
Against All Odds

We felt safe as long as were inside our house, protected by my dad's armed men and our hard stoned walls. No zombies can go in.. No humans can go out.. As if anyone would even want to.

Its been days..

Without news from Amber.. But Im still hoping she's alive, she is after all trained for all kinds of survival. I just dont know if zombie apocalypse is one of those that she had trained for. 

Every night I pray for her safety, that one night we'll be together again. That I'd be able to see her dorky smile and hear her soothing voice again. There's nothing I want now than to be in her protective arms and warmth..

I missed her..

And the thought of her dead is the most horrible of all.. More horrifying than those hungry zombies outside.

God.. I need her to be safe and come home to me as soon as she can.. I need her here by my side.. 


I was helping my mom to distribute food to the poeple we were able to save.. As days passed, the number of our group increased and so, we had the need to share the food equally. We dont know how long will this last, and we need to think of some ways to get more food supplies and some gun supplies. Dad told us, that if we kept on firing everyday, we'll run out of bullets. So they decided to kill the zombies with knifes and pointed sticks or whatever thing that can get through their hard skull. Its totally gruesome and gross, thats why I tried not to look when they do that.

"Krys, honey.. Can you give this to Mrs. Jenkins." My mom called from the kitchen.

"Yes Mom.." I answered back, handing out the last cup on my tray.

My heartbeat skipped when I felt my phone vibrated and the first thing I thought of is Amber.. So I hurriedly took my phone out only to be disappointed that it wasnt Amber's number.

I hesitated if I should answer it since the number isnt one of my friends nor Amber's troop. She uses her troops phone whenever she can get through with hers or she has no load in her number.

I answered it nonetheless.

"Hello?" No one answered..

"Hello?" I tried again but there was a faint " the phone" on the background.. I dont know if I heard it right though. There were gunshots then before the call ended..

"Gunshots...Oh my god.. Thats Amber.. It got to be her.."  I redialled the number but its now out of reach..

"Ohh . I need to charge my phone, maybe Amber will call again later.." I said when my phone beeped indicating that it running out of charge.

I went to my room after I did what my mom told me to do earlier. I plugged my phone to its charger but its not working.. "Ohh damn charger, please dont  be a now.." 

Having a different phone with my family, I have to use a different charger.. And its actually been broken days even before the catasthrophe happened.

"Unnie, can I use your phone for a sec?" I said when Unnie walked pass my room.

"Yeah sure.." She gave me her phone and I was about to dial the number but suddenly my phone went off..

"Ohh no.." 

"What happened. My phone died.."

"You can use mine." My sister offered.

"Its just.. Someone called me earlier and I think its Amber.."

"What? Aissh you shouldve saved the number.. With your phone dead, we cant retrieve the number.. " My sister said, she took the charger and examined it. She knows Ive been having a problem with it since I always lend her phone to send Amber messages sometimes whenever my phone wont charge.

"No use Krys.. Your charger is broken.. Really broken." My sister said, holding out the cgarger in front of me, showing me the ripped off wirings.

"No..." I said dramatically as I took the charger from her hand.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. "If it really is Amber.. then atleast you know she's alive.. She's probably safe and heading here as we speak." Jessica assure me with a smile.

With a heavy heart I nodded. My sister just made me a little happy, cause even when she doesnt approve with Amber like dad, she never showed anything bad to her neither did say anything bad about my girlfriend. She never pushed me to break up with Amber and even told me that she trust me enough to make my own right decisions but with the reminder that what I have for Amber is nothing but out of curiousity, a teenager's experimental relationship or something she called like that. Yes, she doesnt like the idea of me, her only sister, will end up with a homoual army personnel yet she's always civil when she talks to Amber and whenever she see me and Amber together. And thats what I like about her. She is indeed the town's Jewel, someone who is close to perfection. Thats why I adore her sometimes.. But ofcourse, being her sister I know some of her flaws..

"Now, lets go.. Mom needs you to distribute the food."

"Why are you not helping?"

"You know me.. Even zombies cant stop me from being.."

"A lazy bum"  I finished her words for her, shaking my head at her. She just patted my head and pulled me out of my room.




If what my sister told me is true.. that if it really is Amber and she's really heading here now..

Then I'll just wait for her to come.. And be with me..

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ed_peniel #1
Chapter 70: Bitin hahahahha pero maganda story hahahah
owheyjae_ #2
Chapter 70: Eh? The ending was like that? Well the story's good tho. More author! :)
Chapter 70: Kryber AND zombies? Count me in! I love the plot of the story too bad the ending was rished but at least there was an ending! <3 Thanks for the unique story and I hope you continue to create more Kryber-licious stories.
lilkjungie #4
hey, i just finished reading this story again for like.... the nth time?? like seriously this story is one of my favorite kryber story ever, and maybe i haven't have the chance to say this but then, this story is amazing af!
like seriously this story give me the rush, adrenaline, the romance feeling, the scared, anticipating, everything!!
and i'm ready to read this story again tomorrow! :)))
So actually, this is where train to busan got their idea hahahahaha
fankry #7
Chapter 70: this story was jjang
and author-shii jjang! <3
snackplate #8
Chapter 70: Luckily it's worth it. I spent my entire sleeping time to finished this. Thanks Grandpa aunthor.. You've done a great story here... Well done! Thanks again n do please continue writing more great kryber stories..