The Happiest Moments.

Almost Love [Story Not Available.]

8. The Happiest Moments.


Haneul’s POV


After LuHan suggested me to go out with him and eat traditional Korean food, I immediately accepted. While waiting for the bus, we joked a lot with each other and laughed all the way to the restaurant. People looked at us like we were lunatics but we didn’t care. We were happy, and that’s all it mattered.

The bell rang when we entered the restaurant. It was a typical Korean restaurant, and we took a seat at the corner of the four walls. I called for the waitress and both of us ordered samgyeopsal.

“You like samgyeopsal too?!” He asked with wide eyes and a cute smile.

“I love it! I love meat!” I answered back and we started ‘fangirling/boying’. I found out he doesn’t eat sea food because he’s allergic and that he loves meat too. So many things in common, I was happy to share them with a special someone.

After we finished eating we walked to a bubble tea shop that was located nearby the restaurant we were some minutes ago. We ordered the usual, Choco bubble tea for me and Taro bubble tea for LuHan.

“You get the same drink as my best friend.” He smiled as he took a sip of that delicious drink.

“Hmm?” I hummed, “He must be awesome like me.” I joked but LuHan nodded while grinning.

“You are the same. Two grumpy cats… You’ll look good together.” He said while nodding and I punched his arm playfully.

“I wanna meet him.” I smiled and LuHan nodded again. He keeps nodding his head and that gets me so irritated, I wanna punch him straight in that beautiful face of his.

“Stop with that nodding, it’s bothering me.” I tried to remain calm and he stopped while laughing.

“Bingo, you really are the same as him.” I started laughing and asked him about his friendship.

“In total I have twelve amazing best friends, all of them boys. We called ourselves EXO.” He started talking about his friendship while I listened carefully, taking sips from my drink. “We were friends since kindergarten till we separated for university. A while ago I found out that three of my friends are here in Seoul, and I have their numbers, so I was planning to call them later.”

“Woah! That’s awesome! I really wish I was like you. Can’t wait till you meet your friends again.”

“You’re good as you are. Just be original.” LuHan smiled and patted my head. “I talked with all of them in Skype… We’ll meet each other next year and we’ll audition for SM Entertainment. Then will be one again.” He smiled and I listened and saw him like he was a God. I’ve never had a friendship lasting so long, or should I say, I’ve never had friendship at all. I lowered my head and my hair covered my face. Flashbacks of my past started invading my mind, how I was always left alone and how people never knew I existed. Sad but at least I have someone by my side now even though it might not be for a long time, but still… I should enjoy these happy moments.

I raised my head and turned my head to the side and flashed him a smile.

“Can’t wait to see them.” Was all I said, before he took out his phone from the pocket and started dialing a number.

“You’ll see them now.” He smiled and another voice could be heard on the other line.




“Aye dude! I missed you so much! Where the hell did you fly to?!” A cute and chubby guy hugged LuHan as they patted their backs while grinning widely.

“My son. It’s been a long time since we last drank bubble tea together.” A taller guy with blonde hair grinned and he embraced the older guy. I wonder why he calls him son though when he’s younger. Maybe because he wants to irritate LuHan. Oh now I get it! He might be LuHan’s best friend!

“Aww my baby girl, I missed your sparkling eyes! How have you been?” Another guy with brown hair hugged LuHan. I grinned as they started talking to him. They didn’t recognize I was there… I knew it would happen.

But just when I thought that I was useless, the younger guy who called LuHan his son, smiled at me and pulled me for a hug. I froze but managed to hug him back. He. Hugged. Me. A boy hugged me and noticed me without me trying to make myself noticeable! I was so happy I almost burst in the middle of the park we were in.

“Hello, I’m Oh Sehun.” He grinned widely and so did I.

“Nice to know you Sehun-ah. I’m Oh Haneul.” I introduced myself politely and he chuckled.

“We have the same surname.” I nodded and he grinned. Wow this guy is really handsome and nice.

“Hello there I’m Chen!” The guy with brown hair and a beautiful voice introduced himself and gave me a bone crashing hug. I indeed suffocated but at least I was happy they liked me… And I received free hugs! Yoo-hoo!

“Hai! Xiumin here! You’re so cute OMG let me squish your cheeks.” The chubby and cute guy gave me a hug and squished my cheeks. I laughed when he finished his job and bowed at the three of them.

“Hello! I’m Oh Haneul. Very glad to meet you. LuHan told me good things about you and I really hope we can be friends.” I bowed and introduced myself to all of them and they bowed too.

“We hope that too. It’s been a long time since LuHan ever made good friends with a girl, and we are really glad to know you.” Chen said and I blushed, while LuHan hid his face with his hands.

“Tomorrow is Saturday! How about we hang out today till we don’t have energy?” Sehun suggested and we all accepted.

“Let’s go eat some baozi’s!” Xiumin shouted happily as we stated running out of the park.


Author’s POV


“Yay!” Haneul shouted happily as she punched the mid-air with a fist. The guys chuckled and they ran outside the park.

LuHan was so happy that she had fun today, and he was very proud of Sehun for noticing her first. He felt like his heart was on fire, the fire growing and glowing more and more each time he saw her happy.

They really had a bond together. Like the Moon with the Sun. But how long will it last?




New Characters



Oh Sehun




Kim Jongdae (A.K.A Chen)




Kim Minseok (A.K.A Xiumin)


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It's been 100 hundred years since my last update O_O I know this is a short chapter but I tried my best >< I'm currently having a writer's block!! Sorry guys :(


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Chapter 15: Wae~ I really loved this story Arthurnim!!! :(
But I understand ^^
kittycatlover #2
Chapter 15: Oh no authornim... I really loved this story :_(
krissoom19970 #3
Chapter 15: at least make an end .. just one part .. that he confess to her ..etc...pleaasseee T.T
krissoom19970 #4
Chapter 15: you will not update !! whyyyy T.T .. you ended the story???
Chapter 13: The rest are here! Haha, I know that tagline anywhere xD
And Luhan... Sweet sweet sweet Luhan, why are you so sweet? Marshmallow gives me cavities -.- xD
Chapter 11: I know this story is about LuhanxHanuel but
OMGee Gee Baby Baby Baekhyun! How can you do this to me? You know how much I adore that eye-liner loving boy! Lol xD
Okay, I'll push that aside hurm?
Luhannie...Why so cute? I understand that you're afraid she'll run away or anything but...You're Lu freaking Han! Who would reject you?! Ahaha.
Curious to read the next chappies. Hwaiting neh unnie! (lol, can I call you that?)