Unexpected encounter(s)????

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus)



Cho Kyuhyun's POV (A/N: Mr. Simple was so~~~ OMG! =D)


GOD! What does this girl Eat? She sure looks light. But to know the reality, PLease either step into MY Shoes or lend me your Hands~~=s !!!

This giirl fainted in Dad's office after.....was she spazzing over me?? Obviously, afterall I'm the HOT Cho Kyuhyun.*smirks*

"Did you hang out with Jjong again?"

Hmm...I don't even remember her name. Look! She's gaining back her conciousness.

"Umm...Anneyong hasseyo.", I greet. I'm sitting on a chair near the clinic bed where she's lying.

"Ann..Ann..Anne...ARGH! Ooops! I meann Anneyong hasseyo.", she greeted back stuttering. Apart from her weight, she's quite cute actually.

"You do know who I am, right?" I ask her proudly =D

"OFCOURSE!! Oooops..*laughs nervously*... I mean ofcourse.", she said embarrassed.

"So...may I know your name?", I asked her.

"My name is Asma.", she replied. Asma....It's a weird name. And looking at her features and dress, it seems like she isn't a korean as well. But why do I have a feeling I've heard this name before?

"Are you new here by any chance?",I ask her.

"De. I'm an exchange student from Dubai.", she replied. WHAT? No......NO!!!...This Can't be true!! So She's the famous Asma?

"So YOU'RE the famous Asma?", I ask her shocked.

"Famous? I'm not famous. I'm just a student & it's just my 2nd day here.", she replied giggling.

"No, No, No...You're famous in my home. My dad likes you A LOT!",I reply back.

"BWOH!?", she asked puzzled.

"Oh! Nothing. Just forget I mentioned that.", I reply sheepishly.

"By the way~~, Can I have your AUTOGRAPH PLEASE~~", she asked jumping on the bed while sitting.So she Was spazzing about me? She still had her bag hung onto her shoulders images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRpx2cFgyeJwlOR4WkWk-B (A/N: the 1 on the extreme left). She was a little loud, so I had to "Shushhh" her. I signed it then.

"But where am I?", she asked puzzled while looking at the room.

"You're at the clinic. You had fainted , I carried you here & the nurse told it was due to fatigue. You're here since past 3 hours now. It's 10:30 am by the way.", I replied while checking the time on my wrist watch.

She looked at her wrist watch too and,

"SHOOOOOT! MiNa might be worried & she'll KILL me if I don't show up now. I got to go.", she said panicked while jumping down the clinic bed, wore her sandles & made her way to the door & was about to exit when,

"Oh! By the way, Miane for wasting your time & Gomawo for helping me. Don't worry I won't show off or tell others that it was you who helped me. Anneyong. =)", she said hurriedly & smiled before getting out.

She seemed like other fans for a while, but there's something different about her. Let's hope we meet again...Ms. Asma *smirks*



Asma's POV


OMG! OMG! OMG! I can't believe I Just Met Suju's Kyuhyun!! Am I dreaming?? Let me pinch myself first. *pinches* No pain?? Let me hit my head on that pillar, *hits hard*....OUUUUCH! Ow! ow! ow! So it's not a dream. I....Met....SuJu's....KYUHYUN!!!!! Wow!! Shoot I had to leave 'cause MiNa might be worried about me. I better explain her everything.

Jonghyun's POV

It's 10:45 am now & my Barbie isn't here yet. Oh! My Beauty! Your Beast is here..Where are You my Beauty?? Let's get together and create another beautiful story of 'Beauty & the Beast'...

Is that her?? There she is! I'll get her introduction at Any Cost today.

She seems to be in some sort of hurry since she's sprinting in the Pharmacy Department's hallway with her beautiful, long hair floating in the air behind her. Time for me to make my Dazzzzzling appearance.*smirks*

Asma's POV

I'm running in our department's hallway right now.

*stops with a speed breaker but nearly falls & is saved by someone who catches her before her fall from front*

Wow! Nearly fell & Totally saved! I must thank this person for saving me. His face is still not in view since he's looking on her floor and adjusting himself. But why do I have a feeling I've seen him before?

"Excuse me. I'm sorry for.......", I was just apologizing when he adjusted himself & showed me his face finally. I MUST BE DREAMING FOR SURE THIS TIME!!!

"Hello! I'm Kim Jonghyun.", HE SAID...Kim Jonghyun...Kim Jonghyun....KIM JONGHYUN!!! My Freaking Celebrity CRUSH..is in front of me in 1 Piece, In Reality, Not in my Laptop!! Is this the reality that YOU WANTED???

"Nice to meet you again mystery girl.", he said ily. But What did he say? Again? As far as I remember, we din't meet before. How am I sure? 2 reasons:

1) I'm still alive & in my right senses.

2) He's still in 1 piece & I din't kidnap him yet. Not that I'll actually Kidnap him though. But still!

"Again? Isn't this our first time meeting?", I question him.

"This is our 3rd meeting. ", he said. HOLY PIZZA HUT NO! 3rd meeting??!! Did he meet me in real when I was dreaming about him?

