."Let's do it then"


Xero began teaching Minki few steps from their new choreography. "Jiho-ya, I want to learn the dancer line's part! You with the other three members? Yeah! That was pretty cool, I want to learn that!' Minki said, her turn to jump repeatedly. "Please?" she begged.

"Arasseo! Watch me first" Xero suggested. He started the music and began dancing that part. "Ready get set go! Open the door door door door door" Xero danced effortlessly. Minki stared at her best friend in awe. He's still the awesome and cool dancer best friend. This part was better than the one in Say it. He improved a lot. She stared at her best friend like the way she stared at him when they were five. He already showed talent at that age.


As soon as he finished, she clapped her hands happily. "Jiho is still cool, isn't he~?" Minki sang as she approached her best friend.

"Psh, course I am" he boasted, receiving a playful slap from Minki.

"And the same cocky bastard I knew" she added, earning a glare from her best friend. "Kidding~"


With that, Xero began teaching Minki that part. It was kinda easy for Minki to learn since she's also the dancer. After a few more minutes of chit-chatting, exchange of insults and funny moments, Minki finally memorized the choreography."How about we dance it together?" Xero suggested.

"Oh, geurae! Let's dance it together!" Minki agreed.


Xero played that part and they both began dancing. Synchronized and clean dance, that's what they did....until Minki made a mistake. There was a part were four of the dancer line will spin and Minki made a mistake in spinning, causing her to fall, well, not actually since Xero caught her in his arms quickly, face to face with his best friend, his arms around her waist and her arms locked around his neck. This made their time stop. There faces were never so close before, they can feel each other's breath, both staring at each other's eyes. Minki's heart began beating fast and abnormally. Same goes for Xero. Minki can feel her face heat up because of the little space they're having.


Finally realizing what was happening, Minki got out of Xero's arms and gave a nervous laugh. "Sorry Xero, I made a mistake, can you teach me that part again?" Minki awkwardly coughed and looked at Xero who was staring at her, still in daze. "Jiho-ya" Minki called. Xero snapped out of his daze. "What?"

"Teach me that part again" Minki commanded.

"Uh, arasseo" Xero awkwardly cleared his throat and began teaching his best friend that part again.




The filming finally came to a stop since it is scheduled. Everyone packed up and got ready to leave the studio. Minki was rushing to get ready since she doesn't to face Xero yet. She was about to escape when she heard Xero call her. "Minki-yah!" she stopped on her tracks and gulped. She slowly turned around and gave Xero a fake smile. "Wae?"

"About what happene-"

"Forget what happened a while ago okay? Get over it" she cut him off.

"No, I mean should we like....make viewers happy?" 

"What do you mean make them happy?"

"Like the one that happened a while ago, I'm sure some viewers that are gonna watch that will definitely get interested because they think we have chemistry"

"So you mean is....we should give what We Got Married viewers want?" Xero nodded.

"Since we're in this anyway, let's ride along with it, make cute and romantic moments bla bla"

"Ahh, keurae...are you sure you want that?"

"I don't, everyone wants it so I think we should give it to them? This show will totally if we don't do this"

"Oh okay then..."

"One thing Minki.."


"No emotional involvement, remember we're doing this for entertainment purposes"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I know you had fallen for my charms already" Xero joked, breaking the serious atmosphere.

"What is wrong with you? Seriously?" Minki questioned, finally smiling.

"How about a bet then? The one who falls in love first will have to confess no matter what" Xero suggested.

"What, why would we do that?" 

"Because I know you had fallen for me" a strong slap from Minki came after. "Oww, what is wrong with you and your elastic hands?!"

"First of all, I am not in love with you" what a lie, what a big big lie. "Second, okay fine, let's do it" Minki held her hand in front of Xero for him to shake it. "I'm fine with it"

"Are you serious?" Xero asked, his best friend is taking it seriously. Minki nodded. Xero looked at Minki's eyes for a while then to her hands.





Ever since then, they started to get sweet with each other, only during the filming of We Got Married. Things that they never had done before, being sweet and romantic with each other. Both of them are shocked at their own actions sometimes. As episodes go on, more skinship and lovey dovey happens in the show. It gave Xero an excuse to hug her more, put his arms around her more often, even kisses her on the cheeks sometimes. Minki on the other hand, should pretend to be moved by Xero's display of affection.


Minki's feelings for Xero only grew more. It grew and grew in every episodes unil she can't take it anymore. Xero didn't show even the slightest clue that he would lose the bet. Since Minki has feelings for him from the beginning, she knew that she was gonna lost the bet. She badly wants to confess her feelings already. It's already causing her pain, too much pain. In order for her feelings no to grow, she had finally decided t stop We Got Married with Xero for the next day of filming.




"Aish, where is Minki?! How can we start filming without her?" the director complained. "Xero, where is Minki?! Do you know where she is?!"

"No director-nim, I tried calling her but she won't answer" Xero replied, worried about his best friend. "I also tried calling her group's manager and she said that she's not home"

"We will have to find her then! She's becoming a burden!" the director roared. Everyone became scared of the director and decided to split up to look for Minki.


Xero thought for a while. He thought of the usual places he and Minki would go. "The Cafe...school....their houses....their dance studio....playground....." he enumerated. He thought for a while again. Something inside of him says that she's in the playground, where they use to hangout every after practices. They would buy ice cream and fool around in that playground. "That's it, she's in the playground" and with that, he made his way to the playground.


