Hey there partner

Be My Fake Boyfriend


"Hurry up you're so slow!" Luhan yelled and Pulled Tao's arm.

"Hold on!" Tao laughed.

"I can't I want to know what happened!" The shorter male pouted. Tao pinched his cheeks.

          They ran home with Sehun behind them to protect his precious Luhan from danger. He was really over protective and never talked unless spoken to. Anyways, they ended up at a small cafe down the streets. It was a cozy little place. The smell of coffee and sweets filled around the pastel pink colored room. People chatted amongst themselves, read, or used the computers that were placed beside the glass window. Luhan pulled him to a seat and stared at the younger with big doe eyes, batting them. 

 "What?" The blonde panda boy asked with annoyance. He knew if Luhan looked like that, he knows something. 

"YOU have a crush on player boy huh?" He wiggled his eyebrow.

"W-what? I don't know what you're talking about." He turned around, face flushed. He patted his cheeks to calm down. 

"I'm not stupid. I saw that little scene in the cafeteria." He stated and wiggled his eyebrows.

Tao scoffed and looked the other way, hiding his red face. Was it getting hot in here? He fanned himself with his hand, exhaling through his mouth.

Yes he had a crush on him. Why would he have to admit it though? He knows that dating Kris would be risky and confessing to a guy like him is like committing suicide. Emotionally of course. Kris has turned down the girls who confess to him. Every single day, Tao would see girls running down the halls, mascara running down their faces and yelling cuss words. He felt bad and told himself to be careful. Sehun carefully brought their order down on to the table.

"TAO!" Luhan yelled while snapping his fingers in front of his face.

"Cinnamon Dolce Latte!" He exclaimed. A few pairs of eyes stared at him. He bowed and apologized softly.

"Seriously, you need a man." Luhan said while sipping on his Hazelnut Macchiato.

"Hey! I'm fine single." He lied and sipped his warm drink.

"Whatever. All of your friends are dating man! Take a good look at me and Sehun. We're happier than ever." He smiled and pecked the younger's cheek, making him blush.

"Ughh..." He faked gagged and laughed when Luhan hit him playfully on the arm

           TAO'S POV

           I walked around my room, trying to convince myself that I do not, I repeat, DO NOT, like him. He's just some boy who happens to be in the same class as I am. Don't not think about him! He was so y today...Damn it. He blushed as a scene popped from his head.

      "What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled.

       He just smirked there and came closer till my head hit the wall. He lowered his head until our faces were a few centimeters away. "You look more beautiful up close." My eyes widened and I blushed furiously.

             Ughh! Life is just difficult! I can't get him out of my mind. Maybe just maybe...nah. He can't possibly like me. I'm a guy for 's sake and he's straight. I think. Anyways, I went to go finish the report and made the model with some left over construction paper and wires. I got a few cut here and there but hey, it looked fantastic. I could be Picasso. Our project and report was based upon the solar system. The planets were kind of aligned but, hey. My phone ringed, making jump out of surprise.


"Tao?" That familiar voice. Kris?

"Yes? Who is this?"

"Kris." He responded in that deep seducing voice that everyone falls for. I swallowed a big lump in my throat and began to panic. Okay, breathe Tao breathe, Don't be nervous or stutter.

"Oh. H-hey." Didn't I tell you not to stutter?

"Hey, so I was wondering if you want to go to the library to do our project." Act cool, act cool!

"Sure. Whatever. Everything's fine with me." Good job!

"Okay, be there in five minutes. See you later babe~"Wait...What?

"I'll be there. And don't call me babe!" I hung up the phone before he could say anything. My gosh, this idiot. How did he get my number?


The cold breeze hit my red face as I exited my house. The sky was clear and blue like the sea. A soft pink of flowers bloomed on the tall trees that surrounded the neighborhood.  Enough with that, I finally made my way to the public library just around the corner of my favorite bakery. I past the smell of sweet pastries coming out of the oven, hot and fresh and freshly brewed coffee. What I love about this cafe is that it's kind of hidden away from the city so a few people come here which I like. I wouldn't want a crowded cafe while I'm doing my homework or having my quiet time. I finally walked up the steps of the library and went inside. The old librarian greeted me with a soft gentle smile from her tired face. I smiled back and went around to look for that good looking  blonde.

"Tao!" Kris yelled from the back of the room, earning shushes from people.

I walked over there nervously and set my books and backpack on the floor. He looked, like a regular human being without the gel up hair like Edward Cullen and expensive clothing like he ruled the world. He was wearing a denim button down shorts and black faded jeans with white spotless converse.  He still manages to look that good with regular clothing while I look like...well I look good if I do say so myself but not good like that. 

"So, I was thinking if you want to do the constellations for our project."

"S-sure. That sounds cool." 

We both made our way to the astronomy aisle and scanned the whole shelf to find a book. I turned to catch a glance of him. He looked concentrated. He felt the spine of the books and sometimes skimmed through them. He grabbed a book and placed them in my arms.

"What the?" I said.

"You don't expect me to carry these books do you?" He lifted his eyebrow.

"Rude much?" He rolled his eyes at me.

After quite some time, books kept piling up until I couldn't see what's in front of me. These were way to heavy and this rude person right here wouldn't help. Who does he think he is? A prince? Tsk. Right now we're on the table, writing down information. Well, was. He was just busy texting a girl (I assume) and laughing. Guess that girl is way more important than me. Me?! I meant the report! Of course I wouldn't care if he spent more time on someone else but this is work time! I swiftly grabbed his cellphone out his hand, startling him, and hid it in my back pocket. 

"HEY!" He yelled earning a swap on the head from me.

"We're in the library and doing work. So it's concentrate or I'll break your phone." I warned.

"...Fine." He roughly grabbed a paper and started writing notes.

We spent at least 2 and a half hours in there. A couple of words were said but they were either insults or questions involving the project. Currently, we're walking home in the cold. I should've brought a jacket just in case. My teeth were rattling softly and my body shivered when the wind hit me. I felt a soft cloth placed on my shoulders which smelled like Kris. I looked at him with surprise. He smiled back sweetly. That sweet smiled I tend to fall for every time. 

"We don't want you to get sick do we?"  

"I guess not."

A/N...Hey sorry for 3-4 months wait :C I didn't mean it! I had writer's block. Thank you my loyal subbies and I shall be back.

*Blows kisses to everyone*




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Chapter 3: Update please :)))
unicesawmhal #2
Chapter 3: update plzzzz
xohztxo #3
still waiting for your update :)
Thirits501 #4
Chapter 3: Please update Author-nim. .T.T btw I love Taoris so much XD
Nice_7101 #5
Can you change the quote to "Don't you dare fall in love with me" just sayin i'll read now!
budakc #6
Chapter 3: waiting 4 next update.... ^^
Chapter 3: Kris is so gay
Chapter 2: u have to update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if not den i m going 2 summoned zombies~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
Chapter 2: Tao thought too much xD haha and Kris being sweet and flirty~~ ♥ GO TAORIS!! :3
Chapter 1: update ^_^