Day 1 in Seoul (part 2)

How my life changed in Seoul. (Hiatus)

(A/N: I have added some links in this chap. to bring some special effects. click on the provided links whenever mentioned)

(click the link: )

Jonghyun's POV

After coming back to reality, I noticed that she was quite silent & in some deep thoughts. She looks so beautiful even though she has not done any sort of make-up. Is that Lipgloss on her lips? O.K. Apart from the Lipgloss, she is simple yet elegant. And I'm SURE Key thinks the same too

Now I know why the Ahjumma gave her that Best Lollipop for free. She looks really pure & innocent.

Time to SHOW OFF my charms...Let's start a conversation Bling Bling Jonghyun. Show her how charming you are. But will she fall for my charms even though I'm pretty much overly disguised? It's worth a try anyways. On the count of 3! 1....2....and~~~ 3!

"Ahem, Ahem", I fake coughed. GREAT KIM JONGHYUN. JUST GREAT!! WHAT AN AWESOME WAY to start the conversation. *he's being sarcastic to himself*

"Oh!  Miane..Hmm..I mean mianhamnida..I din't know there was someone behind me.", she sincerely apologized. Is it just me, or is her voice really sweet? Time to SERIOUSLY show your charm Bling Bling.*smirks mentally*

"Naa Gwenchana. It's alright. No big deal." Hmmm...Is it enough to impress her? I wonder.

"Are you alright? Did you get hurt anywhere by any chance?" STUPID KEY interrupted. I don't even know what he meant by it since he said that in English. Let's see how she responds.

"Anyo, Anyo. No big deal. It was just a normal bumping. Nothing much.". WOW!! She replied back in ENGLISH. And her accent & pronunciation are seriously no joke. Is she majoring in English? But anyways, I still don't know what they're talking about.*sad face*. I'll ask Key to tell me later.

So saying that, she noticed us in our overly done disguises & seems kind of confused or lost in her own world of thoughts AGAIN. I guess she loves thinking a lot. Just then, she notices the time on her wrist watch & starts to panic.

"Ah! I need to go now. I'm running late already. Sorry again for the bumping incident.", she said in korean. WHAT! She's LEAVING? Oh no! Oh no! Oh no! She bids farewell to the Ahjumma while rushing on her bicycle.

        Wow. Her hair is like literally floating in the air due to her speed. Hmm...din't she mention going to SNU? Guess we'll meet again mystery girl.*smiles WIDE*.

Wait! Oh no! She's GONE..SHE'S GONE...GONE~~!!! I'm not panicking b'cause she's like 'Gone' gone. But b'cause Key is going to make my day a LIVING HELL now.






O.K....This is weird. 1 minute has passed off already but Key has not started the torture yet. Something smells fishy...or..maybe..JUST Maybe..he forgot about it.

"BHUHUHAHAHAHA..KYAAAAA~~~~!!!", Key laughed suddenly. O.K. I take my words back of him forgetting about it. But SERIOUSLY, is he SERIOUSLY a guy?? The way he laughed like a weirdo and with such a SHRILL voice!

"HYUNG! I was RIGHT! I told you she isn't a korean. Ofcourse I knew it even without seeing her face. Because I'm Almighty KEY & Because you are STUPID. BLEEEEEEHHH *mehrong*.", I simply HATE it when he acts like this.

"But hyung, I'm quite impressed by her. She isn't a korean. And she seems to be new here too. But her Korean accent & vocabs are really worth praising. And her English BLEW OFF my mind!", Key exclaimed. You can imagine him with a WIDE grin & WIDE eyes(which were tiny initially) with his eyebrows shooting over his forehead. It sure is a humorous sight to see.

"Well I got impressed too." If you're thinking that I told this, then you're absolutely WRONG! It's your Mr. Flaming Charisma Minho, who owns that SHORT line.

I wonder why did he title himself as the 'Flaming Charisma'? He should be named as 'The Silent Hulk'.

