Don't you dare insult him !!

Let's talk about...crazy love !

Lee Seunghyun decides to go Seungri’s school and takes a look. Of course, he won’t study there. He knows that it must be a worst school, which allow students to bully another student,must be a trash school. He has another plan for his studying. Then again, he wants to know more about Seungri’s life. He wants to give back all people who treated badly to Seungri, a small lesson. This is his thank for Seungri, for the life he has now. It’s all he can do for the poor kid….You think he’s thinking like that ???

No way, I tell you, no way he’s good person like this !!! Seunghyun’s a devil, he just wants to play a little, it has been a long time since he could play people like toys. Oh, he misses that time so much. This is his reason, his sick reason !!

When Seunghyun comes to the school’s gate, immediately, a bunch of students block his way, in their face, all have a mocking and cruel smile. A brat seems like the leader, pushes Seunghyun’s shoulder.

“ Hey, creepy, dare go to school ?? You’re a brave one, right, chicken ??? Hahaha, after all your disgusting move, let people see your face, it makes us want to vomit very much. You’re nothing but a trash, Lee Seungri, why don’t you just stay at where nobody can see you ?? So sick, you’re so sick !!”

Seunghyun quitely uses two fingers to take the brat’s hand out of his shoulder, he doesn’t want to touch dirty thing. So, this’s the way they make Seungri lose his hope and his life ? Really, brats nowaday, just a bunch of scraps. Seunghyun swabs his ear, and looks coldly to the brat.

“ My ears have some issue. Why can I understand dog’s language ?? It’s so noisy near my ears. Haizzz, dogs think that they’re human, so sad for them. Better send them to the veterinary. Dogs, only should bark, you know that, don’t you ??”

All the brat are speechless for a while. They just, just can’t believe in their eyes and ears. What ?? A useless and weak guy like Lee Seungri, only bowed his head and cried when they bullied and hit him, just told them what ??? And when they can react to Seunghyun’s words, their face are all red because of anger. He called them dogs ??? How dare him ???

“ YOU….”

Just when they scream and want to beaten Seungri, the bell of school rings. Teachers come out so they can’t do anything. They leave but before that, they has threatened Seungri, they’re going to beaten him into a mess after school. Lee Seunghyun smirks when he heard that. Brats want to play with him ?? Go ahead, he’s waiting for them !! Seunghyun feels so excited, so long when he can play like this !! Hahaha, it’ll be fun !!

Suddenly, a student, looks also so fat and useless like Lee Seungri, runs to Seunghyun’side and talks to him.

“ Seungri, why did you do that ?? They will hit you for sure. Go to hide somewhere, when they forget, come back ! I…I heard about you…I’m like you too, so I can’t help you…Just…Just..hide,and run to where you feel safe…I want to run too…”

Seunghyun looks at the kid. Another victim for the bully. Hopeless, too hopeless ! You think you can run away from all the matter and you can be safe ?? You’re naïve or you’re too stupid ? Running, only prove that, you’re a loser, always a person who anybody can despite. However, this kids dare run to him and told him like this, so he still has a little courage in him, not too bad at all. Uhm, he still can have some use for him. Lee Seunghyun can turn this kid into his right hand, to be his slave…ah no, assistant in this life. Yes, that’s it. He decides that !!

 Lee Seunghyun comes near that kid and slap his face. The kid’s frozen because of his action.

“ Hey kid, wake up already ?? Running ?? Hide ?? Hey, you want to be a loser forever only do that kind of thing, or you want to be a winner, who can do anything you want ? Tell me kid, which one do you want to become ??”

Seunghyun grabs the kid’s shoulder and squeezes it hardly. He looks straightly to the kid’s eyes, shows him what a real man is.

“ Kid, your life must be your choice. Live like you’re a King, not like you’re slave to people. Proud to be who you are. Show people who you are. Understand ? So, follow me, and I’ll turn you into a man like this !”

The kid looks at Seunghyun and he can see, this one isn’t Lee Seungri he used to hear about. The one who is standing in front of him, is a person who can make you listen and do as his words, because of his power in his eyes, in his voice, in his every movement. This one, is a very strong man. And the kid also can’t help, but nod nonstop. He knows, he doesn’t know why just know one thing, his life’s going to change forever because of this meeting.

Lee Seunghyun smiles. Yes, a good slave…ah forget again, a good dongsaeng. So, let’s the game, begin !

“ Hey kid, tell me what your name is and…want to play a small game with me ? It’s fun, so fun to play !!”

The kid names Kang Daesung only feels, his boss’s smile now, is too dangerous. And he’s right about that. When Lee Seunghyun smiles like that, someone must be on trouble, definitely it is.

The bully brats is looking for Seungri. They want to give him a lesson but he’s nowhere to be found. He must hide somewhere in school. Suddenly, Kang Daesung runs to them. He blocks their way and begins to dancing like crazy. What the hell ?? They push him away and he still runs to them dances nonstop. Oh my, this fat guy’s brain must be broken !! And when they too focus on Daesung’s craziness and doesn’t notice behind their back, Lee Seunghyun is holding a stick and secretly comes near them.


Seunghyun hits their head with the stick hardly. They’re all fainting because of it. Seunghyun still “accidentally” kicks them nonstop when they’re unconscious. Tell you, Lee Seunghyun’s a narrow man, you give him one, he’ll pay you back double !! Don’t you dare against him !!

“ So boss, what’re we doing to them now??” Daesung asks Seunghyun curiously.

“ Take off all their clothes. And tight them with this rope. Call me sick, I’ll show them what a real sick one is. Hahaha !!!” Seunghyun laughes out loud. It makes Daesung scares so much. Boss is really a tortuous man !!

Seunghyun and Daesung takes off all the brats’s clothes till they’re all . And Seunghyun hangs all of them into…girl’s toilet. Daesung looks at Seunghyun, oh my god, too sick, too devilish !!! He looks at the brats, and silently pray for them to rest in peace… Seunghyun smirks, he has a deep breath, and…begin screaming with all his lung.


Seunghyun and Daesung stands outside the toilet, and watch the girls are beatening all the brats into a dead meat. This scence is so wonderful to see. Seunghyun laughes so much, almost rolls to the ground to laugh. See, insult him, and that’s the price you have to pay !! Devils, can’t play with them at all, never !!

After he laughes enough, Seunghyun thinks about what he’s going to do after this. He wants to go to the best school in this country and he know which one that he wants. However, he needs one person do that for him. Seunghyun smirks, and he knows who the one must do for him. He takes Daesung’s cell phone, and makes a call to that one.

“ Hello, T.O.P, my cute nephew, miss me ?? Come to meet me at xxx street, or I’ll tell the world you still wetted the bed when you were eight years old. Come, now !!”

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Befun21 #1
Chapter 3: Oh my goodness this story so cute please update .. please
hashimocca #2
Chapter 3: When u will update this..... can u finish this...??? Pleaseeeee help.... im in my limit now.... so curious....
Chapter 3: It's so funny :))
Like seungri
plz update soon ss ^^
seung143 #4
Chapter 3: kyaaaaaa!!!!!...thiss is sooooo funny...ohhh plizzz updateeee
yoaisummer #5
Chapter 3: Hahaha!!!!XDXD
TOP with his pink!!Evil Seungri~~~
Chapter 3: Heheheheheh TOP and pink underwear..... ROFL.... thanks for the update....
ayaayawae #7
Chapter 3: tks for updating ^^
Akuropanda #8
Chapter 2: Seunghyun being is being really mean...which is ok if you did it to the bullies..