Back at the hut where the girls were staying, CL told the two about Luhan’s invitation for dinner.


“I thought you told us that this was only a vacation??” Bom jested while munching on some freshly roasted corn


“I couldn’t resist it.... if you were in my shoes would you have the heart to turn him down?” CL stated as she tried to hide her excitement


“Well... let’s open that suitcase of yours... for sure we can whip up something you can wear for tomorrow night!” Dara stated as she gestured towards CL’s luggages


“Something light and comfortable... hmmmmm... do you think you’re riding on a cruise or a yacht?” Bom stated while helping CL bring some of the luggages in front of them and opening them one by one


“I don’t think he will suggest something light to wear especially at night time... don’t want to get chilly!” CL discussed


“All the more that it is a good strategy, so that you can cuddle next to each other... Aigoo!!!” Bom stated while hugging herself.


The following morning, a part of their schedule for the morning was to go island hopping and scuba diving. The three women were up and about so early to catch the first trip.


Luhan was eager to invite CL over breakfast but was not successful when he saw the housekeeper cleaning the room.


“Excuse me... where are they?” Luhan asked, the housekeeper was shocked to see face to face... one of the most angelic and sweetest faces she has ever seen.


“Omona! You gave me  a scare sir... good morning Mr. Lu, they went on the first trip for island hopping and scuba diving.”


Upon hearing it, Luhan couldn’t keep his disappointment to himself, he kicked a small rock and turned around and thanked the housekeeper as he went back on his way to the restaurant.


“Yo man! You’re up so early!” Xiumin stated throwing his arm over Luhan’s shoulder.


“Oh... Annyeong! I think I should prohibit dawn trips for island hopping... hmph!” Luhan sulked as he turned his head looking for his younger friend.


“If you are looking for Sehun... he is still asleep... snoring so loudly it woke me up!” Xiumin stated as the two headed for the buffet breakfast by the pool.



In the middle of their island hopping, the three women enjoyed the sun and the water as they swam and looked at the school of fish and corals underneath their boat.


“Ahhhh.... this is the life... is this how the rich and famous live?” Bom uttered enjoying the carefree life.


“Thank you Chaerin for doing such a wonderful job... for that we are able to enjoy how the other half lives... kyaaaaaaaa!!!” Dara uttered while floating on her mini lifesaver while sipping a mango shake.


“Aigoo... uri unnies are really daebak... you know how to really relax and have fun!” CL stated while dipping her feet onto the water while sitting on the edge of the boat.


“So...let us go back to Mr. Lu Han-ssi... he is a good catch!” Bom stated while removing her shades trying to look at CL’s reaction.


“I don’t think I am his type, he obviously has a girlfriend... no man like that... handsome and rich... is single!” CL stated with an as-a-matter-of-fact tone,


“If he is not into you then what do you call the invitation for tonight?” Dara asked


“I intend to make this vacation memorable, what more memorable way to spend it, than to have a date with a rich and handsome guy...” CL answered plainly


“If that is the case then... what do you call the look, the way he stared at you while you two were walking along the beach, don’t tell me that wasn’t something!” Bom insisted


“Unnie... I am not gonna spend my vacation fantasizing about men like him, when that is the reason why I hate men like him, I always fall for those types of men... aish! Sophisticated men who are after what is outside rather than what’s on the inside!” CL exclaimed.


“But, just so we are clear... you are still going tonight, right? Cause I’d gladly step in if you don’t want to... kekekekeke” Dara added jokingly.




Meanwhile, down by the beach, near the bar, Luhan and Xiumin were enjoying their after lunch drinks while playing billiards when Sehun appeared all of a sudden.


“Hyung! I think you are having a fling!” Sehun teased.


Luhan shook his head as he answered,


“I don’t think so, she didn’t even made eye contact!”


“what?! You mean to tell us she didn’t look into those brown puppy eyes of yours?” Xiumin exclaimed in a teasing manner


“That’s why she wasn’t floating on air then when you two finished talking last night!” Sehun added.


“It seems your power over women are a bit off!” Xiumin stated.


“She was different, I mean, when I talk to other women, I am the one usually in control... but the minute we began to talk, I felt like she was the one manipulating me, I even ran out of words that I could say to her!” Luhan was so frustrated with himself, he couldn’t understand what was happening.


“You?! Speechless! Hyung! She got you bad!” Sehun stated jokingly throwing his arm over Luhan’s shoulder.


