The Party

Not What You Think

The night of the party, Minho sat at home waiting for Taemin to appear. He convinced his uncle to leave him the car while he went to work, and had gone to the city to pick up a pretty birthday gift for Sunny. It was wrapped beside him on the couch as he waited patiently for his date.

He was once again scrolling through the list of contacts in his phone, deleting the numbers of people he knew he would never speak to again.

The doorbell rang and he was up from in the couch in a second. He quickly went to the door, anxious to see what would be waiting for him there.

Taeyeon: cute black dress, pink tights, cardigan, flat shoes, and a flower clip in the hair.

"Well you look y," he teased.

Taemin whapped him with his purse. "Shut up," he said, but Minho knew he enjoyed it. Why else would he have dressed up so nicely? He was also blushing.

He quickly looked Minho up and down. "You're dressed nice," he commented.

"I think we'll be the best looking pair at the party."

Taemin scoffed. "I highly doubt it."

"Well we'll at least look nice together."

Taemin shrugged and consented to agree.

"I got Sunny a perfume. You think that's okay?" Minho asked, showing his wrapped gift. He didn't really know the waitress very well, but he had spent a decent amount of money on the gift, so he hoped she would at least appreciate that.

"I'm sure she'll love it."

"What about you? What did you get her?"

"A bunch of hair accessories," he answered, holding up the pretty box he had no doubt wrapped himself. "She likes those sort of things."

"Yes, they certainly add a nice touch," Minho commented, staring at the flower in Taemin's hair.

Taemin gestured out of the door, "Shall we?"

"After you, Miss Taeyeon."

He glared at him, before making his way to his uncle's car.



As Sunny had promised, it was a quiet party. The apartment the waitress rented was filled with many of her friends, but they all behaved themselves nicely. The music wasn't too loud, the guests weren't too rambunctious, and the drinks were had in moderation.

The birthday girl was certainly enjoying herself, and she was more than glad that Taemin had come. Minho purposed to stay by his side the whole night, being sure to scare off any other man who might even think about getting close. It was strange how protective he felt over his strange cross-dressing friend.

Taemin had said he only wanted to stay an hour, and Minho was willing to oblige, but he wanted to enjoy that hour as much as possible.

In the living room, a few couples were dancing to the soft music. Minho just couldn't resist.

"Wanna dance?"

Taemin pulled his glass of punch away from his face and stared at him strangely. "You can't be serious."

"You obviously don't know me very well."


He grabbed his hand, cutting him short. "Come on, it'll be fun." He took the glass from his other hand and set it aside, before dragging him to the center of the room, where the other couples were. Taemin sighed heavily as Minho took him by the waist, forcing him into the dance.

He reluctantly placed his hands on the taller man's shoulders, and glared at him as they moved.

"I'm beginning to think you enjoy making me uncomfortable."

"It is kind of fun."

"You're a jerk."

Minho took him by the hand and twirled him under his arm, watching his dress flow as he moved. "And you're very pretty."

They came back together again and Taemin looked very somber as he stared into his eyes. "I don't understand you."

Minho could only smile. "I don't understand you either, so I guess that makes us even."


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melagoyangi #1
I’m so in love with this story TT It’s perfect for how I’m feeling today and it was comforting. I miss the time when there were more stories like yours. Thank you, for whenever you will read this! :)
I've /finally/ read all the chapters (I've put off reading this some time ago because of some reason that I can't seem to remember anymore), and I am totally in love with this story like asdfghjklkdsfjgfkgajfaksdfdfjgajks I am super incoherent right now THIS STORY IS SO GOOOOD.

evilmp3 #3
Chapter 7: this is so well written... i love this
Chapter 20: Read it all within the space of a day and a bit. And really enjoyed it ^^ Great lil story :)
Chapter 20: i read everything today and i really enjoyed reading it~♪ it's a really nice story ;u; though i'd wished for them to end up together i feel like it'd be too fast for them and it's better that it ends like this~ at least they do like each other in some way ^^
Chapter 20: i fin8shed this story at 3 hours already...
kind of sad the ending just like this.
but i think this is the best way tp end this complicated story...
more to come if u continue this. theres many alternative ending tht we can guess right? hahaha...
but i love this ff... again. i felt sad this is end...
not every story gonna be happy ending ...
good job authornim...
thnx for good work!^^/
gaterdou #7
Chapter 20: T_T didn't want it to end ever sniff sniff but satisfied with the ending like elf88 said this ending is more open and let us guess what will happen to them and encourage us to use more of our imagination and mind thank you authornim looking forward to your other works
elf88 #8
Chapter 20: I don't know if I really wanted one more defined this way is more realistic and it leaves more door open...Sorry,in italian would make more sense XD
Anyway see you soon authornim!I hope so <3