
Against All Odds

"Keeps your eyes and ears open.. Move as silent as you can..Theyre everywhere."  I heard Sergeant said.. Were trying to get pass through a small town as safely as we could.. As silent as we can..

I could see some people opening their curtains just to get a peek at what's happening out of their houses.. All has one thing written on their faces.. Fear.. Theyve probably tried so hard to keep themselves alive up untill now since the attack.. 

Someone tapped my shoulder and said. "Hey Corporal.. Watch out for the Eaters..

"Eaters?" I mumbled..

"What? Zombies are too mainstream Corporal..Its already 2014, they should have another name to be called of." Pfc Choiza said as he followed Sergeant's lead.


They have given them a new name to call with.. Eaters.. Seriously Walkers sounds more cool than that.. Or Biters or we couldve just stick with zombie since weve all grown accustomed to it with all the zombie movies played in cinemas all these years.

Although I dont really like the idea giving them a new name, I guess its better since it doesnt sound that scary than when I hear the word zombie.. The word itself triggers fear within me.. But I need to deal with it.. I had to overcome it so I can think properly.. I had to so I can be with Krystal again..

Being in the Army, the first thing weve been taught of was 'No fear'.. Since everything unfortunate all started with being scared.. You panic when youre scared, You cant think straight when youre scared and most specially you'll end up dead when youre scared.. Thats why we've been taught not to fear anything even death itself.. But come on, we're only human and manifestation of fear is only natural.. We cant just threw it out of our system, we can only control it.. Or atleast try to make ourselves believe that were not scared.. Mental Conditioning, thats how we call it..


"Serge what are we going to do with them?" I asked as I pointed to one of the houses where someone was holding a paper with the word 'Help us' written on it.

We took cover at the cars, so we can hide ourselves from those Eaters. There were a lot of them, just like what Sergant Kim had said. I held my knife tightly, as if it was my dear life... We dont want to use our guns as much as possible, if we could possibly get out of this town without using a single ammo, much better.

"We help them ofcourse." Segeant Kim answered.

"What? But Sir, they'll just make us slow." Pfc Jo whispered to as he joined me and Sergeant in hiding beside the truck.

"Jo, your 6." I said and when Pfc Jo didnt reacted, I charged at the Eater and stabbed its head. 

"Thanks Maam." Pfc Jo muttered.

"Tell the others, me and Cpl Liu will help those inside that house, the rest of you, try to get pass through that police station, clean the place up  and we'll meet you there. Back us up when were on your 20 okay?" Segeant Kim instructed, pointing at the station on our far left. "And Pfc Jo. Try not to get killed."

"Yes sir." 

Segeant and I then headed to that small house, as quietly as we can.. They opened the door as soon as they saw us coming.


"Im Sergeant Kim and this is Cpl Liu."

"This is my wife and son." 

We introduced ourselves and asked them what happened in the town and just like what we suspected, the outbreak reached them without no one noticing till people was on the run for their lives. This family we're saving right now was able to locked themselves inside the house. Luckily they have sufficient food supplies and the father was a deer hunter, he happened to have a shotgun that he havent even used so far.

"Get your knives.. The big ones if you have. Strike the head, it'll kill them."

"So theyre really zombies?" The son who I believe isnt even around his teen asked.

"We believe so." I answered him. "So stick with your parents. Be quick and move as quietly as you could." He just nodded at me, a sign that he understood what i said. "We call them eaters by the way, doesnt sound scary as they look, right?" The boy just shrugged his shoulder.

They went inside their kitchen and took a knife each. "Its scarier out there so please as much as possible lets stick together." Sergeant said before opening the door.

Segeant was leading them the way and Im watching out for our back. We hid ourselves behind the cars whenever Eaters walked pass us..

We're about few meters away from the police station and we could see Pfc Choiza and Pfc jimenez looking out for us..

Were almost there..

A couple of tip toes more..

But suddenly we were cut in by some Eaters and the wife panicked and held my arm, preventing me to charge on the Eaters that coming close behind us.

"Maam, Let me go.. We'll all get killed here if you wont let me go." I said, struglin to pull my arm off her hold.

Her husband pulled her and as soon I was freed, I was able to put down three Eaters.

