Chapter 2

I'm Sorry
Taeyeon's POV
I keep on trying to wake Sunny up but to no avail. The girls starts to come into the room one by one when they heard me shouting. They keep on asking me what had happen but i just can't seem to say a single word until Sooyoung said that the ambulance is on the way. The rest of the girls followed manager oppa while i stayed by Sunny side. The journey to the hospital is filled with thoughts, i keep on asking myself why did i even hurt and used her in the first place then it struck me. It was all because of her, yes her. I keep on asking myself why when suddenly...
I looked over to Sunny then to the heartbeat monitor, i panicked at once.
"No, no, no! Sunny wake up! Stay with me!" i started shouting.
I held on to her hand tightly not wanting to let go, the paramedics were trying to revive her back. I stare at the lifeless energy pill infront of me, she looks pale, drained out and it hurts me so much seeing her in that condition. Tears were flowing out non-stop. Upon reaching, Sunny was immediately rushed to the emergency room. The girls ran towards me and they broke down immediately when i said that Sunny heartbeat had stopped.
"Her" POV
I saw the love in Taeyeon towards Sunny, i don't why but i felt guilty. I am the cause of all this.
"Tae, why you did spent most of your time with her?"
"You know it's not how it seems to be right? I'm just using her as you told me to babe. Stop thinking negatively."
"Yeah i know but i kinda regret it by asking you to spend time with her so as to make sure that our leader here is someone who treats all her members the same way as you treat me." i said.
"I know you are trying to help me prove to the people out there that i'm treating my members equally. So don't worry, i'm just using her so as to clear everything up."
"Aww, i love you Tae." i said while hugging her.
*flashback ends*
I don't even know why i did that in the first place, Sunny is always there for me but i hurt her alot.
"I'm sorry Sunny." i said softly.
Taeyeon's POV
The door to the emergency room opened and the doctor approached us.
"How is she? Is she okay?" i keep on asking.
"She is fine but.."
"But what?! What is wrong with her?!" i started shouting at him.
"Sunny had a tumour in her head, she needs operation immediately or else it will get worse."
Everyone was shocked to hear the news.
"How did the tumour appeared doc?" Sooyoung asked.
"Well it seems that she had her head hit real bad causing a blood clot and it had spread causing a tumour to grow."
"Did she hit her head before?" he continued.
"Her" POV
"Did she hit her head before?" i froze upon hearing that.
"Her" POV
"Yah! Why are always with Taeyeon? Can't you atleast let her spent her time with the other members?!"
"Excuse me, what did you say? She is the one clinging on to me all day, what other choice do I have? Ignore her and let the media and public knows that she is someone who really doesn't care about the other members which in fact she is not that kind of person?" she said.
"Ya whatever, just don't stay close to her again." i said with a harsh tone. I don't know why i'm angry towards her when in fact i'm the one who told Taeyeon to used her.
"What if I refuse to?" she said with a smirk on her face.
"Well, you will regret it someday. Trust me." i said with an evil grin on my face.
"What are you going to do about it then?! I will continue to be together with Taeyeon just like it is, what you gonna do huh?!"
Within a flash I don't know what had went through my mind, I had pushed her to the ground and all I heard was a loud thud next. I froze there not knowing what to do, I started shouting to the rest of the girls and when they asked me what had happen, I said that I just saw her lying down there motionless. I tried to hid the fact that I had pushed her to the ground.
Sunny's POV
I woke up with a slight pain in my head. The girls were surrounding me.
"What happen to you? You okay?" Sooyoung asked with a worried tone.
Yeah i'm fine, don't worry too much girls. I guess I didn't realise that the floor was slippery thus causing me to fall and hit the floor. I lied to them not wanting to tell them what had really happen. Since that incident, well I tried to distant myself from Taeyeon. I could see her satisfied face, I wondered what is it that made her change into someone else. What happen to the bright and full of shyness girl. Where is the Tiffany that I first know? I asked myself. Suddenly I felt a sudden pain in my head, it felt as though something sharp is poking through it. I manage to find some painkiller before putting it in my mouth in order to ease the pain. The day is not going on well for me, my head is throbbing non stop. I tried to hold it on throughout the day, I forced a smile and tried to ignore the pain but to no avail. Sooyoung sense something was wrong with me when she saw that I was not interacting that much.
