[LUYOON/SUKAI] sunshine washes from your memory

//dysania's fic recs


Title/ sunshine washes from your memory

Author/ sarozu

Length/ twoshot

Summary/ 'Six people. One day in July.'


I don't exactly remember when it was that I first started reading sarozu's stories back when she was oneoftheboys, but I definitely got hooked and kept reading more and more.

Personally I'm not a exoshidae shipper (but my friends are so I'm frequently brainwashed with exoshidae) and the chances of me reading a story featuring OTPs that I'm not interested in are few and far between, unless the storyline really hooks me, and this story nails it well. I like how every character is interconnected to everyone else even in the most remote ways because that's very real, and that some characters move me in ways even I cannot explain nor understand. Maybe it's catharsis. Or maybe because they are so real that I sometimes forget that I'm actually not in the story itself but stuck in musty real life.

Again, it's not a heavy read, (partly because if I read chaptered fics then the plot should not be too heavy to handle, or too many feels conjured up in one paragraph), perfect for reading on the bus back home or just while you laze around on a Saturday afternoon.

Enjoy (:

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Chapter 3: I just saw this. Thank you so much, my dear. I really appreciate it. ♥