
Lucky to have you !

you were sitting on a tree, with your headphones on ang your eyes were closed, feeling the cool breeze of air, you were enjoying the melody of the music as if it was the perfect song for your life until you feel that there is some one sitting beside you, you open your eyes and turn your head to him. it was your crush. he smiled and you smiled back, he leaned closer to you and you didnt move back, you close your eyes waiting for his lips to touch with yours . . .


"EOOOOOONNIIIIIIEEEEE !!!"  you were awoke and sit up quickly because you were shock and you turn your sight to the little figure on your door. you sighed and groaned. "yaaah !! , Eunjoo wae? you really. why did you do that? such a bad timing! you should have wake me up later, ahhhh ! chinchaa !! ". you lie down back to your bed and cover yourself with your blanket. you were dissapointed that your dongsaeng disrupt your lovely dream, as if it was real. "eonnie, wake up.. you promised that we will play today, and eonnie, its already 9 am, mom and dad were off to work and i'm alone. eonnie, wake up! eonnie, eonnie, eonnie !!" she tugged your blanket and shake you. you give up. "okay okay, give me a minute. i'll just wash up and wait me downstairs araseo? also, befor we play, let me have my breakfast first , eo?" "Ne, ppali eonnie !" she replied and headed out in your room.

"so , what do you want to play?" you asked . "mmm , tea party first" she replied. you start playing tea party and dolls. you noticed that it is lunch time already so you stopped playing and took your lunch. your phone rang, you looked at the screen and it was your mom calling .


- "eomma, wae?"
- "sweetie, have you taken your lunch? your sister? is she with you now?"
- "Ne, we already taken our lunch and yes, she's with me right now wae?"
- "i forgot to tell you that Baekhyun will fetch you, he will be going with you to look for a wedding dress and also a suit for him."
- "Dae? now, but what about Eunjoo, she will be alone, mom, i also told her that im not going anywhere today so that we can play all day. mom, cant we set that some other time?"
- "i'm sorry sweetie, we cant, if Baekhyun will arrive, just go with him and i'll be going home. if you were leaving, just leave eunjoo to mrs. Kim, just tell her i will be home soon."
- "Ne."
- "okay, bye. by the way, Baekhyun will arrive soon. prepare yourself now okay?"
- "Ne, bye eomma."

you sighed and look at your sister. "Eunjoo, Im sorry, eomma called and she said that i have an appointment today, we cant continue playing. im really sorry, can we continue tomorrow?" you asked.


-*beep* *beep* ..


"Miss Eunsoo, Mr. Baekhyun is here. " Mrs. Kim called.
"Ahh, Mrs. Kim, let him in first since i am going to prepare myself then."
Mrs. Kim bowed and leave. you turned your self to your sister, she pouted and look at you with his puppy eyes. "aaah, dont be like that. i promise to make it up to you, eo?" you said. your sister just kept quit and you headed your self to your room.


"anyeong Eunjoo! " Baekhyun said as he seen your sister. "Wae? why are you sad?" he asked with concern. "Oppa, can't you go out with my eonnie today? we were suppose to be playing today because she said that she won't be going anywhere, oppa, can you go out just some other time?" Eunjoo bowed and pouted. "Eunjoo-ah, oppa's schedule is so busy thats why w--" "Oppa please, just today, she will be always with you anyway when you are married." she said.


you were finished preparing your self and you headed back to the living room. you saw your sister with Baekhyun. you slowly walked closer to them and you heard what your sister said to baekhyun.  "no, its not like that. even when i am married, i will still be with you." you said as you walk to their place. your sister just look at you and turned to Baekhyun " Baekhyun Oppa !" she pouted cutely. Baekhyun smiled, "okay i give up, were not going anywhere today but in one condition",  " what? it'll be fine whatever it is." your sister said with her cheerful face. "I AM PLAYING WITH YOU!" he smiled. "mwo? yaaah ! are you crazy? what kind of condition is that?" you commented. "eonnie, its fine, let him play with us. unless,  you really wanna go oout with him ~ " she said teasing, Baekhyun smirked. "Yaahh ! yo--" "you little girl is soooooooooo cute." you were cutted by him and he smirked as he see that your face is a bit red. "aigoo, you shouldn't have said that. look, your sister is blushing." he said to your sister. you could feel that your face become hotter so you walk out away from them and headed back to your room. Baekhyun and your sister high fived in victory.


"eonnie, are you mad? " you sister asked as she walk closer to your bed. "aniya, im not. how can i be mad to a cute girl in front of me?" you said smiling. "gomawo eonnie, by the way, eonnie, lets play hide and seek, since we are three then it'll be better." she suggested. "i agree, lets play hide and seek then." Baekhyun commented, standing in the door of you room. you rolled you eyes on him, and give him a whatever-look. your sister smiled and drag you out of your room.

"okay, in a count of 10, ready, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, okay, be ready, im coming. . ." you said as you walk around looking for them. you caught your sister first and then Baekhyun, so now, Eunjoo will now look for you and Baekhyun. your sister count up up number 10 and you hid yourself behind the door, baekhyun was behind the big flower vase.  your sister started looking for both of you, she is going to your place, before she can turn the door, Baekhyun grabbed you so that you will not be seen by your sister but instead of a successful hiding, you and baekhyun were out of balance and both of you fell. you fell on top of him and just then when you realized that . . .

"eonnie, you kissed?" your sister saw you and Baekhyun. you were on top of him and his lips was touched with yours.

just then when the door opened revealing your mother's figure. "OMO ! " she said and she was shocked. she stopped on her track and her eyes wide open and starting to form a smile on her lips. you easily got up and run to your room. Baekhyun also got up and greeted your mother. "Anyeong Hasseyo, eomonie". his face was very red. " Baekhyun, dont go home yet. stay until dinner, i will cook for tonight. we still need to talk." she winked.














waaaaaaah ! aaigoo, sorry for late updates :) smiley

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Chapter 2: Arrange married >< hoho i love it xD
Chapter 1: Woahh it's so interestng ^^ first chappy is good =) update soon ^^ ~
Chapter 1: it is good :)
update soon~
Sifany21 #4
uuui naa na cya'y upvote :)
can't wait for it. update soon~~
Hoegaarden #6
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^
update soon !!