"Sunny, what's wrong? You looked pale, you okay?" she said while holding on tight to me when we were approaching the waiting room.
Before I manage to answer her, darkness engulf me.
Sunny's POV
My head was spinning badly, i woke up and saw the girls surrounding me again. I was bombarded with questions from them non stop until Sooyoung told them to keep quiet. When we were in the van on our way home, Sooyoung were by my side holding on to me tightly.
"Sunny ah, is there anything wrong with you? You don't look good, you do know that you can talk to me right? I'm always here for you." Sooyoung said breaking the silence.
"Sooyoungie, I.." i can't continue with my words. Suddenly I felt a tight embrace and I heard her whispering, "Whatever it is, I will be there for you, always." I felt such warm in my heart and without me realising, I shed a tear.
"Don't cry." she continued."Whenever you are ready, you can talk to me arasso?" she said again. I just nod slightly and said "Thank you Sooyoungie."
Sooyoung's POV
I wonder what is wrong with her, she seems out of it recently.
*A few weeks back*
I could not sleep as I was feeling hungry, it was 2am in the morning and my stomach was growling in the middle of the night. Feeling frustrated I decided to go to the kitchen and find something to eat. That is when I saw Sunny in the kitchen, I wanted to surprised her but I decided not to when I saw her holding on to her head while popping a medicine into . She was struggling to minimise the pain that she was holding on to and it hurts me. I can't bear to look at her that way and I decided to approach her.
"Hey Sunny, you just got home?" i asked startling her.
"Oh hey Sooyoungie, yeah i got home just a few minutes ago." she answered while quickly putting away her medicine not wanting me to see it. I could see that she was trying hard to hold on the pain, she looks pale.
"I'm heading to bed, i'm exhausted. Goodnight Sooyoungie." she continued.
"Yeah night too Sunny." i said.
When she is out from my sight, i couldn't help but to think about her. "Sunny ah,what is wrong with you?" i thought to myself. I sighed and went back to my room.I was no longer feeling hungry.
*The next day*
Sunny's POV
I woke up to an empty dorm, most of the girls are having their schedule. As usual my head was spinning. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen, thinking that no one was home as the dorm was exceptionally quiet, I took out the medicine that I hid in the kitchen. As I was about to eat the medicine, Sooyoung stop me from doing so. My eyes opened widely when I felt someone holding on to my hand.
"Soo.. Sooyoungie, what are you doing here?" i asked while stuttering.
"Sunny, is there anything that you have been keeping from us?" she asked me with a stern look on her face.
"You have been acting weird lately and I always saw you in pain. Are you hurt somewhere Sunny?" she continued with a worried voice.
I saw the worried look on Sooyoungie, her eyes was looking for an answer from me.
"If I tell you, could you keep it a secret for me? Will you Sooyoungie?"
Sunny's POV
"I will, I promise." she said.
"Well here it goes, there has been something that i've been keeping from you girls. I have a tumour in my head..." i said before I stopped for awhile.
"What?! How did that happen?!"
"There was once me and Tiffany got into a heated argument. I don't know what is wrong with her at that point of time. She just told me to stay away from Taeyeon and don't stick close to her again. I said that I won't stay away from Taeyeon but she could not accept it thus she got mad and said that I will regret it someday if I don't stay away from Taeyeon. Then that is when I was pushed to the ground and I told you girls that the floor was slippery causing me to slipped and fall to the ground."
"So Tiffany was the one who pushed you to the ground?!" Sooyoung asked with an angry tone.
"Hmm yeah but promise me that you won't tell anyone about this?"
"But why?"
"I just don't want anyone to get the wrong idea about her, please Sooyoungie."
"But Sunny.."
"Okay2 I promise, but how did you know that you had a tumour in your head?" Sooyung asked curiously.
