Chapter 27

Shadows of Love

Charmaine stared woodenly at the reflection in the mirror. There were dark circles under her eyes and her complexion was too pale. Overall, she looked ghastly, not what a soon-to-be bride should look. She had found each day more miserable than the last as her wedding day drew near. Every time her phone rang she anxiously hoped it was Raymond but he never called. She didn’t blame him. After all, she was going to marry Joe and had outright told Raymond that there could never be together. Yet, those words belied what she was truly feeling. She missed Raymond so much that it was killing her. Whenever she gets into one of her depressed states, Joe would try to soothe her. She appreciated it but no matter how tender and caring Joe is, he is not Raymond. Picking up the train of her wedding dress, she headed back into the dressing room and absently passed by Joe without seeing him.

Joe’s hand shot out to catch her by the wrist, “What’s on your mind that is so important that you didn’t even see your future husband sitting her waiting for you?”

Charmaine snapped out of her trance and looked at Joe with confusion, “Oh. I’m sorry. I was debating on which gown to pick.”

Joe knew she was lying but didn’t bring it up. He took her hand and led her to stand with him before the mirror. “In a few more weeks we’ll be married. Aren’t you as happy as I am?”

“Of course I am,” Charmaine replied looking back at him through the mirror. “I want our wedding to be special and I can’t seem to make up my mind which gown to pick.”

Joe chuckled as he slid his arm around her waist from behind, “You look beautiful in anything. Why not buy both?”

Charmaine turned her head up to look at him, “What? A bride should not have two wedding gowns. It’s bad luck!”

“I’m not superstitious,” Joe said. “If you like them both then we’ll get both of them.”

Charmaine laughed softly, “No. I’ll take the one I’m wearing now. What do you think?”

Joe studied her with appreciation from the mirror and said, “Like I said, you look beautiful in anything.”

Charmaine smiled and pulled away from him, “I better get changed or we’ll be late for your chemo session.”

Joe said, “It’s been cancelled till next week.”

“When was it cancelled? How come you didn’t tell me earlier?” Charmaine asked.

Joe pinched her nose, “I cancelled it when you were changing before. I remembered that we have dinner tonight with Michael and I don’t want to show up all pale and exhausted.”

Charmaine’s heart jumped. That would mean seeing Raymond again. She wouldn’t be able to see him and not have her emotions riled up again. In a casual voice she said, “Why don’t you go yourself? I’ll stay home and look over the wedding preparations.”

Joe looked at her with a glint in his eyes and said, “We must go. Michael insists that everybody comes. It’s a farewell dinner for Raymond and since you know him too it’s only polite that you come with me.”

Charmaine looked at Joe with surprise on her face. Quickly, she masked it and said offhandedly, “Really? Where is he going?”

Joe continued to watch her and said, “Michael told me that Raymond is leaving the country and will not be back.”

Charmaine felt her heart drop and hoped that her face won’t show the misery that she is feeling. “I’m going to get changed,” she said weakly and rushed into the dressing room. Once inside, she slid to the floor and cried.


Ron leaned against the hydrant as he waited for Tavia to emerge from her building. He knew she should be leaving around now to head over to the restaurant. Finally, he caught sight of her and raced towards her, “Tavia! Tavia!”

Tavia froze when she saw him and looked coolly at him, “What are you doing here?”

Ron looked sheepishly at her and said, “I’ve been waiting for you. I’ll drive you to the restaurant.”

“No thanks,” Tavia said and walked briskly past him.

“Wait,” Ron cried out, “How long are you planning on being mad at me? I told you how sorry I am about everything.”

Tavia stared at him and said, “Saying sorry is not enough. You ruined the lives of two people for your own selfish reasons. I don’t want to be with someone that ruthless!”

“You think I wanted things to turn out like this?” he screamed. “Raymond is my best friend! I would never hurt him intentionally. At that time I didn’t know she meant that much to him.”

Tavia looked at him, her expression wavering. She walked up to him and said, “It’s too late for excuses. The only thing you could do is make amends.”

Ron sighed and asked, “What do you want me to do in order for you to forgive me?”

“It’s not me that you need forgiveness from, it’s Raymond and Charmaine. Tell them the truth,” Tavia suggested as she watched the display of emotions on his face.

Ron shook his head, “No. I can’t. Raymond would hate me for what I’ve done. He would never forgive me.”

Tavia placed a hand on his arm and softly said, “You’ve been living with this secret for such a long time, don’t you think it’s time he knew the truth.”

“Even if I told him the truth what difference will it make? Charmaine is still going to marry Joe and I would lose my best friend. I don’t see what advantage there is by my telling the truth.”

“It may not make any difference to them but it makes a big difference to me. I want my boyfriend to be an honorable person and if you can’t be that person then I don’t want to be with you.”

“Tavia…,” Ron started but she cut him off with a finger to his lips.

“Think about what I said,” she then turned and left.

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Chapter 42: Lol, wow, I didn't see that ending coming. I was wondering what was going on with Jess and Micheal.
charray #2
Wow I never see this fic before Simcon, can't wait to start to read now!!! Thanks so much!!!