White Dress

Silent Sorrow

Seoul, August 12, 2018

"What do you think Jongin-ah?" asked a girl who had just come out of the fitting room curtainShe spun right and left while lifting the tip of the white dress she wore.

"Hmm ... okay," I said with a smile, "You're beautiful." I said and cupped both her ​​ cheeks. "Are you happy, Hye?"


"Yes, I'm happy, Jongin-ah"


OMG I DO WHAT I'VE DONE HERE. I just let you know, if I'm not going to make every chapter is always long, and i hope you note the date in every chapter because I make the plot forward and backward, I hope you are not confused hehe. and may I also will not often leave the author notes in every chapter. thanks for taking the time to read c;
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just leave a feedback! update soon!
BabyTaem #2
Chapter 3: OMO >,< I want more, really! it seems interesting^^ next chapter arrachi?! make it longer ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 3: One Park Chanyeol for myself pleaseee
BabyTaem #4
Chapter 2: I want more pleaseeeeeee :'----------) fighting^^
Chapter 2: *chanting "WE WANT MORE!!!!" on the top of my lungs* si kecut seems so gentle and sweet here ;___;
exoexoforevah #6
BabyTaem #7
Chapter 1: This so shoooort :"---( make it longer pleaseeeee. Looking forward for the next chapter ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 1: Awwwwww it's too shooooort I want more!!!!! The date thingy would be interesting it seems!
Chapter 1: Urghhhh... Jongin don't sound happy at all. And this is so short but I'll wait to see the next update. :D
BabyTaem #10
Please update as soon as possible. I'm dying of curiosity :"""""")