After a few moments, the three men saw the three ladies getting off the boat, it seems like their island hopping was already done.


“Good afternoon ladies! Enjoyed your day so far!” Xiumin greeted as he helped Dara get off the boat, while Sehun helped Bom with her bag, but the main highlight of that was when Luhan missed his cue to help CL because CL decided to jump off of the boat as she landed coolly on the sand.


The two women could only shake their head in disappointment as the two men also did the same, while Luhan scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.


“Hi!” those were the only words Luhan could say after CL dusted off the sand off of her sandals


“Hello!” CL greeted back with a smile


“Wh-what have you been d-doing?” Luhan stuttered trying to make an eye contact and catch CL’s attention


“OH... island hopping and snorkelling... it’s a pity we didn’t get to scuba dive... the boatmen said it was a bit murky and dangerous since there was a storm last night... we were lucky to find a spot though to look at some fishes and corals! How about you guys?” CL smiled while brushing off her hair and smiled at Luhan


“Oh... us we were... um... what were we doing just now?” Luhan uttered seeming a bit lost in thought as he looked at Xiumin’s direction for help


“We were actually playing some billiards to guise ourselves of waiting for them to come back, because you wanted to talk to Chaerin” Xiumin smiled and teased Luhan who was slowly turning red from embarrassment.


“Oh... is that so? What do you want to talk about then?” CL asked as she looked straight at Luhan


“Um, our date for tonight... I will pick you up at the hut at around 7... is that okay with you?” Luhan asked while looking down at his feet waiting for CL’s reply.


“7? Ok... I’ll be ready by 7 then!” CL smiled as she walked towards her friends


“7? Omo... we have only a few hours to get ready! We need to go back to the hut to get you ready... c’mon... palli!” Bom stated as she grabbed a hold of CL and Dara’s arm as they waved goodbye and hurriedly walked back to their hut.


“Huh? Will it really take them long for her to get ready? It’s only 2 in the afternoon!” Sehun scratched his head in confusion looking at the three women.


Xiumin on the other hand smacked Luhan’s head and stated...


“Yah! What are we? Are we in highschool all over again!? Acting all shy and stuttering?! Yah... get a hold of yourself!”


“See? I told you, whenever I am with her or even tlaking to her this happens! This stuttering thing happens! But at least I have a date with her tonight!” Luhan fist pumped the air in celebration


“Um, we have a bit of a problem... remember when we told you that we did your packing?” Xiumin started, Luhan nodded waiting for the bad news


“Uh-huh... go on...” Luhan uttered


“We really didn’t assume that you would need something for a dinner date so we didn’t bring you anything to wear for a date!” Sehun stated as they slowly saw the panic rising in Luhan’s eyes.


“What? What am I to wear tonight then? Swimming trunks?” Luhan stated in panic, to which the two imagined him looking lost in his board shorts while CL was wearing a dress


“Puhahahahahahahahahah! Hyung! That will be fun! I’d like to see that happen!” Sehun uttered in between laughs.


“Yah! Yah! Yah! You two are gonna come with me to the city to get me something to wear!” Luhan grabbed Sehun and Xiumin by the ear as they hurriedly went to get ready as well.




Later that night, the hut of the women was in a disarray... dresses were scattered on the floor, sandals, slippers, shoes, accessories and scarves were scattered.


“Well... I think you are ready to knock his socks off!” Dara stated giving CL a thumbs up



Then the doorbell rang...


“I’ll get it!” Bom stated running hastily amidst the scattered clothes on the floor.


“Good evening, Mr. Lu!” Bom greeted merrily, opening the door slightly, trying to avoid letting Luhan see the inside of the suite.


“Oh please call me Luhan... please be comfortable in calling me...”


“Arasso... Luhan... wait here...” Bom raised her forefinger leaving Luhan standing in front of their door as she disappeared he heard her call CL’s name


“Ok, she’ll be out in a minute, she’s just wearing her sandals... hmmmm....” Bom stole glances at Luhan who was standing awkwardly in front of Bom wearing his casual summer outfit.


“Oh... oh... oh....” Bom uttered all of a sudden, surprising Luhan


“Huh? What is it?” Luhan asked


“Crabs!” Bom exclaimed out of the blue


“Huh? Crabs?” Luhan repeated in confusion


“She’s allergic to crabs!” Bom stated with a smile


“Oh... really? Well she’s safe with me then... I can’t eat seafoods really well too... so no seafood in the menu!” Luhan smiled then was stopped when he caught a glimpse of a goddess standing behind Bom.


