A Mistake That Turned Into An Answer.

Almost Love [Story Not Available.]

LuHan’s POV


After three full hours at the restaurant, we decided to go out for a walk. I paid for Haneul’s food even though she complained.

“You have something there.” Chanyeol suddenly said, referring to the cream from the dessert we ate. It was in the corner of her lips but she was cleaning her lips at the other side.

“Pabo.” I whispered and wiped the cream with a tissue, not realizing how close our faces were. I shifted my attention from her lips to her eyes and then back to her lips. Instinctively I leaned forward, but Baekhyun broke the moment when he started screaming in the middle of the road because he saw a cockroach. My eyes were still focused on her lips and my fingers were still holding her chin. I looked up at her eyes and leaned backwards. I took a deep breath before letting go of her completely and ran away as fast as I could.

“Luhan where are you going?!” Chanyeol and Baekhyun shouted while Haneul looked down and walked towards them, telling them to leave me alone for a while.

I sat on a bench, my head tilted backwards while looking at the night sky, I started thinking of what I almost did earlier, before Baekhyun ruined the moment. Actually I’m pretty happy that he shouted, I could’ve ruined my friendship with her… Or maybe something good might have happened! Wait, who am I kidding? I’m talking nonsense now. I don’t know what’s going on with me. I’m losing control of myself!

“LuHan.” A soft and kind voice broke my thoughts. “Are you ok? It’s ok about earlier. I don’t mind it if-”


Narrator’s POV


“Don’t come near me!” He shouted and ran to the guys who were waiting for them. LuHan was worried about what he could do next. He didn’t want to ruin their friendship, not now that it just blossomed.

“What happened to you two?” Chanyeol asked as he looked at him and then back at Haneul.

Baekhyun walked in front of her and asked the same thing, and he got a reply:

“If he wants to avoid me, then I won’t try to bother him for as long as he feels like it.”

Baekhyun smiled and rubbed her head while she smiled at him back.

“I liked the photo you sent to LuHan.” Haneul confessed and Baekhyun started laughing.

“You don’t like me now?” He leaned forward and spoke seductively.

“I didn’t say I don’t.” She replied.

“The you do?” He smirked and Haneul chuckled.

“I do.” She whispered and he patted her head, muttering a thank you and started running to the other guys.

“Where are we going now?” Baekhyun asked with a grin on his face.

“Let’s go at our apartment.” Chanyeol suggested happily. “You can sleep over today.” He said to Haneul and Luhan and they both nodded.




LuHan was sitting next to Haneul on the bus while Chanyeol and Baekhyun were near him. LuHan and Haneul made eye contact but she was the first one to break it.

“If this is what you want… Then it’s fine by me as long as you’re not mad.” She whispered, loud enough for him to hear. He started feeling guilty and wanted to tell her he’s sorry, but then he thought he should take a break from being friends with a girl. Maybe it was the right time for them to start growing apart so Haneul and him would learn how to live without anyone’s help, but again, he was wrong. Like this they were hurting each other and feeding themselves with lies and undiscovered feelings.




“Home sweet home!” Chanyeol and Baekhyun ran inside their house and plopped themselves on their beds.

“Any plans for now?” Baekhyun asked and Chanyeol nodded.

“We’ll sing, play and then sleep.” He replied and they nodded in agreement.

“What about those two?” Baekhyun pointed at LuHan and Haneul.

“I’ll sleep at the couch!” Haneul raised her hand.

“No, your back will hurt!” Chanyeol complained. “You can sleep with me!”

“No.” LuHan whispered to Chanyeol and he nodded.

“Ok, fine. Haneul will sleep on the couch and LuHan will sleep with us.” The three of them started making their beds. “Don’t complain tomorrow Haneul.” Chanyeol shouted and she chuckled.

“I won’t.” She shouted back and placed a pillow on one of the armrests of the couch.


After they finished, they sat in the floor of the living room and started talking about their life. Haneul, Chanyeol and Baekhyun grew closer to each other and they started to know more of their pasts along with their present.

“Can you sing Haneul?” Baekhyun asked while pouting his lips.

“I-I can. I know how to play the guitar and piano too.” She stuttered and nodded.

“Wow~ Then let’s sing together Lonely Night.” Chanyeol said and they nodded.

Chanyeol started playing the guitar and both of them started singing the song. Baekhyun and LuHan listened to them in awe. Their smooth voice, her soft one and his deep one combined together and created a melody that was pleasing to the ears and soul.

When the song finished Baekhyun and LuHan started clapping and telling them how awesome they were.

The night passed with them playing, dancing, singing and joking around like teenagers.

But everything changed during the night.


“We’ll close the lights now. Good night~” Baekhyun sang and closed the lights of their room. Luhan was still inside the bathroom and when he walked outside, he was greeted by a peacefully sleeping bunny. Yes, bunny, Haneul’s nickname is bunny from now on.

“Haneul.” He called her name softly but she didn’t react. He kneeled on the floor and rested his chin on the sofa, getting a full view of her beautiful face. He started at her facial features and he realized he had a real beauty in front of her. A smile left his lips as he leaned forward. Slowly getting nearer and nearer.

It was the time he was finally moving on. Finding a new and better way to live and forget about his past. He had the chance to do things he couldn’t do when it was the right time. And it was the time when people experienced true love.

“Confirm.” He whispered and their lips met. Finally giving his feelings and himself to her, he realized, that the LuHan who used to live once was already gone and there’s a new LuHan living now. With a new life, new opportunities, new challenges and a new feeling he could discover because of a special someone, Love

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It's been 100 hundred years since my last update O_O I know this is a short chapter but I tried my best >< I'm currently having a writer's block!! Sorry guys :(


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Chapter 15: Wae~ I really loved this story Arthurnim!!! :(
But I understand ^^
kittycatlover #2
Chapter 15: Oh no authornim... I really loved this story :_(
krissoom19970 #3
Chapter 15: at least make an end .. just one part .. that he confess to her ..etc...pleaasseee T.T
krissoom19970 #4
Chapter 15: you will not update !! whyyyy T.T .. you ended the story???
Chapter 13: The rest are here! Haha, I know that tagline anywhere xD
And Luhan... Sweet sweet sweet Luhan, why are you so sweet? Marshmallow gives me cavities -.- xD
Chapter 11: I know this story is about LuhanxHanuel but
OMGee Gee Baby Baby Baekhyun! How can you do this to me? You know how much I adore that eye-liner loving boy! Lol xD
Okay, I'll push that aside hurm?
Luhannie...Why so cute? I understand that you're afraid she'll run away or anything but...You're Lu freaking Han! Who would reject you?! Ahaha.
Curious to read the next chappies. Hwaiting neh unnie! (lol, can I call you that?)