"YAH~! Taeminnie, don't eat all the lollipops. The ahjumma needs to do her business too. Now finish purchasing & let's get going to the university. It's late already." said Minho.

Hmm...Key is busy torturing me. Minho is busy with breaking up Tae & his Lollipops' relationship. So the 1 left unnoticed is............ONEW HYUNG! Where is he?

"Ahjumma, do you have chicken lollipops here?" O.K. Here he is. Yes, it's Onew hyung asking that 1 of a kind question.*saying boringly*

"AIGO! Imma. You don't get chicken Lollipops in 'Lollipop stalls'. The Ahjumma replied while laughing."You get them in restaurants serving chicken.", she added.

"But isn't chicken Lollipop also lollipop?", Onew hyung questioned.

As soon as he asked that LAME question, the atmosphere became REALLY AWKWARD and we all gasped..except for him obviously..& sang, " Whatever he does is Onew Sangtae~." The Ahjumma knows us and so she too knows about this and sang with us..hehe

"PSHHH!! YAH! Boys let's go. We're way~~~~ late than usual today. Palli, Palli (hurry in korean)", Onew hyung panicked after noticing the time. Fine then, let's go to SNU. Mystery girl, HERE I come.


( click the link: )

(A/N: there's a part where I've given a link below. when I mention to click that link, click it and read that POV..and when I say to stop, stop there..u can resume the above given link after that :D )

                                                     AT SNU

Author's POV

             Our Asma finally reached the university, but was late by 10 minutes. So her speeding up as a hare was a waste. PSHHH!! Deserves her right.

(click on the link NOW : )

"My dear, mean, violent, saddist Author. Do you have any grudge against me? What did I do wrong to be treated like that? I even warked hard and got scholarship & became an exchange student because you wanted me to. :( ", Asma said sadly. poor baby~~.(A/N: STOP the music now and continue with the previous link above) NOW GET BACK TO THE PLOT WILL YOU!!

O.K.! So Asma goes into the Dean's Office & here is where our story continues...

Asma's POV

O.K. I'm In the Dean's Office. His name is Mr. Cho DeHan. He's not only the Dean of the Health Major, but is also the Vice Chairman of SNU.

Usually, I'm really confident & brave whenever I come across the Deans & Principals. But I'm quite nervous right now since he's ALSO the Vice Chairman of this Prestigious University. Right now, I'm standing infront of his desk.

"So, Ms. Asma right?", he asked.

"De", I replied confidently, but I am as scared as a mouse from inside.

"Don't get nervous. Think of me as your father."He told. Hmm...I guess I know why he's so respected now. Just a 'De' from my lips made him understand that I was nervous.

"So, since it's your first day in Seoul as well as in SNU, I hope you'll get comfortable with the people & surroundings here soon.", he said smiling.

"I'll try sir.", I replied, but this time, I wasn't nervous anymore.

"You were able to get the scholarship and were also able to become an exchange student all the way from Dubai in our Prestigious University. You understand what it means right?", he said. I nodded. " Your academic performance is quite impressive. I wish you all the best for your future in this university starting now." he added smiling.

I just nod my head again in approval.

" Inorder to get you familiar with the University's environment, surroundings & all the Lecture halls, I've already arranged 1 of our best students to you for a week. *Only if it were my son who would have been that boy, I'd have been the happiest right now (he thinks) * He should be coming any second now." He said. Hmm....someone escorting me! I wonder who is it.

'Knock. Knock'

"May I come in Sir?", asked a voice from outside the Office.

"Yes. Please do." The Dean said smiling wider.

The door opened & a boy entered. He's quite tall & I guess he is older than me.

"Ms. Asma, this is Mr. Park JaeKyu & he is the 1 who'll be escorting you for a week. Mr. Park, this is Ms. Asma, the exchange student I talked about earlier. Please greet each other now.", the Dean introduced us..GOD! It feels like I'm attending a marriage interview. I wonder if the Dean's jaws ever hurt from the continuous smiling he does.

