Eating Competition

By My Will

"What's troubling you?" Jen asked as I glared at my phone maliciously. 

"This girl...she's got a really tricky case and I'm not sure what to tell her..." I chewed at my lip, eyebrows furrowed.

"Well, what is her case?" Jen looked over my shoulder in an attempt to read, but ultimately gave up and chose to sit on the counter and wait for me to explain.

"See she has this boyfriend and she's not sure if he's cheating on her." I started, skimming over her message once more as if I could somehow solve her problem by reading thirty-four times.

"That should be a simple one, right?" Jen looked confused. I dealt with suspecting girlfriends, and even boyfriends, all the time.

"But there's a catch. Her boyfriend is super religious like he won't even attempt anything with her and the furthest he ever went was kissing her for a full thirty seconds. It could easily be a ploy so that he has an excuse not to do anything with her, but it'd also be a very elaborate one. I don't know what to tell her." I huffed.

"That is hard." Jen nodded in agreement, hopping off the counter. "Why don't you just tell her the truth?"

"The truth?" I questioned.

"That you don't know." She shrugged.

"Jen, I can't do that!" I looked at her in shock as if the very idea would be the death of me. 

There was no way I could just turn away someone who needed help and give up on them. I couldn't tell someone that I didn't have an answer. That was my whole pitch; that I had the answers everyone was looking for. Turning down this girl on the basis that I couldn't figure out what to say would be simply awful.

"Why not? You're only human, Misa." Jen smiled sympathetically.

"Because if I can't help her, who will?" I still couldn't fathom how Jen could casually tell me to tell the girl I couldn't help her.

"She can help herself." She suggested. "You're not always going to be around to help people, Misa. And you can't help everyone. People have to learn how to live on their own."

As I struggled for something to say back, the bell for the door rang. Jen went to get it as I stood in the back room, stunned. I couldn't think of a single valid response for what she had said. I knew I couldn't help everyone and I knew I couldn't always be here. But at the same time, all I wanted to do was make an impact and somehow help everyone I could. Of course there would be times where I didn't know the answers, but I didn't want to think about not being able to solve others' problems. 

"Y'know I thought you were brooding because those cuties haven't come back." Jen laughed as she came back from helping whomever had come in.

"Jen!" I snapped, reaching out to smack her, but she danced out of my way.

"That one who ordered the cheesecake was totally eyeing you the entire time. I'd have guessed he thought you were cute." Jen waggled her eyebrows at me, grinning from ear to ear.

"He was probably just staring at the flour in my hair that he told me about as they left." I rolled my eyes, dismissing her excitement.

"I think the flour was just an excuse to talk to you." She retorted.

"Oh really?" I challenged. 

"Yeah really." She winked at me.

"So if this international idol really does think I'm cute, wouldn't he come back?" I asked, humoring her.

"He would eventually." Jen defended.

"Alright. If he comes in the next week, I'll give you 10,000 won. If he doesn't, you owe me 10,000." I smirked.

"Is this a bet?" Jen raised an eyebrow, taunting.

"You know it." I leaned forward, confident.

"You're on." She grinned and shook my outstretched hand as the bell rang once more.

"Is that mine?" I grimaced.

"You bet." Jen smiled as she plopped down in a chair and sat back.

Rolling my eyes at her, I walked out to the front of the shop. Before the counter, slightly nervous looking, was a man completely swaddled in his coat, scarf, and hat. He had sunglasses that concealed his eyes as well and I almost found it comical.

"Do you have an order?" I asked, smiling warmly.

" I just want a cheesecake for here." He replied, faltering for a moment.

"Alright." I smiled once more. "You can take a seat anywhere and I'll have your cake in a bit."

He nodded and sat down in the corner table, keeping on all his ridiculous attire. I went back to the counter and opened the case to grab his cheesecake as Jen poked her head out from the back room.

"Is it him?" She hissed.

"We literally just made that bet. Things like that don't happen in real life." I hissed back, shooting her a scathing look.