"After that incident, I keep having a terrible headache. My head felt as if there is something sharp poking through it, I tried to ignore it at first but it keeps on getting worst. Unable to bear with it any longer, I decided to went for a medical check-up. That is when I got to know that I had a tumour in my head. I was devastated, I don't know what to do. I am at a lost and I feel like my world is going to collapse soon. I tried my best to put on a smile in front of you girls, but little did I expect that I would break down somehow. My life seems dull and I don't know how to keep putting on a smile any longer."
"But.. Why didn't you tell us about this?" Sooyound said. I could hear her sobbing through her words.
"I don't want you girls to worry about me, I'm sorry." i said while pulling her into a hug.
"Sunny ah, it hurts me to see you in pain. You know that I love you right? I don't want to lose you."
"I know Sooyoungie, don't worry about me. I will be just fine, I promise."
"Promise me that you won't say anything to the girls arasso?" i continued.
"Once again, I promise Sunny. With all my heart, but promise me that you will take good care of yourself and get better soon cause I know you will."
"I.. I promise Sooyoungie and I love you too." i said. "Sorry Sooyoungie, I can't promise you." i said to myself softly.
*The present day*
Sooyung's POV
"How did the tumour appeared doc?" i said breaking the silence when I saw that the girls were shocked to hear the news.
I break the silence by asking the doctor about Sunny's condition. I know what exactly had happen but I pretended to know nothing. I saw the guilt in Tiffany's face, I felt angry towards her. I really wanted to ask why she did that to Sunny but I remembered my promise to Sunny. I sighed. "This is it huh? You promise me that you will take good care of yourself. You promise me that you will get well soon. Where is your promise Sunny?" i asked myself and slowly tears started to flow down my cheeks. Suddenly manager oppa told the doctor to go ahead with the operation as he got the approval from Sunny's parent. With that, the doctor went back to the emergency room. Sunny was wheeled out immediately from the emergency room to the operating theatre. She looks so lifeless, the rest of the girls breaks down again when they saw Sunny.
We waited for a few hours for the operation to be done, Seohyun has been crying non-stop and keep asking if Sunny will be okay with Hyoyeon trying to hold on her tears while calming her down. Yoona and Yuri keeps walking to and fro anxiously. Jessica had fallen asleep with a worried face, Taeyeon has been sitting staring into space for hours. Whereas Tiffany, she was feeling guilty.Yes guilty. And as for me, I could not help but to pray that Sunny will be fine, I don't want to lose her. After waiting for hours, the door to the operating theatre opened. The doctor approached us and said that
"We have managed to remove the tumour and she is fine but she might suffer from memory lost. I hope that you girls will take good care of her from now on.You can see her now." with that he walked away.
No one said a word, we walked into Sunny's room and there she were sleeping soundly. I took a seat beside her and hold on tight to her hand not wanting to let go while Taeyeon took the seat on the other side.
Taeyeon's POV
When I heard that Sunny had a tumour in her head, I could not believe my ears. She's required to go for an operation in order to remove the tumour. I could not say a word, all I did was stare into space. Once the operation was done, the doctor told us that she is fine but the thought of her losing her memory scared me. We head to Sunny' s room and I sit beside her bed, with Sooyoung on the other side. She was holding on tight to Sunny's hand with tears flowing down her cheeks. Without thinking, I took Sunny's left hand and hold on to it as well. "I'm sorry Sunny, I really am." i talk to myself.
We stayed the whole day in the hospital, manager oppa had cancelled our schedule. I was sleeping when I felt Sunny's hand moving and I saw her opened her eyes. I quickly called for the nurse to check on her. After checking, I asked her how she feel and if she is feeling okay.
"How are you? Much better?"
"I'm fine, but who are you?" she answered.
I froze when I heard her say that.
"I'm Taeyeon, Taengoo, your room mate Sunny ah." i said sadly.
"I'm sorry I don't remember you. Who is she Sooyoungie?" she continued.
"Sunny ah she's Taeyeon, our kid-leader. Remember?" Sooyoung said.
"No I don't."
"You know the others right?" Sooyoung asked her while the other girls waited anxiously for her answer.
