A Turn In Events

Our Love Is Like A Song You Can't Forget

Listen to Super Junior w/ Yoo Youngjin “Sorry Sorry (R&B Remix)”



Things…weren’t exactly as they thought they’d be. They had anticipated a lot of things to happen, but not this. It was a week later and they were all seated in the office of the manager at the SM building. It had been one hectic week, trying to put everything back together and explaining the situation to everyone. Being in her 2 month phase, the only reason anyone would notice JooRin was pregnant was the fact that her 6-pack faded into a little bump…..and she wouldn’t let anyone forget it.

“Well,” their manager said a little sheepishly. “You guys seemed to be liked ten times more then you were before because of Jaejoong. The fans were all completely ecstatic at how much Jaejoong is a perfect gentleman and he had chivalry written all over him. Of course, you have lost some fans, but not as many as we thought.”

“Well, that’s good!” JooRin beamed.

“The situation isn’t exactly the same for you, I’m afraid JooRin.” he said and she looked at him curiously. “The fans….don’t exactly love you anymore. They think that you somehow seduced Jaejoong and made this happen because you wanted get famous and are trying, I quote, ‘to steal their Jaejoong oppa.’”

“HA!” JooRin said with a laugh. “I seduced him? Had they been there, they would have known who seduced who.”

“No need for details.” he replied holding a hand up.

“Seriously.” Yunho said with a grimace. “Gross.”

“Sorry.” she replied cheekily. Jaejoong just shook his head with a chuckle at her.

“To say the least,” the manager continued. “You have a lot more anti-fans then you could ever dream of.”

“Oh I know.” she replied. “I’ve been getting hate mail all week.”

“You should see them.” Changmin said, his eyes wide. “Some of these people are crazy.”

“Seriously.” Micky agreed. “I mean, we’ve had our share of anti-fans, but it never got this far.”

“But you seem pretty calm about this JooRin?” the manager looked at her.

“I knew this was bound to happen.” she replied with a shrug. “It didn’t affect me the way I thought it would.”

“That’s good.” he replied. “And ah, Jaejoong? I’m sorry if I was a little harsh the other day. I was under too much stress.”

“It’s alright. I understand.” Jaejoong replied with a smile. “We do throw a little too much at you.”

“I’m glad you’ve noticed.” the manager replied with a chuckle. “Now, we have some new projects to discuss. First off, you guys are invited to the K-Pop Night Party that’s taking place some time next month. So get ready. And I know the rest of this talk will bore you JooRin, so you may leave.”

“Thank you.” she replied and with a wave, she left. Shutting the door behind her, she made her way to the closest vending machine. She already started craving…..or maybe it just cause she was an eater. Humming to herself, she tossed the coins in and waited for her bag of chips to come out.

“Well, well, well. You really have nerve to come here after all the trouble you cause this company.”

JooRin turned around to see Taeyeon, Tiffany, and Jessica standing there with scowls on their faces.

“Ah…if it isn’t you lovely ladies again.” JooRin replied smiling back at them, leaning against the vending machine. “I will never understand what you ladies have against me, but whatever.”

“We don’t care about you enough to have anything against you.” Tiffany sneered.

“Oh yeah?” JooRin replied coolly, opening her bag of chips. “Seems like you do, considering you keep popping out of no where to throw comments at me. Are you just mad that the man of your dreams got a better girl then you?”

“You’ll never be better then Tiffany.” Jessica replied.

“Right.” JooRin replied popping a chip in and started walking away.

“And just so you know,” Tiffany said stopping her. “Just because you got laid by Jaejoong, doesn’t mean he’s yours.”

JooRin looked at her with a raised eyebrow, and with a scoff said, “That’s what you think.”

She walked out eating her bag of chips. Missing her big family of SuJu, she headed down to their practice rooms. Knocking on the door, she opened it and popped her head in.

“ANNHYEONGY!” she cheerfully squealed. The room erupted with 13 cheers and them rushing to her.

“WAIT!” Leeteuk screamed and the 13 stopped. “She’s pregnant. No running. Calmly approach and wait in line for your turn. I’M FIRST!”

