Meet, Make Up, and A New Start

Memories in a Photo Album

So, this is a sequel of Goodbye Summer, I want to apologize first if it took so long, and sorry if there are errors, improper choices of words, tenses, if it’s too short, cliche, well, basically, if it lacks xD oh! and please ignore the nonexistent timeline too xD

Happy birthday/belated birthday too for my lovely-but-sometimes-I-love-to-tease unnie~ feelgyo

Enjoy~ ^^


Meet, Make Up, and A New Start


"Aish... Minbong-ah, why are you dragging me to the hospital?"

"Eric-ah! You have to! I don't want you to be sick, we have lots of work to go through at ShinCom, don't you dare making me do all the work!"

"Okay, okay! You don't have to literally pulling me to the checking room, do you?"

My Co-CEO, Lee Minwoo, forced me to see a doctor this morning, so I could get checked and got medicines. This man, it’s just a simple flu and I’m not going to die.

I look around my surrounding, typical, well, Minwoo brought me to one of the best hospital in South Korea, so it’s more extravagant than usual hospital. One of the nurses is rushing out from an emergency room, trying to find the doctor in charge. After the doctor is found, they walk past us from behind and the doctor unintentionally brushes my shoulder making me stop in my track.

When they are getting further in front of us, something catch my eyes, an identification card, the doctor must have dropped his identification card when he walked, I try to call him but he has gone to one of the rooms.

I take a look at the identification card, and freeze instantly. The name on the card is Shin Hyesung...


when someone you are ready to let go appears in front of you, what will you do?


It was a busy day for Hyesung, some emergency situations happened in the hospital and he had to attend, being one of the most important and respectable doctors in the hospital gave him quite a burden actually. He was one of best graduate from Kyoto University in medical field, people recognised his talent, young and humble, he quickly climbed his way up in the hospital.

After graduating, some big hospitals from several countries already offered him a position with a big payment, but he decided to choose the one located in South Korea, Seoul to be exact. He didn't aim to get a big payment, he just wanted to apply his skill, and he didn't know why he chose to work in Seoul.

After attending the emergency patient, Hyesung walked back to his office, there he passed by one of his colleague's office. His colleague was talking to someone, most likely his patient, when he unintentionally looked into the room, he saw a very familiar face. His collaguage suddenly looked at his direction, he flinched and quickly walked past the room, hoping he wouldn't be seen by the visitor of the room. Hyesung wasn't aware of his surrounding as a lot of things were going around in his mind, and bumped into a man who just got out of the restroom. He quickly said sorry and left, without taking a look at the man, not noticing the shocked face of the man who had just bumped to him.


when you see the chance to get the one you still hold dearly in your heart, what will you do?


Eric got out of the doctor's office, nothing serious as he had predicted, Minwoo was just exaggerating, speaking of Minwoo, the said man just arrived wearing a troubled look on his face. He looked at Eric for a while then heaved a sigh. Minwoo asked Eric about the check-up result, relieved to know it was just a simple flu, then the two proceeded to take the medicines and went home.

On their way home, Minwoo took a look at Eric from time to time, he really wanted to say what had been bugging his mind ever since his encounter with Hyesung, but he doubted Eric would want to listen. Maybe Eric noticed his glances because Eric asked what was bothering him, Minwoo decided to give it a try.

"Um.. Eric-ah, I met someone in the hospital." Eric got a hunch that maybe Minwoo met the one whose identification card was found by Eric, but he decided to ask.


"Shin Hyesung."

Silence descended, both of them were busy with their own wondering mind.

"You know, I found his identification card when we were in the hospital, I had given it to his colleague though." Eric decided to break the silence.

"Wha.. How?" Feeling lucky the because the streetlamp was red, Minwoo turned his head to Eric's direction so fast that Eric afraid his neck would be sprained.

"When there was an emergency, the nurse walked past us then brought a doctor with her, the doctor brushed me and dropped his identification card, the name was Shin Hyesung and the photo is him too. I guess he works there."

"But why didn't he contact us? Hell, he has never contacted us since he left! What is wrong with that man?" Minwoo grumbled.

"Maybe it is not the same Shin Hyesung we know, Minwoo-yah."

"No way! What is the possibility of many people with a rare name and a same face?"

