Bridge MLDY; KARA Buster Squad

ABS Hero Bank Prologues

Name: Han Seungyeon
Ability: Electricity resistance, Weapon summoning, Intelligence
Danger Level: 8

The scene shows an armory room.

Seungyeon is looking at the types of guns seen in the location.

The guns in there are only for military-use, as Buster Squads has different kind of weapons of their own. But she doesn’t really need a gun; her own team already has arsenals built-in within their gloves.

She keeps on looking at the armory, before walking out of there after switching off the light.


Seungyeon is now inside her room, looking at pictures on the wall.

Most of them are pictures of her and her family. There’re also pictures of Kara Buster Squad, as they are still five members.

Nicole has already left the team, joining an elite team of her own under the name of Dazzling Red, one of the elites taking on Black Ops missions. And soon Jiyoung will be joining another group of elites called Mystic White.

It’s just few weeks after they have managed to revive Gyuri back from the dead, and the team’s dynamic is getting anew obstacle course.

They have just learned of the enemy’s true identity, and they are truly horrified by the fact that the leaders of one faction of Raijin they are fighting against are actually them of different timeline.

Maybe the worse news for her is that her Raijin counterpart, Hanun Seungyeon is living inside of their commander, Colonel Kyu, unable to walk out of that body of his.

But for her dear friend, Nicole has just learned the fact that the one who killed the entire crews of her last voyage is none other than herself. She is truly devastated by that, even breaking down, turning into a damaged lady.

Her decision of quitting the team is all because of the guilt of knowing the truth, or maybe it is because she could not accept the fact that herself has become a twisted creature, lusting for blood and corpses of all human being.

Jiyoung on the other hand has set herself in killing all Raijin, wanting to erase every of her own bloodline from existence. She has turn into a cold-blooded killer.

Seungyeon could not do anything. All she can do is sitting in this team, just watching at all the event that had unfold.

If only she is able to do something about it.

If only she is strong enough…

Her mechanical Chimera is looking at her, purring at her coyly.

“It’s okay, Violet. It’s not like I can do anything about it. I am a weakling after all…”

The door opens up, as she looks at the man who enters the place, “Zero…”

Zero just smiles at her, sitting beside her, “Whatever you are thinking about…”


Seungyeon looks at him, “Is there any way for me to become stronger?”

“Stronger? You literally has a custom made power-up,” Zero points toward Violet, who seems cheerful just looking at him, “What else do you need?”

“A proof.”

“Of what?”

“Of my strength.”

Silenced again.

He looks at her, “Maybe what you need is a tournament.”

“A tournament?”

“Yeah, it is a life and death tournament between different worlds. If you lose, you may lose your life. Are you up to the challenge?”

That thing sounds crazy, but she isn’t thinking about that right now, “Why would I do that?”

“Because there’s already a participant from this world.”


“Jugun Nicole.”

Seungyeon stands up, looking at him, “Her? Why?”

“Because each world needs to send one hero and one villain into the fight. Would you become the hero?”

“If I catch her and brings her back to this world, what will be of me?”

“You will find an answer of what you are truly looking for.”

“Then sign me up.”

Zero smiles, taking out a dagger, “But first you need to die.”

“Wait, what?”


Bleeding, Seungyeon falls onto her bed, with a lifeless expression on her face.

Violet panics, as he picks her up, “Don’t you worry. Nobody is really going to die in there, not when I’m around. I can never let my own daughter to stay dead, am I?”


Name: Jugun Nicole
Ability: Electricity regeneration, electro metamorphosis, Creature spawning
Danger Level: 10

Owh, today is truly not her lucky day…

Today, as Jugun Nicole is having a walk near the edge of the barrier of Seoul, she and her spawns were attacked by that blasted elite team, Dazzling Red.

Of course, that other Nicole is there as well.

“We’ll settle this once and for all!!” human Nicole in red uniform charges toward her, filling her fist with red energy, “Buster Assign!”

The girl turns into her new sleeker red suit, with extra padding as she fills her fists with flame.

Wait, she has flame now?

Not wanting any trouble when she is not in the mood of killing, “Buster Assign!” is all she could say.

Filling her fists with electricity, she tries to clash hers with the red Nicole’s, but her attacks ended up giving the flame even more boosts.

The red Nicole puts her hands together, and-oh, wow! She even shoots fire now? What is this, a Street Fighter?

Raijin Nicole quickly dodges away, throwing some electricity toward the girl as she makes an escape.

Losing from her sight, the red Nicole punches the ground in frustration, “YOU ARE DEAD, NICOLE! YOU ARE DEAD!”


Jugun Nicole hides behind a huge rock, exhausted after running away.

What is wrong with that girl? It is like she has become a monster herself.

Is the decision she has made before turns out to be wrong?

Nicole tears up.

All of those blood she had collected with her own hands…she just wanted to give herself a better future. A future where she has no need to face the Elegy, their true enemy. This Nicole even turns into Raijinian just to fight the Elegy back, sealing them off for good.

At what price?

The old Buster Squad, and the only one before, the one where all the groups use the power of electricity rather than sheer power of training, has sacrificed their own life, even ended up in the past.

They thought that they are able to change the past, but it turns out to be fluke.

Gyuri is now a goddess. Hara literally eats human as dinner. Jiyoung has grown love toward explosions. Seungyeon can never walk out with her own body. And this Nicole is now a monster lusting on blood.


This mind of hers, it keeps poisoning herself. She has no idea if she could ever control this killing sensation of hers.

“No more…please…”

She can hear footsteps.

Looking forward, she sees a man looks at her, muttering, “What a pitiful daughter…”

“Zero…is that you?”

This man…he is so strange…yet he is the one who helped them out in the last Kara (Thunderstorm) Buster Squad’s mission.

“I…can’t control it…”

“Then how about releasing it?”

“But…then I will…”

“Don’t worry. Seungyeon will be there to help you.”

“Which Seungyeon?”

“The one from Kara (Machinery) Buster Squad.”

“Is she…my last hope?”

He faintly nods.

Fine…then she will release what’s left of her sensation.

Stabbing herself with a long and thick needle, she suddenly smiles creepily, laughing maniacally, looking at him, “What should I do now, father~?”

“Join the tournament. There you can kill everyone you want.”

“Good…that’s what I’ve been waiting for…”

A portal appears beside her as she rushes into the hole, disappears from the sight.

Zero sighs, “Seungyeon…Nicole…please be careful…”


Yeah, way too many spoilers…

Next: Bridge WMNDYS’s prologues. Learn more on the two Women Warrior’s greatest rivals; Bang Minah and Kim Yura.

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1139 streak #1
Chapter 2: Oh gosh want happened to them?? hara eating humans for dinner??
PikaBleu #2
Chapter 2: left me with so many question now >___<
i'll really anticipated for next abs hero bank update..curious of what is the tournament about??why the participant must die first before joining??who's zero??
1139 streak #3
Chapter 1: Hyomin is the one princess Eunjung send the message to help her clone... Haha poor kyu