"Anneyong hasseyo", we both chorus together while slightly bowing to each other.

"O.K. students, you can leave now. I again wish you all the best Ms. Asma. And nearly all the Professors and Lecturers are looking forward to your arrival. Don't disappoint them.O.K,? You may go now." I guess he practices the laughing excercise every morning since he said ALL those sentences while smiling AGAIN! To think about it, our WHOLE conversation was like a 'Happy Go Lucky' type. But the contents were rather serious.

And so, we, I mean Park JaeKyu & I, left the Dean's Office together & I guess he'll be escorting me through out the day for today LITERALLY since he's actually CLINGING onto me now...This is going to be tough I suppose.


(click the link: )

On the other side,

Jonghyun's POV

We arrived at the University 30 minutes late. But luckily, the assigned Lecturer hasn't shown up yet. So we're safe. Now all I need to do is inquire about the mystery girl. But HOW? Hmm..I guess I'll wait for the lunch hour to inquire about her. I wonder what her name might be? I wonder what her ethnicity would be? Key said he thinks that she is an Indian though. I wonder how old she is? But most importantly, I wonder if she knows about US..about SHINee! How long is it for the lunch time anyway? It's 8:10 am. AISH!! Lunch time is at 1:00 pm, so it means I have to wait for 5 MORE HOURS???? TTTT!!!

Key's POV (A/N: First time, I know)

So the Author FINALLY gave me my POV. Glad she did or else I had started wondering if she simply mentioned my name in the 'characters' section out of boredom.

"KEY! Do you want to get on my black list now?" The boring Author obviously.*yawns*

Anyways, I don't want to start a 'CAT FIGHT' here. Not atleast at my POV's cost!

Back to the scene...

It's SO~~~GOD DAMN FUNNY to watch Jonghyun hyung right now. Why?? B'cause his face has nearly ALL the expressions plastered one could have ALL TOGETHER. His face is turning from white to pink, pink to red showing different emotions like puzzled, sad, excited, dazed, angry, frustrated, happy aaaaand~~~ Back to being frustrated now.

        I seriously wonder what is he thinking about that he's making such weird faces unconsciously. He was perfectly fine a while ago though. Hmm...WAIT! Don't tell me he's thinking about that mystery girl we saw at the lollipop stall!! BINGO!!...I guess that's the answer.

Time to confirm...hehehe *laughs evily* I'll act normal 1st.

"Hey Jjong hyung. What are you thinking about?", I asked. Let's see if he answers.

".................." No answer.

"What a HOT professor!" Let's see if he responds to THIS now.

".............." still no response. Time to hit on the IRON ROD NOW while it's still hot.

"HYUNG! Is that the mystery girl from the lollipop stall this morning?" I exclaimed excitedly.

"WHERE? WHERE? WHERE?" he questions while standing up furiously & searching everywhere in the cafeteria.'s SO FUNNY! I started laughing hysterically at his reaction LOUDLY...HEHEHEHE..OUCH! OUCH! My stomach hurts now..hehehehe

"YAH! KIM KIBUM! I thought you were serious. AISH! I should have known that you were just playing around. Because that's what you have been doing since past 1 HOUR! AAAAAAAAASHSHSH!!" he exclaimed. His face is WORTH watching now. I feel bad for those readers who can't imagine it 'cause it's SERIOUSLY VERY FUNNY.

"MIANE hyung. But you look really retarded and funny at the moment". I said laughing.

By the way, it's just me, Onew hyung & Jjong hyung in the cafeteria. Minho is attending his vocal classes & Taeminnie has his own study schedule, which, by the way, is totally PACKED for today. Poor Maknae, Mondays are usually cruel on him.

We three older ones are free since I have already mastered this class of mine & Jjong hyung & Onew hyung are free as well since their subject lecturer din't show up today.