Eric kept silence. 'Maybe because he doesn't want to meet me.'


Do you really want to let him go? Erase his existence from your life?


Hyesung could not keep still in his office, the scene he was just witnessing made his heart beating fast. He was wondering why Eric were in the hospital, did he by any chance saw him. After about half an hour, someone knocked on his door and opened the door a little, making him jumped on his seat. He saw his colleague stepped in with a questioning stare.

"Why are you so jumpy today?"

"No, nothing, why are you here?" Hyesung tried to compose his feeling.

"Oh, here is your ID card, my patient gave it to me, said he saw it dropped when you were going to attend the emergency patient."


"Yeah, the one when you passed by my room and looked inside, which reminds me, why did you left as soon as I saw you?"

"Uuuh... I got something to do?"

His friend gave him a sceptical look, the usually calm and composed Shin Hyesung was exceptionally strange that day.

"You are strange. Are you sick? How can a doctor not taking care of his own health?" His friend touch his forehead with the back of his hand.

"What are you doing, Kangta-yah?" Hyesung slapped Kangta's hand lightly.

"Just want to check your temperature, in case you got fever."

"No, I'm okay." Hyesung pouted, he hated it when he got treated like that.

Kangta smiled, Hyesung pouted was a cute sight for him, well, maybe for others too, it was not a secret that a lot people in hospital had feeling for him, other than his good personality, although he could be annoying at times, he also lead a good life, plus his gorgeous face that attracted both men and women, Kangta was no exception. But he covered it well and also befriended Hyesung, still he liked to tease Hyesung sometimes.

"You know, when he handed your ID card, he got this troubled look on his face."

"Eric Mun."

"Yeah, how can you know his name?"

"Ah.. uh.. no, no, it is... none of your business."

"I am actually surprised to see the Eric Mun myself, that CEO of Shinhwa Company are rarely seen outside."

"Ta-yah, is he sick?"

"Hmm.. nothing serious, just flu and tired."

"It is good to hear that." Hyesung heaved a relief sigh and smiled a little.

"I assume you will not answer me if I ask you why you are so relief about my report."

"You know me so well, Kangta-yah." Hyesung chuckled.

"But I will say this again, YOU.ARE.STRANGE. Shin Hyesung." Kangta pinched his cheek quite hard and flew out from the room quickly before Hyesung yelled at him.

Inside, Hyesung were silently looking at the view outside his room, his mind flew back to the past...

'Ah, if only I confessed to him years ago, I had not seen him for years, and ever since I work here, I have never seen him too, until today. How would he react when he saw my ID card?'


Now he knows you are here, are you going to do nothing?


Few days later...

It was afternoon, lunch time to be exact, Eric was strolling around with his car, that day, Eric decided not to have lunch at his office, unconsciously, he drove to the area of hospital he had had checked up days ago, 'and met Hyesung', not to far from the hospital he saw a cafe, The Classic, it was the name. He parked at the parking lot and made his way into the cafe, the cafe gave a nice feeling to him, and he decided to have his lunch there.

After ordered what he wanted to have, he looked around the place, at that time, the door was opened and two men were coming in, Eric was dumbstruck, they were Hyesung and Kangta, Hyesung who was laughing along with Kangta suddenly stopped seeing Eric, his eyes widened. Kangta who was oblivious to the situation saw Eric too and dragged Hyesung to Eric's table.

"Good afternoon, Eric-ssi."

"Ah, good afternoon Kangta-ssi."

"Are you having lunch here?"


"Mind if I join? The more the merrier." Eric could see Hyesung stiffened at Kangta's suggestion.

"Sure, have a seat Kangta-ssi, Hyesung-ssi."

A conversation flowing smoothly between the two of them, but Hyesung rarely butted in and only threw a comment or two in the conversation.

"Yah, why are you so quiet? You are very talkative usually?" Kangta asked.

"I don't want to disturb you, because you are really enjoying the conversation." Hyesung tried to give his reason, so Kangta would not question him further.

"Or maybe because Hyesung-ssi is shocked to meet an old friend here." Eric butted in, hoping for a reaction from Hyesung, he could see Hyesung flinched in his seat. Meanwhile, Kangta looked kind of lost.

"So, you two are friends?"