Luckily, Xero made the right decision to go to the playground since Minki was really there. He was about to march and scold his best friend for not appearing for the filming but something made him stop. It seems like something's wrong with Minki. Her head was down, he can't see her face. She was sitting on a swing, swinging gently and softly. He decided to approach her and ask her what is wrong.


[Minki's POV]


I decided not to appear for a while. I want to be alone. I want to think and be in a peaceful place. I don't wanna face the beautiful face yet, I might fall harder and get hurt in the end since I know that he's not gonna catch me. I'm afraid that I might say something that will break our friendship. I would rather suffer like this than to never see him again.


I felt a presence in front of me so I quickly raised my head and that face welcomed me. His eyes full of concern. He should stop with those eyes. I might not hold myself anymore. "What are you doing here?" I murmur.

"Minki-yah...what's wrong? Why are you crying? Come on you can tell me..." he said with his soothing voice. Before he can even reach his hand to cup my face, I slapped it away."Leave me alone" I muttered.

"What's wrong Minki-ya? Tell m-"

"I said leave me alone"

"I'm not leaving until you tell me what's happening"

"You're stubborn aren't you? Didn't you hear me? I said I want to be alone!" I almost shouted, standing up.

"What is wrong with you?! Why won't you tell me?!" He grabbed both of my shoulders and tried to look at me in the eyes but I looked away.

"Because If I do, I might lose something important!"

"What will be lost?!"

"Our friendship!" I yelled a his face. "I freaking lost the bet Shin Jiho! I lost that stupid bet of yours! I lost the bet from the beginning!" I cried, sitting back on the swing and started sobbing.


He became quiet for a while. This is it. I knew this was coming, If only shut my mouth this wouldn't happen. He's still not showing reaction. His face is plain and blank, not expressing any sepecific emotion. I just sighed and tried to calm myself down. "You know what? Just leave, I knew this was coming anyway" I told him but he didn't move an inch."Fine if you don't want to then I will"


I stood from my place and brushed past him but before I can even go farther, I was grabbed and slammed on someone's chest, no, it was his chest. His arms started to envelope themselves around me. He tightened his hug and snuggled his face on the crook of my neck. "You...why do you have to make this hard for yourself?" he asked.

"I don't understand..."

"Why didn't you confess before? Why only now?"

"Because I'm afraid that I might lose you and our friendship"

"You wouldn't lose anything if you tried once" he whispered in my ear,making me shiver.

"And why is that?"

"Because...I love you too Minki...." he confessed. That's it. Those three words that I want to hear all this time. He finally said it. It brought my tears back and I sobbed on his shoulders."Paboya...Paboya!" I yelled.


"You should have told me before! You didn't know what I've been through this past few years. I was suffering you bastard! I was suffering!" I struggled from his hug but he won't let me go.

"Yah, yah! Listen to me first" he said. "Hear me out first!" his tone voice grew higher so I stopped and stayed in that position.

"At first, I wasn't sure of my feelings so I tried confirming it by We Got Married. I had this weird feeling about you when we met again, I missed you too much. All those skinships and lovey dovey things. It was so new to me but every time your in my arms, it felt right. I felt contented. Then I would suddenly feel lonley without you around. I tend to miss you a lot for some reason. That's when I realized that I'm in love with you" I heard him sigh. "I'm sorry Minki for causing you a lot of pain, I promise you that I will heal all of them and I will never leave a single scar...and that's if you'll let me...."


I don't know what to say. I was speechless. Happiness is starting to wash over me. The heavy weight in my chest is gone. I felt....relieved.


I hugged him in the waist and burried my face on his warm chest. 'You bastard..." I muttered. I heard him chuckle. He released the hug a few minutes later and stared into my eyes and I did the same. His eyes full of sincerity, like the ones I looked at when I was five. From my eyes, he gaze went to my lips then back to my eyes.


He started leaning in. He first brushed his lips on my forehead then slowly bringing it down to the tip of my nose. He backed at little and cupped my left cheek with his hand. "I love you Kim Minki" and with that, he lips gently landed on mine. I closed my eyes and shyly kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck while his other hand slided from my upper arm down to my waist to pull my body closer, making sure not to leave any spaces between us.


I felt a single tear roll down to my cheeks. A tear of joy, I can't believe that Shin Jiho is my finally mine. I was so happy that I pulled him more closer and kissed him more. I felt his lip smirk because of my actions. He decided to turn the kiss to a heated one as he my lower lip, asking for entrance. I shyly opened my mouth and he plunged his tongue in, exploring my wet cavern.


After a heated kissing scene, we both stopped since we ran out of breath. Our foreheads touching and our breaths were tangled togther since struggled for air. We both smiled at each other and looked at each other's eyes. "I love you Kim Minki, you're mine now~' he whispered.

"I love you more you bastard"

"No no, I love you the most~" and with that, he pulled for another kiss.

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faddyrobot09 #1
Chapter 3: that was short and sweet. it was cute~! and omg the hansol freaking out earlier just cracked me up!!!
Chapter 2: Padge kessyang my life. My bias list! Qwertyuiop YAKSHSKJSN
DarkLadee #3
Chapter 2: OMG Jiho is so cute... And cute.... And cute(≧∇≦)I want a Jiho for me too kkkkk

I love this story author nim