"Our 3rd meeting? No, it's our 1st meeting.", I defend.

"Anyo (no). It's our 3rd meeting, the 2nd meeting today. Still don't remember?", he said. Not possible. I met 3 guys today. The 1st being  that hoodie guy while the 2nd being Cho KYUHYUN *sighs* I still can't get over THAT!..JONGHYUN is the 3rd then. He sure can't be the 1st guy...or is he??

"We met yesterday as well, Lollipop girl.", he said, but kind of smirked this time. Wait...Lollipop..*confused*...LOLLIPOP *shocked*!!!!

"You..You..You were the one I bumped onto yesterday?", I ask shocked while pointing my index finger at him.

"De.", he said nodding.

"S...so..the guy no. 2 who spoke in English was?", I ask him. DON'T tell me it was Key or Onew or Minho...naaaa...he was kind of short. So was it really Key? or Onew??

"Key."This time it wasn't him who replied back. It was Alimighty KEY himself!!! He came from behind another Pillar & replied.

"OMG! Bling Bling Jonghyun & Almighty KEY !!!", I squeeled like a stupid.

"I'm sorry. I din't mean to scare you. But I guess it's my lucky day today. I met 3 favourite Celebrities of mine today. I can't believe this.", I said a little embarrased this time. I think I scared them.

"3 Celebrities? But we're just 2.", they asked together seeming confused.(A/N: I somehow imagined Fred & George from Harry Potter, the Weasly twins, when ever Jonkey spoke together..lol)

"SuJu's Cho Kyuhyun!", I said excitedly. We're still in the hallways by the way.

"Kyuhyun hyung~~!!??", they both asked in chorus.

"De. I had fainted in our Dean's office. So he was the 1 who took me to the clinic.", I said embarrased again.

"He took You!!?", they both looked shocked while asking that.

"D..De.", I replied shocked by their tone.

"Did he piggy back you?", asked key.

"Did he pick you bridal style?", Jonghyun asked.

Why are they asking me such embarrasing questions???

"I donno. I was unconscious.", I said shyly. This is Embarrasing!!

OMO! Why do my cheecks feel hot? Maybe due to fatigue and all the fainting crap.

They went silent after my answer. WAIT! What time is it?..11:00am ALREADY!! No~~ I missed 4 hours of my precious lectures today. I better rush for the next lecture.

"Miane but I Really need to rush now. I'm So~~ happy to meet 2 idols of my TOP favourite kpop band. But  I need to make my move now. I wish I could be able to get your autographs but I don't have the time to do so right now. =( Anneyong hasseyo.", I say sadly & Run to my next lecture. I'm so~~ Dead.

You might be wondering of why din't I just get their autographs & spent some more time with them while being a nuisance I usually am. Though 90% of my heart wanted to do so, but the remaining 10%  reminded me of the real purpose I'm in SNU. I can't let my fangirlism take over my responsibilities as a daughter & a student =(

Author's POV

Awww...My poor baby. I know how sad she might be feeling right now. But don't worry my dear, your life will soon experience rollercoaster rides. Is she listening to my POV by any chance???

".....", no answer. YESS!! She isn't



At Pharmacology lecture

MiNa's POV

Where is Asma? I'm seriously worried sick about her. I sent her more than 20 text messages till now but she hasn't replied to even a single one yet. I hope she's alright. *sighs*

Author's POV

Asma makes a speedy entry into the lecture room & balances herself after getting in. She takes the lecturer's permission after apologizing & takes her seat next to MiNa's since it was vacant fortunately.

MiNa's POV

Thank GOD she's finally here. I'll ask her about her late appearance later after the class.


Jonghyun's POV

"Yes! Yes! YES! I was able to introduce myself to her Finally.", I said happily.

"But I think what you needed to do more than introducing yourself was.....tell me hyung?", Key asked while grinning evily with his arms crossed near his chest.

What was it? I introduced myself & wanted her to introduce herself....Oh No WAIT!!!

"She din't introduce herself, did she?", I ask Key shocked.

"BINGO!!! Hyung why don't you start excercising that little brain of yours rather than building up your useless body? You really need to do that.", Key said sarcastically.

"AISH! I was so excited to introduce myself. And after I happened to touch her soft skin while saving her, I forgot everything else. What should I do now =(((", I started winning.

"Simple. We'll meet up with her during lunch time.", Key simply stated.

"Wow!! You're a Genious Key-ah. I'm proud you're my best friend.", I said while hugging him..actually more like squeezing him.



At Lunch

Asma's POV

I explained everything to MiNa & I still can't get over my experience I had today. It really might be my lucky day. I'm having my lunch with MiNa right now in the cafeteria.

"So, you mean your 1st encounter with SHINee was yesterday? But you couldn't recognise them since they were disguised?", MiNa asked calmly. Oh! I also told her about Kyuhyun. She isn't just anyone you see. =p

"De. And they weren't simply disguised. They were Overly disguised. But I couldn't get their autographs =(", I said sadly.