JooRin laughed as Leeteuk basically jumped her. After the greetings and the hugs, they made their way to the side of the practice room.

“Are you guys just going to let her sit on the floor?” Siwon said, his eyes shooting daggers at them.

“GET HER A CHAIR!” Eunhyuk screamed. Heechul scrambled and got it.

“You guys are too much.” she giggled. “I could’ve sat on the floor.”

“Aw, look at you.” Shindong said tickling her.

“Seriously, maybe it’s because you were so skinny before, but your pregnancy is starting to show.” Ryeowook said with a laugh.

“I know.” she said, fake crying. “My 6-pack is gone!”

“You better work your off after you pop that baby.” Kangin said. “Or else you’ll be fat forever.”

“What a way to phrase things Kangin.” Kyuhyun said with a roll of his eyes.

“I don’t think you have a right to be talking mister.” she replied eye-balling him causing everyone to laugh.

“So how are things going after the press conference?” Siwon asked.

“Well,” JooRin began with a sigh. “I’ve been getting A LOT of hate mail and any fan I had dissolved.”

“Aw, it’s ok Rina.” Donghae said. “We all love you.”

“Of course, of course.” she replied.

“But it’s a shame that what that reported said wasn’t true.” Yesung said with a sigh.

“About what?” she asked.

“About you know…..us having fun.” he replied with a wink. They all sat silently for a minute until JooRin started laughing and the rest of them threw things at him.

“You weirdo.” Sungmin said with a roll of his eyes.

“Honestly, how can you say something like that?” Kibum said with a shake of his head.

“It’s typical of Yesung.” Kyuhyun said with a chuckle as Yesung smiled and put up the peace sign.

“Anyways,” Hankyung began. “How’s your pregnancy going?”

“OK I guess.” she giggled. “I haven’t gotten into the moody, run for your life mode yet, so the guys are safe so far, but I have been craving too much for my own good.”

“Ah, that’s ok. Just eat the good stuff.” Ryeowook advised.

“I will…..I’ll try.” she replied. “Did you guys see the whole press conference?”

“Yeah….and we heard about what Jaejoong did.” Heechul said with a frown.

“Ah. Well….I made him pay for it.” she replied with a shrug.

“Good.” Leeteuk added sternly. “We still plan to have a nice long talk with him as well.”

“You go ahead.” she replied with a laugh. “I’m all for it.”

All of a sudden the door burst open, with a frantic looking Key at the door, and the rest of SHINee behind him.

“NOONA!” he ran over and hugged her. “Are you ok? How are you? Is it true? Are you really ---” he cuts himself off with a loud gasp, then moans, “You are noona.”

“I’m sorry Key.” she said holding back her giggles as SuJu looked at him like he had 4 heads. “It really did happen unexpectedly.”

“Sorry about him.” Minho said pulling him back. “He heard you were here and came running.”

“How are you noona? Is the baby ok?” Taemin asked with a smile.

“Yeah. Everything’s good Minnie.” she replied giving him a thumbs up and fluffing his hair.

“And how’s Jaejoong hyung?” Onew asked.

“Don’t say his name!” Key said furiously. “He is evil….hurting my--OUR noona like that.”

“Key…..I think you need a little fresh air.” Kangin said causing the room to hold back more laughter.

“I’m fine.” he said crossing his arms and sitting down next to JooRin on the floor.

“I think he is quite JooRin obsessed.” Jonghyun said with a laugh.

“I am not.” Key replied. “I just love---LIKE her more then the rest of you do.”

“Right.” Minho said. “Anyways.”

The rest of SHINee sat down with SuJu and they continued talking until JooRin got a text.

“Oh, that’s my call.” she said getting up. “I got to go but stay in touch ok?”

“Yeah, but remember we’re going to Japan the day after tomorrow.” Siwon added.

“Oh ok. Have fun.” she said. “And buy me things! Bye.”

“Bye!” they all chorused together.

“Noona!” Key said running up and hugging her. “Bye.”