"Yeah, we.... were friends in senior high, but then I moved and we kind of.. lost contact." Hyesung quickly explained to Kangta albeit a bit stuttering, not giving chance to Eric to answer the answer.

"Haha, yeah, right." Eric laughed dryly.

At that time, Kangta's phone rang, he excused himself to pick up the phone, leaving Eric and Hyesung by themselves. Awkwardness filled the air around them, none said anything. But after ten minutes or so, Kangta hadn't come back, Hyesung decided to give Kangta a call. Eric looked intently at Hyesung, he didn't change, the same milky white skin, foxy-like eyes, small pointed nose, kissable thin lips, and the chubby cheeks were still there, the difference was that he exuded a more mature aura. Eric could see Hyesung frowned slightly when he was talking on the phone, sighed heavily and ended the call.

"What is wrong?" Eric unconciously asked.

"Kangta got an emergency from hospital and went back without telling me beforehand."

"Are you going to hospital now?"

Hyesung thought of something. "Eric-ah, do you have time tomorrow?"

"Uh, yes. Why?"

"Do you want to have lunch together? If you don't mind."

"I don't mind."

"So, same place?"

"Sure, Hyesung-ah."


First step...


After their first encounter, they had more lunch together, slowly they built back their relationship which was awkward when they first met. After almost a month, Eric and Hyesung were back to be best buddies. They shared their own stories after Hyesung left, caught up with each others life, Hyesung asked about others life. Apparently, Minwoo had been Co-CEO on Shinhwa Company along with Eric, Junjin lead a dance institute, Dongwan had been living as a photographer, and their maknae Andy became a lecturer.

Hyesung had a plan to meet the rest and told Eric about it, Eric was ecstatic and agreed immediately, he offered to gather the rest. The two of them agreed to meet at The Classic after Hyesung finished his day shift at hospital. Hyesung could not wait for the big day and anticipated their reaction, he was afraid they would be angry, although it was inevitable because he had 'abandoned' them. They agreed to gather two weeks after that day because Eric had a business meeting he had to attend.

Hyesung counted down the days he was going to meet the rest of the guys, Eric and him contacted each other almost every day, Eric told him that he had told the guys to have a gathering at The Classic, and that he was going to go there with them. Unfortunately, on the day of the gathering, something held Hyesung in the hospital  and he really couldn't leave it. The initial plan to meet before dinner time had to be pushed back, Eric actually had arrived with the others but he said okay and that he would keep the others busy while waiting for Hyesung.

All this while, Minwoo kept a suspicious look towards Eric, he was confused as to why Eric chose this place.

"Eric-ah, isn't this place near the hospital where you had your check-up?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"Why are you bringing us here? Instead of the usual meeting place?"

"Yes hyung, what is the occasion?" Andy joined.

"Just wanted a change, the place is nice, right?"

"Well, the place is sure nice. How did you know this place hyung?"

"I was strolling around the area when I saw this place, coincidentally it was lunch time so I decided to have lunch here."

'Ah... so this is the place Eric always visits for lunch lately." Minwoo thought, but something was still bugging his mind, it was about a certain someone that he had seen in the hospital.

After half an hour, Eric saw Hyesung entering the cafe, Hyesung eyes met him and he smiled, the others saw Eric and followed his vision, they were shocked to see Hyesung there.


Second step...


Fortunately, the others weren't that mad at him, but still Hyesung had to explain what he had explained to Eric the first time they met. He explained briefly and said he had to go back to hospital and that he would explained when he didn't have work, they decided to make a group chat so it would be easier to communicate.

"He really looked like he was in a hurry." Junjin chirped up after Hyesung left.

"Well, he is one of the busiest in the hospital, so, I hope you can excuse him.”

“Eric hyung, you look like you really understand Hyesung hyung’s activities.” Andy’s words made the other three stared at Eric, while Andy had a cheeky smile on his face.

“Of course I know, we met nearly everyday these past few weeks.” said Eric with a triumpant smile, not realizing his friends’ smirks.

“Hoooo~ so you always had lunch with him these few weeks, here in this cafe. I see...”

“Yes, aigoo~ Minwoo is not that pabo this time.” Eric smiled wider.

“Ooooh so that’s why you have been having that stupid smile like a teenager in love, because you have been having lunch with Hyesung.”