"Oh! I see.", she simply said. MiNa isn't rude anymore as she was on our 1st meeting. =)

Jonghyun's POV

Ooops! I'm late today since I had to go & meet the lecturers whose lectures I missed today 'cause I was trying to stalk my Lollipop girl. But I din't tell them the truth obviously. I made up some lie & got out.

Hmm...so she's here in the cafeteria with the same girl from yesterday & having her lunch. PERFECT time to approach her.

Key's POV

Where is hyung going? Don't tell me...he's trying to approach the Mystery girl. It's too crowded right now. Is he Stupid!!! It's Public this way & he'll get into headlines if he does that. I Must stop him.

Wow!! I don't think I'll need to stop him anymore since he's stopped by the crowd of fangirls & other despos' already. Ewww! They're so clingy. Poor hyung. He might not be enjoying this at the moment. But it's too~~ funny. Hehehe..Let me enjoy the show then.

Jonghyun's POV

UGH!! ;s I'd usually enjoy myself for being clinged on by these many pretty girls, but I somehow feel disgusted & angry right now. I NEED to get Mystery girl's introduction!!

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no~~!! She's leaving & I can't even stop her UGH!!! 

NO~~~! SHE LEFT!!!!

Key's POV

Hehehehehe....Ouch! Ouch! My stomach hurts due to the laugh I'm having right now. This is SERIOUSLY HIL.LA.RI.OUS! Jonghyun hyung's face is so Priceless at the moment. hehehehe..OUCH! OUCH! APA~~ hehehe..

Onew's POV

WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH KEY! It's fine if he's laughing, but why the HELL is he hitting ME while laughing like a MANIAC!?? Ouch! My thigh hurts now. If he continuous doing this, my thigh will go numb soon. But something caught my eyes just now.

"Hey Key! Stop hitting me & look there. Do you see that girl over there whose leaving the cafeteria?", I ask Key while pointing at the girl from earlier.

"That? The 1 with a different dressing style than others? The Mystery girl??", he asked. Mystery girl?

"Mystery girl? Anyways, don't you think we've seen her somewhere before?", I ask him puzzled.

"She's the same girl from yesterday on the Lollipop stall.", he replied casually.

Lollipop stall? Lol..lli..LOLLIPOP STALL!!! Yesss That's it!!! Now I remember where I had seen her before.

"I remember now! And she's the same girl who was being carried by Kyuhyun hyung this morning.", I say Key.

"De. By the way, how did you know that Kyuhyun hyung carried her?", Key asked confused.

"I saw. That's how I know.", I simply reply.

"BWOH!", Jonghyun jumped into the conversation from I donno where.

"You Saw her being carried?", Jjong asked.

"De.", I replied again.

"How was it? Was it on a piggy back?", Key asked curiously.

"OR was it bridal style?", Jjong asked more curiously.

"Bridal style.", I reply confused at their reactions.

Their reaction is like O.O..or more like :0

But why are they behaving like this?

Author's POV

Now that these 3 masterpieces are in their own world, let's try speeding up the day, shall we? *_^


Hours later, 4:10 pm

Asma's POV

The day is finally over. I'm tired from all the running & excitement I experienced today. We are already heading to our rides, me to my cute pink bicycle & MiNa to her scooty.

"Hey MiNa, why don't you come over to my apartment this Friday?", I ask her.

"This Friday? Not a bad idea. I don't have anything planned either. I'll also help you with the missed out portions =).", she said smiling

"So DONE!", I said stretching out my right hand for a shake.

"DONE!", she said in the same tone I used & shook hands with me.

"Ok then, Bye~~!", we both said together & laughed at our spontaneous reaction.

Author's POV

They both parted their ways, but little did Asma know that someone was stalking her. Not a new thing for her being oblivious though since her brain works just 10% in her practical life anyways. Our forever cluless heroin.

"YAH! Be careful while riding that bike!"

"OK. =D"

************************************************************************* ^_^ *********************************************************************************

Hey readers! So seems like the chapter ended with a cliffhanger. Now keep hanging on the cliff till the next update & keep your hold tight.

Woooo O.o...Our heroin got a stalker now..hehehe

As you can judge by now, these two previous chapies, chap 8 & 9 were C.R.A.P. And boring. But, HEY Come on! I wrote these 2 chappies with a headache. But I can't take that reason as an excuse. I'll try my best to make the coming chapters interesting.

Oh! I nearly forgot, THNX a LOT for reading, commenting & SUBSCRIBING to my story.

I really got SHOCKS (I can hear B2ST's "Shock" being played in my mind right now ;p) when I came back from my short absence & saw i got 19 SUBBERS MAN!!! I had 4 subbers only initially. So GOMAWO chingus. I thank my critics again for pointing out my faults. It really MEANS a LOT to me. GOMAWO.

OK! I think this is the LONGEST A/N I've ever had. So, I'll stop here for now. 

Till then, this is Ashmy...signing off ^^

Jaljayo & Anneyong~~~ ^_^

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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up