“Bye Key.” she replied with a giggle. Closing the door behind her, she walked back up. As she walked, her stomach grumbled slightly.

“Oh! Someone’s hungry.” she replied with a giggle. “And it’s not me for once….I think.”

As she rambled through her bag, she accidentally bumped into someone.

“Oh! I’m so sorry! Are you ----Boa?” JooRin began franticly, then cutting herself off.

“Hey JooRin.” Boa said with a smile.

“Hey….I thought you were in America?” JooRin replied.

“I just got back like, yesterday, but only for a short time.” she replied with a giggle. “How’ve you been?”

“Good. I guess.” JooRin replied indifferently. “Have you been keeping up with news?”

“Yeah….congratulations!” Boa said. “I was shocked when I heard but nonetheless happy for you guys. You two are adorable.”

JooRin instantly felt guilty. She hadn’t exactly had a nice start with Boa, considering how she and Jaejoong had fought about her.

“You know Boa? I don’t know if Jaejoong told you, but I think we got off on the wrong foot----”

“I know.” Boa cut her off kindly. “Jaejoong told me, and you know what? You have a right to be jealous. Jaejoong and I are always like that. We get so caught up in our conversations that we exclude other people, which is quite rude. But honestly, all Jaejoong has ever been to me is a awesome brother and a wonderful friend.”

“I am so sorry Boa. I thought ill of you when really you could’ve have been a great friend for me.” JooRin replied.

“Hey….it’s ok. And besides, I think you need more girl friends as well. Has anyone ever told you how when me and RiIn get together we rock the house?”

“No.” JooRin replied with a laugh.

“Well now you know. Next party, you better come and shake that pregnant of yours.”

JooRin laughed and hugged Boa. “You really turned out to be a better person then me. I hope this is a start of a new friendship?”

“You know it.” Boa replied. “Get my number from Jae and we’ll have nightly chats at how much your hubbie is a weirdo.”

“Gochya.” she replied and with a wave Boa left. Forgetting about her hunger a moment ago, she happily walked back to the conference room where the guys were waiting outside.

“Took you forever.” Changmin grumbled. “I’m hungry.”

“Which reminds me, I’m hungry too.” she replied. Jaejoong wrapped his arm around her and kissed her forehead as they started walking.

“You came happy.” Yunho observed. “Had a good time?”

“Yup.” she replied with a smile. “And made new friends.”

“Oh yeah?” Jaejoong asked.

“Who now?” Junsu asked with a grin.

“Please don’t make it another boy band.” Jaejoong groaned.

“We don’t have any new boy bands in SM hyung.” Changmin replied.

“Breathe Jaejoong. It’s ok.” Micky said with a chuckle.

“So who is it then?” Yunho asked, curious.

“Boa.” she replied. The guys gasped.

“Boa?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yup.” JooRin replied with a smile. “You should be happy instead of standing there with your mouth opened looking like a fish.”

“That’s great!” he replied, ignoring her comment. “Finally. Things will go back to normal.”

“Not really.” she replied as her stomach grumbled loudly. “I’m still hungry here. Your baby wants to eat or do you plan to starve it?”

“Ok you fatty. We’ll go.” Jaejoong replied and JooRin swatted him at the comment. “I swear, next thing you know, you and Changmin will eat half of Seoul.”

“Um guys?” Junsu said nervously stopping. Him, Micky, and Changmin had been walking ahead, discussing the best restaurant to eat at.

“What’s wrong?” Yunho asked.

“I think we should go out the back way.” he replied. Micky looked back at them with a scrunched up face.

“I think so too.” he added.

“Why?” JooRin asked.

“It’s packed with fan girls out there.” Changmin said peeking through a window. “And they don’t exactly have love letters for you JooRin.”

“What do you mean?” Jaejoong asked. JooRin slid out from under his arm and looked out the window. Sure enough, there were about a dozen different signs with phrases such as, “We hate JooRin.” “Go back home.” “Leave Jaejoong oppa alone.”

“Do you want to go out the back way?” Yunho asked her.