"Mom.. Dad.." I heard the kid said and when I turned to look at where he's lookin at, I saw her parents being eaten alive, holding out their hands and asking for help. More and more Eaters came and tried to get a piece of his parents..

"No.." The kid was about to run to his parents but Sergeant Kim was able to come to his aid and pull the kid away from one Eater and carried him to the police station. I followed them with some Eaters following behind me...


Theyre closing in..


I doubled my steps and when one of the eaters where almost a few feet behind me, I heard gun shots. I looked ahead of me and saw Pfc Jimenez firing at my direction.. Pfc Choiza holding the gate open for us..


"Thanks." I said as soon I get inside the police station. Pfc Jimenez and Pfc Choiza locked the gate behind me.

"You let my parents die.. Youre supposed to save lives.." I heard the kid said. He was crying..

"Im sorry." I told him but he slapped away my hand when I tried to put it on his shoulder.

"You just let them die.. We shouldve just stayed at home, maybe then theyre still alive." He yelled at us..

"Yak kid, watch your words.. As if we wanted.."

"Its okay Jimenez.. He's right.. Were suppose to save lives here." I said as I held out my hand when Pfc Jimenez tried to grab the kid's colar.

Pfc Jimenez flicked his toungue inside his mouth and scoffed. "Is this what we get for trying to save lives?"

"Thats enough." Sergeant Kim said. "Let the kid be. So what do we have here?" 

Everyone took all the remaining guns and ammos and layed it on the table. We part it equally so everyone will have the same amount of ammos..

"We're only a couple of miles to Yongsan, if were lucky we'll be there by tomorrow noon." Pfc Jo said as we looked at the map. 

"Sir, they have one car here. Its in good condition so we can use them." Pfc Smith said a she pinted the station's garage.

 "Maybe we should take the river Sir.. I think there'll be less Eaters there, I mean if we go by the roads, it's likely filled with them, dont you think?" Pfc Jo suggested.

Sergeant Kim nodded. "Youre right, roads could be blocked by now, so its better we go by foo. We'll go around the station then."

"Yes sir."

"Okay, get ready at 5. We'll move out." Sergent Kim said as he fixed his gun strap on his chest.

We did the same. At the corner of my eyes,I saw the kid got up.

"Where are you going?" I asked him when he went pass by the door. "Hey kid.." I called out to him but Pfc Choiza stopped me. 

"Corporal, we did what we can. If he wants to die just like his parents, leave him. We cant always expect people to understand us, specially now." 


"Lets go." Sergeant Kim called out. 

I stayed and watched how the kid opened the gate and welcomed the Eaters with open arms, without fear in his eyes, no hint of being scared in his face. He welcomed death as if it was the right thing to do when he saw his parents got ripped off earlier, as if he has nothing left for him..

I closed my eyes as I dont want to see him die, and let my body be pulled away by Pfc Choiza.



I tried saving that family yet they all end up dead..



Will I be able to keep Krystal safe?


Can I keep her safe from harm?


Fear overwhelmed me.

Not because I might die even before I reach Yongsan but because Im afraid that just like that family.. 

I might not be able to save Krystal..

Or worst.. She'll die in my own hands..





And that's what scares me the most..


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ed_peniel #1
Chapter 70: Bitin hahahahha pero maganda story hahahah
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 70: Eh? The ending was like that? Well the story's good tho. More author! :)
Chapter 70: Kryber AND zombies? Count me in! I love the plot of the story too bad the ending was rished but at least there was an ending! <3 Thanks for the unique story and I hope you continue to create more Kryber-licious stories.
lilkjungie #4
hey, i just finished reading this story again for like.... the nth time?? like seriously this story is one of my favorite kryber story ever, and maybe i haven't have the chance to say this but then, this story is amazing af!
like seriously this story give me the rush, adrenaline, the romance feeling, the scared, anticipating, everything!!
and i'm ready to read this story again tomorrow! :)))
So actually, this is where train to busan got their idea hahahahaha
fankry #7
Chapter 70: this story was jjang
and author-shii jjang! <3
snackplate #8
Chapter 70: Luckily it's worth it. I spent my entire sleeping time to finished this. Thanks Grandpa aunthor.. You've done a great story here... Well done! Thanks again n do please continue writing more great kryber stories..