"Yes I do, she's Jessica, Yoona, Yuri, Hyoyeon, Seohyun and Tiffany. Right?" she said while pointing to each member.
"But I still don't remember her." she continued while pointing to me.
Tears flow down my cheeks, I went out from the room and waited outside. "How can she not remember me? I'm her room-mate, we're the dandyu buddies." i sighed and continued crying thinking about Sunny.
Taeyeon's POV
I keep on asking myself why didn't Sunny remember me at all, she must be pulling a prank on me right? Yes she must be fooling around with me. Without wasting any time, I stood up and went back to the room. The rest of the girls looked at me as I went straight to Sunny. 
"Sunny, can I ask you something?" i said to her.
"Yeah go ahead."
"You're pulling a prank on me aren't you? You know who I am right?"
"No I'm not pulling a prank on you and no I don't know you in fact I don't even remember who you are."
Tears started to flow my my cheeks once again, I could not say a thing. It was then manager oppa came into the room and told us to head home and have a rest. I was reluctant to leave Sunny but manager insisted that all of us went home to take some rest. The girls tried to assure me that someday Sunny will remember me, I tried to smile when I saw how persistent they were. As usual once we reach the dorm, everyone of us went to their respective rooms. I sighed while walking towards my shared room with Sunny. I don't know what went into me, I walked towards Sunny bed and lied down. "No I'm not pulling a prank on you and no I don't know you in fact I don't even remember who you are." Those words keep repeating in my head. I still can't accept the fact that Sunny doesn't remember me, at all. Soon I was drifted to sleep.
*The next day*
I woke up to a cloudy and windy day, there were lighting and thunders. It was like a heavy storm, the loud cracking of thunders could be heard every now and then. I went out of the room to the living room only to see that an empty sight. I supposed the girls were still sleeping as we still don't have any schedule for today. I decided to have a quick shower and head to the hospital to visit Sunny. Once I reached the hospital, I quietly walk inside Sunny's room only to see her sleeping soundly. I took a seat beside her and held on to her hand.
"Sunny ah, I missed you. I'm sorry for everything, I didn't mean to hurt you. If ever you could finally remember me someday I hope that you can forgive me, I miss spending our time together, I miss how you were always keeping an eye on me. How you took good care of me, I miss every single thing about you." i whispered softly to her. I keep on staring at her face and it hurts me so much knowing that what I did towards her before is hundred times much worst then her not remembering me at all. "I'm sorry Sunkyu ah." i said once again.
Sunny's POV
I felt someone holding on to my hand, I opened my eyes only to see there's someone asleep beside me. I tried to wake the person up slowly but numerously in which she then moved slightly and finally opened her eyes.
"Hey, you're finally awake? Wow it's so hard to wake you up, hehe." i said while laughing.
"Oh hey Sunny, it's always hard to wake me up. You know that right as you would always end up making noise or tackling me on bed just to wake me up."
"Really? Wow I didn't know I was like that towards you."
"Yup, and I miss you being that way towards me." she said with a slight disappointment in her tone. 
"I'm going to help you to remember me back whatever it takes. I won't give up not until you remember me, not until you forgive me, and not until you remember every single thing about us." she continued.
"Hmm okay." that is all I can say to her.
"And thank you."
I saw a big smile on her face. Who is she? Why does she keep on asking me to forgive her? What happen between us? Why is it that I can't seem to remember only her? These questions were playing in my mind as I look at the girl infront of me with a big smile.
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Punkrockjazz #1
Chapter 2: just found this...
Chapter 2: my SunYeon heart broke into pieces :(

you have an interesting fic here, author, but is it possible if you don't change the POV too often..? it's quite confusing sometimes :|
lovedandyu #3
Chapter 1: heart :(
I can feel how hurt sunny there
Chapter 1: OMG SUNNY! DX
Chapter 1: I almost cried, you are very cruel xD
I hope to update soon, interesting story.
prynzexhane #6
Chapter 1: Stop hurting bunny..tears
Chapter 1: I like it..
I like it the way sunny always give the best for taeyeon even taeyeon hurt her so bad..>.<
I likeee like like..^^