“Minwoo is so smart~ eh? No, NO!! Yah!! What’s with those grins?!” Eric just realized that his friends were throwing a grin at him.

“Ufufufu~ someone is in love~ or is that a past love that blooms again?” Dongwan cheekily asked.

“Yah! It’s not a past love, okay?!” Eric tried to erase those smirks, but the others wouldn’t want to lose.

“Dongwan hyung, there is no past love, Eric hyung has never stopped loving my mommy bird eversince they first met, omo, it has been a long time since I called Hyesung hyung my mommy bird kekeke~”

“And Hyesungie is really beautiful, well, he was too, but more on the cute side, but now... Woaaah, Eric-ah, if you don’t want Hyesungie, I don’t mind to be with him.” Dongwan playfully added.

“No! I don’t want you to be my dad!” Junjin put a horrified face.

“Jin-ah, I will fetch you a lot of things if I become your dad.”

While the playful banter continued, Eric tried hard to keep a calm face, but with his friends nudging his side and continuously teasing him, a tinge of red slowly formed on his cheeks.

“Just admit it Eric-ah/hyung.” Minwoo and Andy said while trying to stop the WanJin.


Last Step...


After the dinner, they often gathered in between their busy schedules. It was in November 27th, they all had a day off and decided to gather at The Classic, the five of them threw a birthday celebration for Hyesung.

“Yah! Why do throw a party for Hyesung, but not for me?!” Dongwan grumbled, slightly jealous of the celebration Hyesung got.

“This is also to celebrate our reunion too, don’t pout, it’s not cute Dongwan.” Eric flatly answered.

“You are so mean.”

They spent the afternoon eating, talking, snacking, things they usually did when they were together. After a few hours, they decided to go back home and went separate ways, Eric said he would took Hyesung home because Hyesung didn’t bring his car, he actually went with Eric too to The Classic, whie the other four came with Minwoo’s car.

A sudden idea came to Minwoo. “Guys, let’s follow them.” he said excitedly, and started driving in the same direction as Eric’s car.


On their way, snow started falling down.

Eric’s car

“Waaaah it’s snowing!!” Hyesung eyes shone brightly. “So beautiful, I’m glad I got to see the first snow with you, Eric-ah.” Hyesung turned his head to Eric and gave him a beautiful smile.

“I’m glad to see it with you too, Hyesungie.” Eric stared at Hyesung’s eyes directly, his stare made Hyesung nervous and a lovely shade of red bloomed on his fair chubby cheeks.

“Focus on driving, Eric-ah. “ Hyesung turned his head to the window to hide his blushing cheeks.

Eric just chuckled.

Minwoo’s car

“Snow!!” Dongwan yelled excitedly and fished out his camera, starting to capture the sight.

“Why do I have to be stuck with you all?” Andy sighed for the umpteenth time.

“Don’t you like it, Andy-ah? We got to see the first snow together like this.” Minwoo faked a sad expression.

“Not when I have a lot of work to do at home, I have to grade my students’ papers, and have to prepare for the next material, and..” “What a boring way to spend a beautiful day like this.” Dongwan cut Andy, and returned to his camera.

“Just enjoy it Andy-ah.” Junjin put his arm around Andy’s shoulder and gave him a smile.


Eric asked Hyesung if it okay to park the car and go out to enjoy the snowy day on a park, and Hyesung agreed. So Eric parked his car, and they went to the nearest park area. The quartet saw this and decided to park the car a little further, they went out and followed RicSyung.

Eric and Hyesung walked in silence, and Hyesung kept rubbing his hands and puffing air out to warm his cold hand, Eric saw this and took the initiative to bring Hyesung hand to his jacket’s pocket.

“Is it warm?” he asked.

“Well, my other hand is still cold, but it’s okay, it’s getting better.” Hyesung smiled.

They resumed their walk.


“Hyung, it’s getting cold. Can’t we just go home?” This time, Junjin asked. They were hiding behind a wall, so they wouldn’t be seen.

“Wait a few more minute Jin-ah, I have a feeling that there will be something...” Minwoo’s sentence hang in the air seeing the situation on RicSyung side.


Hyesung stopped in his track and it made Eric stopped too, he gave Hyesung a confused stare and got surprised when Hyesung suddenly hugged him tight.