But that mystery girl sure was quite impressive. I BET she knows 3 languages already. And her sense of fashion was good too. I mean, she was simple without any make-up yet was elegant at the same time.(A/N: JONKEY hehehe..Jjong had guessed it right)

By the way, Jjong hyung was the one who nick-named her as the 'Mystery Girl'. So I'm going with the flow.(A/N: I guess Jjong LOVES nick-naming others..poor Minho doesn't evn know about him being named as "The Silent Hulk" by him. ^_*).

I feel mischievious now. Time to mess up with Jjong Hyung again. I simply LOVE teasing him. He reacts to it you see :P.

*********************************************************** ^_^ **********************************************************************

HELLO~ HELLO~ hehehe

Ashmy here my LOVELY readers. Day 1 isn't over yet. there's A LOT more to come. 

I want to thank all of my readers for reading and supporting me AND subscribing to it as well...

I would specially like to thank my LOVELY DONGSAENGS here on AFF..@Lila1414...@HaeRin...@dolitle123...@SangHee..AND last but not the LEAST.@Ruby97..ofcourse my real life sis Nidhi too who is my critic for each chapter (though I have to force her EVERYTIME)

I hope this chapter wasn't as boring as my previous chapters were. looking forward to ur comments and opinions. 

Till then..this is Ashmy, signing OFF for now.




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ali1993 #1
Seriously women your fic is amazing. Best fic I've read so far, and reading this fic i can tell that your writing has hugely. Improved. No joke but I've lost count on how many times I've read this fic. And the stalky no min woo is a brilliant idea. And at the same time sooooo hot :D keep it up and update and good luck :D
Chapter 35: ANNYONG! :D
Stalker is back *narrows eyes

The chapter was great, sorry didn't comment before. Your writing has really evolved over time. And I just can't get over how you can put humour to make it haeppy haeppy :D

Keep it up unnie!
Chapter 34: WOOO!
I really loved the chapter! After so long and so amazing that too, I loved it :D
Do continue! Let's see what this obsessed person does next! *biting nails
- Sasaeng halmoeni
Hi dee! *waves frantically
First of all congratulations. I've seen you only improving with each chapter and this one was no exception. Things happen to us when we least expect it don't they? In the most unexpected ways possible.
I loved his part of the story, he seems so obsessed with her! *squels
Keep up the good work Dee! ~Hwaiting and Fighting!
Good luck for college, i'm sure i'm gonna see your picture in the newspaper next year getting that prize from Sheikh Mohd.! :D
:O gorgeous stalker! No, seriously! O.O

Nice chapter by the way, filling in stuff helps explain everything better! You've improved heaps! Your description of No Min Woo was excellent if I may say so myself :)
The stalker is pretty impressive! I liked the chapter, it clearly shows how obsessed people act. (Ask me if I were in korea and i had the chance to meet Suju i'd turn into a sasaeng as well) (then again, no, just no :P )

I loved the chapter dee! Keep up the good work :D
Take care and keep writing xD
Chapter 6:
Auther-nim you are so mean!! \(>.<)/!!
aww getting the stares eh? x'D I know that feeling :P (But in a different situation)
Dawww Asma finally made a friend!
Chapter 5:
It looks like the story is going ahead now!
Loved the JongKey part x'D
love the way how you gave the songs to listen while reading ~ ^_~
Yeah, so this chapter is cute and all. Still awaiting to find out who the stalker is. Found two typos while reading.

1. Likening. You have a liking for dogs.
2. Weak instead of week.
It's so well written! :D
Unnie is becoming better and better every time I see her! It was so good of MiNa to take care of Asma, she's a good friend.
I thought for a second there that the old doctor is the stalker but NOOO, and I found a speciality of our very despised stalker, he smirks a lot, but who smirks a lot.
Aish! I'm wondering who it is :P

Keep the good work up