

(A/N: THANKS FOR ALL OF MY SUBSCRIBER.. LOVE YOU GUYS.. I to be honest don't even think I will got any subscriber by this lame story.... BUT ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU AANDDD Sorry not update for soooo long time..... School really eat me out.... But now i have holiday for a few days YEY! so here the update.. sorry if this is lame and pretty short.. To be honest I also got writers block hehe sorry agaiiinn..... sooo, please pray for my inspiration to comeback As soon as possible~) 


(The Blue text are flashbackThe Black text are present. sorry for the wrong grammar..)

Jongin stand there full of confuse, until Kyungsoo came.

“Jongin? Hey what happened just now? I saw from a far, Sehun and you are yelling at each other. Are you guys fighting or have some problem?”

Jongin doesnt reply, he reminds quite.



“You’re not listen to me...”

“Aah.... Yeah.... Sorry Kyung... ”


Sehun ran to the music room and cry. He sit on the corner and think that he’s alone there, but he doesn’t recognize that Baekhyun is there too (he is there because he got punishment to clean the music room).

“Sehun? Is that you?”

Sehun panickly erase his tears away

“Baek? What are you doing here?!”

“Punishment from that wicked music teacher again”

“Mr Bang give you punishment again? What have you done this time Baek?”

“Yes Mr Bang, who else? Ah, that doesn’t matter now. AND WHY THE HELL ARE YOU CRYING OH SEHUN?!”

“I’m not crying....”

“Don’t you ever think to lie to me you punk! I know you! So you better tell me what or who made you cry? Is it Jongin?”

Sehun doesn’t reply, but cry again and Baekhyun hug him immediately.


After school was end, Jongin sit in the park near the school, playing his guitar alone. Suddenly Baekhyun came in front of jongin with his furious face.

“Hey Baek what are yo—“

BUUUGGG!!! Baekhyun punch Jongin face with all his might until Jongin’s nose bleeding and his guitar fall to the ground. But before Baekhyun want to punch Jongin more, Chanyeol came and hold Baekhyun.

“Enough Baek enough! He don’t even know  the reason you punch him!”


“Jongin, I really really sorry for what Baek just done to you... I’m really sorry”

With that, Chanyeol drag his boyfriend out of the park, leave Jongin full in pain.


Sehun and Jongin’s friendship never came normal anymore. They barely talk to each other as if they’re just a stranger for each other.

Kyungsoo now looks like a ‘substitute’ because he always with Jongin. Some people even think that they are now dating after Jongin and Sehun “separate”. And Jongin honestly doesn’t like the fact that every one think he dated Kyungsoo. In his opinion, that’s annoying.

To be honest, Jongin miss Sehun so much. He miss how Sehun always there when Jongin play his guitar and then he begged him to teach how to play the guitar but it always end up with Jongin call Sehun dumb and Sehun will pouting cutely. Jongin miss Sehun for all of the moment they ever had. He wanted to clear all of the things so they can be best friend again. But looks like Sehun don’t wanna clear anything between them.

“Hey man! Why are you hugging your guitar like that?”

“Hey Yeol.. ah, it’s Nothing.. Just..Miss someone..”


“You punk! Can you not yelling like that?!”

“Aaah, sorry, just really surprise. Hey don’t blame me, it’s rarely to hear that you miss someone”

“I’m not like you who miss Baekhyun all the time, Jerk”


“What? I said the truth.”

“Yeah whatever. So? Who is the lucky guy that you miss?”


Jongin wide his own eyes and shut his mouth with his palm after Sehun’s name slip without his knowing.

“Please don’t tell him Yeol please”

Chanyeol remains quite for a minute before he asked Jongin with his lower voice

“Kim Jongin.. are you in love with him?!”


“So why the hell you miss him?!”

“Just.... miss him.... I don’t know why... to be honest everytime I played my guitar, I always miss him.. maybe because this guitar... When we on Junior High scool.. me and Him, save our money and bought this guitar together for my birthday present..”

“Just for your information, I heard that Luhan from the class nextdoor have interest on Sehun, and looks like they’re now already as close as you and Kyungsoo. So, think clearly before you late.”

After that, Chanyeol get his bag and go home, leaving Jongin alone in the classroom

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Chapter 3: Gahhhhh love in the airrrrr
CuTAEpie #2
Chapter 3: Teeheeeee sekai <3
ReadRealize #3
Ohhh luhan likes sehun huh. Haha like to see jongin jealous and all. Please update soon
exoxoxo12daebak #4
Update soon author-nim??
Chapter 1: Wow please update again soon :)
Marciakslp #6
This idea seems nice,
update soon, please?
Hoegaarden #7
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^