Chapter 10

Shadows of Love

Joe took his eyes off the road in front and glanced at Charmaine. She was extremely quiet and had been that way since she returned from the ladies room. He saw Raymond getting up the moment Charmaine left the table. He had been tied down in a conversation with Michael, so he didn’t get up to follow and investigate. When she returned, she looked a bit pale. Raymond returned a minute later, also looking strained. Now, as he drove her home, he needed to know what Raymond had said or done to her. “Did something happen at the restaurant?”

Surprised by the question, Charmaine turned to him, “No. Why would you think that?”

Joe shrugged and neutrally said, “You just seem kind of different when you came back from the ladies room. I also noticed that Raymond left right after you did and returned when you did too. You could tell me the truth did he make a pass at you?”

Charmaine smiled weakly at him. She didn’t want Joe to know about her past with Raymond. It would complicate things. Flippantly, she said, “He didn’t make a pass at me. He was trying to ask me out. I told him that I was with you and after a while he finally got the message.”

Joe was relieved and took her hand. He pressed a soft kiss on her knuckle, “If I know him, he won’t give up that easily. It’s not the first time that he stole a woman from me.”

“What do you mean?” Charmaine asked curiously.

Joe placed both his hands on the steering wheel as he recited what had caused the rift between Raymond and himself. “It was over a year ago. I was dating this woman and Raymond saw her, wanted her and made a move on her. At first, she refused him but after a couple of more tries on his part, she dumped me for him.”

“What happened to that woman? I mean, how long did they last?” she asked, but she already knew the answer.

Joe turned his gaze on her, “He dumped her a few days later. None of his girlfriends last more than a week. Women fall for him easily because they find him charming. He promises them the world. But in the end, their fates are all the same - cast away like an old shoe.”

Charmaine turned and looked out the window. In a quiet voice she said, “I won’t fall for him.”

Joe pulled the car to the side and turned to look at her. “The other day, Raymond told me straight out that he’s going to take you away from me. Should I worry?”

Charmaine lifted her eyes to his and said with determination, “You have nothing to worry about. I’m happy with you.”

Joe smiled and cradled her cheeks, “That’s why I love you. When you commit yourself, you commit wholeheartedly.”

Taking his hands into hers, Charmaine said, “I’m not a fool to choose someone who has dozens of girlfriends and incapable of loving only one over someone who has proven with his patience and understanding that I’m the only one for him.”

Joe was elated with her answer and pulled her in for a fierce hug.


Raymond ditched his date outside the restaurant when everyone had gone their separate ways. She wasn’t happy about it of course, but Raymond didn’t care. Without giving her another glance, he left her standing alone. He heard her screaming curses at him but that didn’t bother him. All that was in his mind was Charmaine. When he returned to their table he tried to meet her gaze. But she refused to meet them, keeping her eyes completely out of his range. He found Joe’s eyes on him every now and then and he glared back in return. Now as he walked alone down the half empty street, he kept replaying Charmaine’s words to him over and over ‘To me, you are dead…’ ‘you are dead...’ ‘you dead…’ The words twisted at his heart. Feeling a tear slip out of the corner of his eye, he rubbed his face.

“Raymond!” Ron called out from behind.

Raymond turned around slowly and saw Ron, along with Tavia, walking towards him. “I thought you guys left already.”

“We did. We were driving by and saw you,” Ron explained as he looked intently at Raymond, noting his red rimmed eyes and sour expression, “Man, you look like crap!”

Raymond tried to smile and joked, “Thanks. You sure know how to give out a compliment.”

Ron could tell that something was bothering his friend. Putting an arm around his shoulders, he said, “Let’s grab a beer,” already pulling him in the direction of his car.

Raymond looked at Tavia inquiringly, “Are you coming with us?”

Tavia turned to Ron for an answer and silently reading his thoughts said, “Maybe another time. I just remembered I have something that I had to do at home right now.”

Ron left Raymond and walked with Tavia to the curb to hail a cab. Softly he said, “Thanks. I’m sorry but I can tell something is troubling Raymond. Can I get a raincheck on the drinks?

Tavia smiled, “You go tend to him. We’ll get together another time. You have my number.” A cab pulled over and she jumped in. Lowering the window, she said, “Call me.” Ron nodded.

Raymond and Ron walked to Ron’s car, parked down the corner. Instead of going to a bar, Ron drove them home. When they were seated in the comfort of the living room, beers in hands, Ron turned to Raymond, “Out with it. What’s bothering you?”

“Nothing,” Raymond said, picking up the remote and switching on the TV.

Ron swiped the remote out of his hand and shut the TV off. “I know something is bothering you. So either tell me now or be prepared for a night of endless nagging from me.”

Raymond actually managed a smile, “Ron, you’ll make a great mother someday.”

“Well we’ll leave that for the future. For now, I just want to be a friend to you.”

Raymond tossed his empty beer can onto the coffee table and sank back onto the lushness of the couch. “I’ve been thinking a lot about my past actions and am regretting some stuff that I did.”

Ron had a suspicion on what it was and blurted, “It’s Charmaine isn’t it?” He saw the turmoil in Raymond’s eyes, “When I saw her at the ball, I thought she looked familiar. Her name didn’t ring a bell at that time. But tonight, you were watching her like a hawk and suddenly I knew who she was.”

Raymond sighed and achingly said, “We talked and she told me to leave her alone.”

Ron didn’t understand what the problem was, “So leave her alone then.”

“I can’t,” Raymond fumed, “I haven’t forgotten her at all!”

Ron stared at him with wide eyes of shock, “She’s with Joe now! Let me tell you this, he also noticed that you were staring at his girlfriend all night long and judging by the way he looked, he’s wasn’t too pleased about it.”

Raymond looked at Ron and coolly said, “I don’t care about him. I just want Charmaine back and I’m going to get her back no matter what.” Abruptly Raymond stood up and walked to his room, slamming the door behind him.

Ron bent his head in frustration realizing that he too also regretted what he did in the past. The secret that he has kept for four years has been hurting his friend all this time and he would never be able to make up for it.

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Chapter 42: Lol, wow, I didn't see that ending coming. I was wondering what was going on with Jess and Micheal.
charray #2
Wow I never see this fic before Simcon, can't wait to start to read now!!! Thanks so much!!!