“Eric-ah, actually I, I love you.” Hyesung confessed, his voice was muffled because he buried his face on Eric’s shoulder.

Eric smiled a contented smile, happy knowing Hyesung had a same feeling, and also because Hyesung made the first move. He untangled Hyesung’s hands from his back to loosen the hug, Hyesung looked down on the road, afraid of Eric’s rejection. Eric tried to make Hyesung faced him, but failed. So, he pressed his lips on Hyesung’s, kissing him softly. After a few moment, he ended the kiss and saw Hyesung with a stunned look.

“I love you too, Hyesung-ah.” Eric finally confessed.

Hyesung smiled brightly, and threw his arms around Eric’s neck, kissed him fully. Eric replied to the kiss happily. The two of them were very happy to meet again, solved all misunderstandings and got together as a lover.


A silhouette of the two (Eric and Hyesung) kissing under the falling snow could be seen from WooDongJinDy’s place, the four of them smiled excitedly with Dongwan busily snapped RicSyung’s pictures, he said something about a blackmail material.

“Yes!! I got a rich handsome daddy!!” Junjin grinned happily.

“Jin-ah, do you really despise me to be your dad?” Dongwan pretended to be hurt.

“Jin-ah, can I be your brother?” Minwoo asked excitedly.

“I don’t want my things to have ‘Kim’ written on them, and mommy bird surely hate that too. Merong.” Junjin answered Dongwan and stuck his tounge out. “I don’t want an older brother, Minwoo hyung. But you can be my cousin maybe! Andy-ah, I want you to be my little brother!”

“Aish... what are you guys?! Kids?!” Andy sighed, irritated by his hyungs.




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Chapter 2: awwwww.... cute ending! :')
rich handsome
all the references are so relevant, i like them!
Chapter 2: Hyuuriiiii aaaaaaa akhirnya mereka bersatuuu #ceileh ditontonin pula sama stalker2 lucu itu kyaaaaaaa >/////< btw hus kangta hus hus =___=
feelgyo #3
Chapter 2: Huahahahhaa~ it's so fun to read about their meeting. And yeyyyy,..Minwoo is not a pabo anymore *eh XDD
Fortunately Kangta is only friend for Hyesung *cough* XDD

Part when Jin celebrating his 'mommy' ends up with a rich 'dad' is really funny XDD
As usual, the maknae is the mature one in their group. What a childish hyungdeul he has.. Lol

Icha makin mantep aja deh nulisnya (˘́⌣˘̀ʃƪ) kapan lagi nih mau bikin cerita baru?? (•̯͡.•̯͡) and thank you for mentioning me...awww...malu dehh (-̴̴̴̴̯͡ .̮ -̴̴̴̴̯͡ ) kekekeke..
Btw, emangnya aku unnie ya?? (˚▿˚?) *lupa ingatan*
Chapter 2: at 1st I almost want to throw my phone after read the 1st chap cz of separated ricsyung.. n now I can smile happily.. relieved feels overflowing, lol
Thanks for nice story~^^
feelgyo #5
Chapter 1: Chaaaa....*baru nongol* xDD
A fic by you? Woahhh..... :O
Well, agree with others, it's a bittersweet story. But I'm smiling like an idiot when Eric recalled those memories back. Aigoo..why so sweet ><
No dear, you're not ruining it. The fast pace is acceptable for one-shot. And you wrote this nicely ^^ ada rncana mau dilanjutin ga cha? (¬̯-̮¬)
IvI728 #6
Chapter 1: Really like the story,really like the ending ... its those things unsaid made this love of their so interesting and bitter sweet,...cant wait for sequel!
29548E #7
Chapter 1: wow, its bitter sweet... I think you can make a chaptered fic out of this... like how they met in a few years down the road etc....
Chapter 1: friend ? bull ! (-、-)

g mau komentar byk , reading your fic remind me of myself /.\ *curcol* not being able to confess for the sake of friendship *nangis guling2

good job honey :*
breathemyAIR #9
Chapter 1: Waaa..this is really good! ^^
And eric pabo, why letting hyesung go without telling what you feel *_*

I hope you make a sequel, it will be awesome if they ended up being together *maksa* :p