“Nope.” she replied. “It’s better to face it now. Running away from it won’t make them like me more.”

“You sure?” Jaejoong asked.

“Positive.” she replied. Holding Jaejoongs hand, the six walked out to find their body guards waiting by the door. They started walking out as fast as they could, heads down. The fans automatically started screaming.

“Jaejoong we love you!”

“DBSK fighting!”

“Why is the car so far away?” JooRin mumbled through gritted teeth.

“Look guys! It’s that !” one fan screaming and instantly, curse words flew out at JooRin. But nothing, hurt more then what happened next. JooRin gasped loudly as a cup of cold soda slashed on her head. She froze in her spot, soda dripping from her hair, and turned around to see fans looking at her deadly.

“JooRin!” Jaejoong said quickly. “Are you ok?”

“Come on.” Yunho said. “Why did you stop?”

And suddenly, as if the thrown soda gave them a cue, fan girls started throwing a bunch of things. Drinks, food, rocks, and even personal belongings.

“Come on JooRin.” Jaejoong urged. “You have to move!”

“But Jae….they’re throwing things at me.” she replied in a dazed way as things continued to fly around her head, sometimes hitting her.

“That’s why you have to move.” he replied, trying to move her. He paused and looked at her curiously. “Rina….are you ok?”

“They’re throwing things at me Jaejoongie.” she replied in a whisper.

“That’s why we need to get out of here.” he replied gently. “Now come on.”

And slowly, hesitantly, she moved along with him, every minute looking back. As soon as they got in the car they took off and guys started asking her millions of questions, but she only sat there with a dumbfounded look on her face.

“I’m not hungry any more.” she mumbled. “Can we just go home?”

The guys looked at each other uncomfortably and made their way silently home.


Sorry for taking so long.Comments are love.Now, to my SNSD fans,I'm not an anti lol. I'm not a big fan but I don't hate them either.I actually love Yoona, Yuri, and Seohyun lol and I like alot of their music. So, all the anti-SNSDness is just for the story. Don't hate me lol.

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hielooo #1
i just read it! and yeahhhh i love that happy ending! :D jaejooonggg is soooo sweet! joorin is the lucky girl, have a lot of selebrities' number, can i beg eunhyuk's number? please? lol XDD
blackrose888 #3
I actually read this fic twice already a few months ago.<br />
I tried looking for it again, but I couldn't find itt, but guess whatt?!<br />
Thankyou for writing such an amazing story. :')
Okay, so first off, I loved your OC. She was so original and hilarious that I couldn't help but support her with Jaejoong. (:<br />
And the boys. Ohmygosh. I especially loved your Yunho, he was so adorable and protective. And Su! Oh, he's so cute. Changmin was as lovable as always, and Chunnie flirting with JooRin was just a win.<br />
Then you added Shinee being adorable, Super Junior being amazing dorks (especially Siwonnie! <3), BoA being awesome, and tons of other bands.<br />
And by then my brain was just like ajksldfjkdasfYES.<br />
<br />
So I loved this fic a lot, and the ending was even more satisfying that I could have hoped. Great job, I really enjoyed reading this. (:
@Carrotfairy --- Yay yay yay a new reader :33333 Get your sleep first omgg!! Hahaha. I shall be waiting for the comment :3 Komawooo <3
<br />
I'm actually only on chapter 7 though, but it's almost 4:30 AM here, and I'm supposed to wake up early tomorrow...<br />
Fml.<br />
<br />
Anyways, I shall return tomorrow to finish reading this lovely fanfic and leave you a proper comment. I just need to get some sleep first. I will be back! <3
@multinicole --- omgg thank you! I hope when you finish it you enjoyed it^^
multinicole #8
new reader! omg i joust found ur story. i wished i found it sooner U_U. ark.!! but anyways! i started reading and i cant stop! im on chapter 3 and its so funny~ X) ahhaha. i hope ill finish it or smth by tonite U_U. its about midnite and im sick i wanna readd thiS!!(Y)!~ <br />
@special23 -- THANK YOUUU<3333