Chapter One

Safe Haven

"So you didn't get a name."


"Or a description."


"And yet he still wants you to write the article?"

"I guess." A shrug.

"Doesn't that seem a little strange to you?"

"Well, I don't know, maybe he's read some of my stuff and likes my talent."

"What talent?"

The two stopped their stroll and there was a disbelieving sigh from one of them.

"You know, you get a lot of credit for being stupid."

"Alright, alright, when ya gonna meet him?"

"Sometime this week?"

"So soon?"

"Well yeah..."


"His house."

"Hyung, I'm begging you, don't go. He could be some... Creepy old man or something! Phones can be very deceiving that way..."

"I'll be fine, will you stop worrying?"

"No, not until I know you're back and you're safe."

"You'll be waiting a long while then."


"I'm staying there for a couple of weeks."



It would be a lie if Luhan said he wasn't scared. He had a bit of social anxiety, meaning meeting new people was more or less the most terrifying experience ever next to public speaking and singing in front of an audience, or even anywhere nearby his parents. It was a feeling that started in his head and just gradually fell down... If he could sum it up in visual words, it would most likely be stars shooting from the top of his head and raining down while he turns a deathly pale and his pupils dilate. Not a fun time. Nuh uh.

Currently he was sitting on the plane, window seat, staring out at the plains below and constantly popping his ears. He loved plane travel, since he didn't get to do it very much - he and his parents didn't take that many vacations when he was a kid, and this was his first major report for the magazine - but sometimes it was a little annoying. Like when the peanuts were too salty, or his chair wasn't comfy enough, or the person next to him smelled like an old fart.

He mumbled in irritation and tried to lightly poke the elbow on his arm rest back into the person's own private bubble. Don't touch me. He attempted not to shudder violently and gag. Okay, that was mean. That was really mean. But what was he supposed to do?! "Hi, you're gorgeous with your giant wart on your nose and your green skin, can you move your elbow?"

... Slight exaggeration. But you get the idea.

Once the plan touched down - football reference, no? - Luhan was immediately off of the flying vehicle and heading to the restroom. Curse his bladder, it was horrendous. Honestly, it had gone from being funny to just being annoying. He was constantly needing to go, and it was heavily embarrassing, not only to himself but anyone that was with him. Want to watch this two hour long movie?! Nope, need to get up every half hour to pee! Ugh.

It felt like it was five hours later before he finally got into the cab and gave the driver the correct address that he had marked down on a scratch piece of paper. 'XenoX' was printed on the back. What did that mean? Ah well, rubbish. He hummed and settled against the seat, staring out the window. It seemed like all he was doing was go, go, go. Push, push, push until you can't push any more and you collapse. He yawned. He could do with a nice rest. A cat nap? A dog nap? A human nap? How about ten hours? Even that didn't seem like enough. His lower lip puffed out and he pouted, resting his chin on the heel of his hand and grunted when they ran over a bump, causing his arm to punch himself. Owwie.

"We're here." The driver's accent mingled with the words, causing him to not understand very well but he soon was exiting the cab with his single luggage case and staring at the large pearl white house standing upon the hill. It had Grecian influences, definitely, as well as Gothic ones. And leaning against a pillar leading to the black front door was the most handsome sight he had ever seen in a long time. Some part of him made a fist pump and stuck its tongue out at Kai for calling this god an old man.

But why was he giving him that look?

And why could he not stop his feet from quickly approaching and coming closer... closer... closer than he'd like?

And why instead of shaking hands or bowing, he was pressing flush against his chest?

OMO this was going to be an awkward two weeks.

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