Jen shrugged and I rolled my eyes as I straightened and walked back out to the man who was waiting.

"Here you are!" I beamed and placed the plate in front of him before turning away to walk back.

"You don't have flour in your hair this time,"

I froze and whipped around to look at the man sitting at the little corner table. Without thinking, I rushed forward and yanked his scarf and sunglasses from his face. My eyes bore into his which had a light of amusement. 

Things like this don't happen in real life.

"You." I blurted, shocked.

"Me." He smiled in the most adorable way. 

"You don't have a crowd this time." I smirked to cover my absolute bewilderment.

"I suppose not." He laughed.

"Where are your friends?" I inquired, taking the seat before him and propping my elbows up on the table.

"Just me today." He shrugged.

"Refresh me," I bit my lip, "your name?"

"Daehyun." He smiled once more.

"Well, Daehyun, welcome back." I winked and stood up to go to the back room.

Jen looked at me questioningly as I marched back into the storeroom. Without a word, I dug into my pocket and handed her a wad of cash. 

"What was that about things like that not happening in real life?" Jen teased.

"Shut up." I pouted. "It's beyond me why he would come back."

"Because he thinks you're cute!" Jen pressed.

"Do you really believe that?" I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Yes, I do." She nodded.

"You're kidding." I shook my head. "There's no way that guy thinks I'm cute. He just really likes cake."

"Whatever you say." Jen mocked to which I smacked her lightly.

Unwilling to stay through the rest of Jen's victory dance. I walked out to the front to see Daehyun had already finished his cake and was eyeing the case once more. 

"Betcha I can eat more cake than you can." I called out, oddly amused with this strange guy. 

"Don't make bets you can't keep." He grinned, slightly taken off guard. 

"Oh I can keep it all right." I challenged, laughing. 

"Are you sure? I eat a lot," he said, looking far too excited. 

"Let's have an eating competition then. We each pick a desert of choice and see who can eat the most. It'll all be on me." I smirked, stepping out from behind the counter to stand before Daehyun. 

"Cheesecake for me." Daehyun beamed confidently. 

"And I'll take a pear and clove pie," I said and carried out a full cheesecake and pie. 

Without a word, I sat down in front of Daehyun and began to eat. He watched me carefully before beginning to devour his own desert. We ate in relative silence, looking up occasionally to laugh at how ridiculous the other looked with a face full of food. I was astounded by how much fun I was having with Daehyun. I would have never guessed he was an idol if we had met in this context. He was so carefree that he reminded me of myself. I had this undying desire to be his friend and I was determined to make it happen. 

"I can't....." Daehyun sighed, putting down his fork and sitting back in his chair in defeat. 

"What was that?" I teased, taking another bite of pie. 

"It's too much." He laughed. 

"I'm sorry, did you just admit defeat?" I questioned, leaning forward and taking some cheesecake on my finger. 

"What if I did?" He raised an eyebrow. 

"Then you get a cheesecake nose!" I cried, flicking the cake off my finger and onto his face. 

Daehyun blinked at me in utter shock before bursting out into laughter. His laugh was so genuine that I couldn't help but laugh as well. 

"That's not fair!" He cried, dipping his finger in his cake and flicking it at me. 

"Hey!" I laughed as the creamy filling hit my face. "I won fair and square!"

"You know, I've never met anyone like you." Daehyun marveled. 

"Is that good or bad?" I laughed, wiping my face and standing clear the plates. 

"Aside from cake in my hair, good." He grinned. 

"Well good. Come back again anytime and I promise I won't throw any more cheesecake at you."

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eyesthatsing #1
Chapter 2: Omg the eating competition idea is just brillant. So sweet!
diana555430 #2
Chapter 1: Update soon!!! I love it so far. Hope to read more of it!! Fighting!! XD <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
eunmini #3
seems interesting and fun to read ^-^!! definitely gonna follow this
can't wait for the first chapter^^;;