The Badass Gang

Be My Fake Boyfriend



                       Hello my lovely people out there. My name is Huang Zitao but just call me Tao. I'm 19 years old and I like Wushu and baking. Most people like to view me as a cute person with a bubbly personality but others like to think I'm just a snobby rich bastard. Well I'm not those things. I am just me and I like to keep it that away. You know how you have this super duper hot guy in school and you just can't help but wish to be with them but you know you can't so you just make scenarios in your head. hurts doesn't it? Ahem...okay well anyway.

                       Today was the day where I have to meet my best friend's boyfriends. No, my friends are not girls, they're guys, We're all gay. Did I forget to mention that I'm gay? Whoops. I walk down the hallways of this goddamn prison I like to call, school. People walked to slow and they would just stop in the middle of the hallway to talk to their friends or make out with their significant other. Seriously, I almost walked into someone's tongue. I finally reached the cafeteria that reeked of desperation. I'm very judgmental. Seriously. Do these girls even have self respect? They're always showing off their skin and caking on makeup. Don't get me started when they try to flirt. It's really sad. I spot my friends who were with their boyfriends, laughing. I walked over there hoping to grab their attention, which I did. Luhan, the "manliest" in our group waved excitedly, almost hitting Xiumin in the process, and ran up to me with a bone crushing hug. 


"Hey Zizi!" He yelled. God, I hate that nickname.

 "I told you not to call me that." I pouted.

 "Awww you're sooooooo cute like that!" He pinched my cheeks very hard. I slapped his hands away and  growled at him before rubbing my swollen red cheeks. 

"Don 't growl. It's not gentleman like. Anywhodoodlepoodlescoodle, this is my boyfriend Sehun. Sehun, this is my best friend Tao." He said. Sehun waved at me and I waved back. He's really quiet.

 "Babe. introduce yourself." Xiumin said.

"The name's Chen." He held at his hand to shake mine. I shook his hand but I think held it a little too hard.. 

"Ha...ha...You have a strong grip there." He said nervously while massaging his sore hand.

"I'm so sorry!" I bowed quickly. 

"It's okay haha It was just by accident." I smiled and sat down. Well, I guess I'm the single one in this group. Yay for being in the single club, Population: Me.

                 Snapping out of my thoughts, everyone in the cafeteria ran to the exit door and started crowding. Oh my God not again. This happens almost everyday. The "Bad Boy" group made their dramatic yet stupid entrance. It's like they're Gods. People worship the ground they walk on. They're known to be y, mysterious, bad , and leaders of a gang. Seriously people this is not some drama(Pfft kekeke).

                 You have the flower boy, Baekhyun. He's known for his charming good looks and his innocent looking face that's worn with black eyeliner. Next, you've got Lay. He's known to be mysterious and quiet. Rumor has it that he was left in an orphanage and ran away at the age of 9. Next, Chanyeol. He's known for his funny attitude, ertness, and his violent actions. He brings a knife everywhere he goes and took down a whole gang with his bare hands. Then, Suho. He's really sweet and actually funny. He was my lab partner in Biology. I seriously don't know why he hangs out with them. Lastly, you've got the leader, Kris. Kris was known for his handsome looks, his y body, badass attitude, his player ways, and his mysterious works.  He, himself literally screamed out . He is walking on two feet. Yeah, I have this massive crush on him since 2 years ago but never told anyone. Not even my friends. Everyone knows that if you date Wu Kris, you'll just have a broken heart and a sore . People say he's a beast in bed. Okay, too much information. I could care less of what they were wearing except for Kris. He was wearing a black button up shirt that was buttoned half way to show his toned chest, black washed out denim jeans, and some black converse. Damn he looked hot. Okay, enough talking. This talk is taking me no where. I need to calm my hormones.

                       They walked down like they were some movie stars. They walked to their table with girls surrounding them and flirting with them. They even tried pulling their shirts down to show their cleavage(which I doubt they have any) and pulling their skirts higher. So sad. Chanyeol had a girl sitting on his lap who was his neck while he was groping some body parts I shall not name. Talk about awkward. Wu Kris locked his eyes into mine. It was unreadable. Should I be scared? He grabbed his glass of water and stared right back at me. As he was about to take a sip, he smirked and winked. Did...Did that just happen? I turned my head back to our table.

                      My face was heating up and I think my face was red. I shook my head furiously and looked back at the bad people behind us. He was still ing staring! Thankfully the bell rang which meant it was 3rd period! I ran out of the cafeteria early, leaving my friends worried, because I didn't want people crowding up the exit again. I finally made it to the classroom. I sat down on my seat. Other students came in but one person caught my eyes. . Kris. He walked closer and closer until he took the seat behind me. I felt someone blow in my ear. I looked at the direction and realized it was Kris. My face was probably 5 shades redder than my regular skin tone. He chuckled and sat back down like he didn't do anything. 

                     Can I just jump out the window right now? Okay. Just breathe Tao just breathe. The teacher came in, telling us our assignment. I was happy that was until, she told us about the school project.

"Okay class, you will have a project based on astronomy. Pick any topic and give me a 5 page report and make a sculpture about that topic. I will pick partners." The whole class groaned.

She picked up her clip board and began to say the names. "Hana and Mihyuk. Xiao with Jenni. Zitao with..." This is it. I'll either be with some lazy bum or with someone cool. "...Kris." And...I'm dead.

                   My heart literally sank to the ground, as well as my pride, and confidence, and possibly my sanity. It's not that I'm not happy. I'm beyond happy but what if everything just turns awkward and I do something stupid? Like really stupid. What if he doesn't like me? What if I did something embarrassing? What if I do something that annoys him? Most importantly, What am I going to wear? An arm unexpectedly wrapped around my shoulder. Okay, who the hell is his bastard?

"Hey there partner." That man said with his deep y intriguing voice that I desperately wanted to hear since day 1. "Let's get to work, Zitao." He whispered in my ear and emphasized my name. Oh how y it sounded when my name rolled off his tongue.

                    I could only nod my head slowly and quickly grabbing out a notebook and a pencil. When I turned back, some girl was leaning over the table and twirling her hair, while Kris was just there smirking and eyeing her . I rolled my eyes and began writing the report. If he doesn't start it then who will?

                   Class ended and I was already on the 3rd page. I'm on a roll! Until, Mr. Wu stared at me. I sighed and packed stuff. He was still staring at me. I swear. I will not punch on his pretty face. He. was. still. staring. Okay that's it.     

"What the hell is your problem?!" I yelled.

He just smirked there and came closer till my back hit the wall. He lowered his head until our faces were few centimeters away. "You look more beautiful up close."  My eyes widened and I blushed furiously. 

                   I pushed him and walked out the door. More like stomping my way out. What the hell was he trying to prove?

A/N....What did I just write....?

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Chapter 3: Update please :)))
unicesawmhal #2
Chapter 3: update plzzzz
xohztxo #3
still waiting for your update :)
Thirits501 #4
Chapter 3: Please update Author-nim. .T.T btw I love Taoris so much XD
Nice_7101 #5
Can you change the quote to "Don't you dare fall in love with me" just sayin i'll read now!
budakc #6
Chapter 3: waiting 4 next update.... ^^
Chapter 3: Kris is so gay
Chapter 2: u have to update!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!if not den i m going 2 summoned zombies~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~
Chapter 2: Tao thought too much xD haha and Kris being sweet and flirty~~ ♥ GO TAORIS!! :3
Chapter 1: update ^_^