“Mian... were you waiting long?” CL greeted shyly, there was a moment of silence before Luhan could speak.


“N-no... a-ani... it’s okay!” Luhan smiled back as he offered her his right arm and they walked.


As they were walking by the shore... CL realized that they weren’t heading towards the restaurant.


“Um, Luhan... where are we going?”


“Don’t worry it’s a surprise!” Luhan was so excited, he was acting like he was about to show his new toy to a playmate.


“You look like a kid!” CL exclaimed


“I am a kid whenever I am with you!” Luhan said as he led CL to a very exclusive part of the resort.


As they got nearer to the location, CL’s eyes widened and all she could utter was a simple “OH”


Nothing could have prepared her for what was in front of her, there were torches lit around the place and a guitarist playing a melodious tune and the gentle breeze coming from the ocean completed it all.


CL loved this kinds of dates.


“It’s beautiful! This is wonderful! Thank you!” CL stated as her hands tightly held Luhan’s for gratitude.


“You are very welcome!” Luhan replied as he seated CL opposite to him.


Their meal was one of the highlights of the night, it was a scrumptious but light meal that was enjoyed by the two comfortably.


“Are you a dream?” CL finally had the courage to ask.


“Huh?” Luhan asked as he shook his head and looked back at CL.


“This only happens in dreams... in my dreams... this is what a perfect dinner date would be like... this is a dream! And here you are laying it all down at my feet... only in dreams do these things happen! This is wonderful! The place... the food... the setting... the mood... the music... and the date... you” CL stated looking into Luhan’s brown eyes... then that’s when Luhan’s magic happened.


It was like CL was slowly falling and drowning in those brown eyes of his, people around them need only to look at CL to know that she was already falling for Luhan.


“This evening is far from over! C’mon... I want to show you something!” Luhan held CL’s hand as he excitedly stood up and was very eager to show her something.


“Where are we going?” CL uttered


“It’s a surprise!” Luhan replied joyously


“Another one? Just how many surprises do you have in store for tonight!?” CL’s heart was pounding crazy... full of excitement, uncertainty and a bit of cautiousness.


When they reached the place... it was so dark... then Luhan stated something like a signal of some sort to open something...


Then after a moment... twinkling lights were above them... it took CL onla a few seconds to realize what they were...


“Omo! Fireflies! Whoa! Daebak!!!” CL uttered in amazement as the twinkling lights hovered above their heads.


She felt like she was in a Disney movie, where any moment now... a musical production will come out and everyone will burst into a song.


“We are adding this as a special attraction here at the resort... this is only a part of it... fireflies in their natural habitat...” Luhan uttered behind CL who was still amazed at the beauty in front of her, while Luhan was amazed at the beauty in front of him, which was Lee Chaerin, being lighted by the twinkling lights of the fireflies.


“Waaahhhh... it’s like I’m a kid again... this is the only time I have ever seen so many of these! They are beautiful!” CL said looking at Luhan staring at her being surrounded with fireflies that gave her a surreal look.


The fireflies slowly created a ring of some sort above CL’s head, as Luhan smiled and pulled CL closer to him in a hug


“It is said that when fireflies create a ring above your head, it means you are to have luck and the person you are with is your soulmate” Luhan stated as he rested his chin on top of CL’s head.


“Wh-who said that?” CL asked as she allowed herself to put her arms around Luhan and rest her head on his chest, trying to enjoy and savour the dreamy moment.


“M-me?!” Luhan replied being his childish self.


CL smiled at that as she looked up to see his beautiful sparkling eyes as Luhan lowered his head and at that instant, their lips touched. The kiss was short, and then CL smiled as Luhan smiled back.


“Does that someone also say that they should kiss again?” CL chuckled biting her lower lip, she was shocked at how she was behaving a bit boldly.


Luhan smiled and looked up as if thinking about it...


“Well I could always add that one...” Luhan smiled as he leaned in and gave CL another kiss.


This time it wasn’t short... it was a kiss meant for two lovers... trying to convey through their actions what they felt at that moment.






UWAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! my feelsssssss



i seldom feel this way for my crackships... but while i was writing this part...i don't know why... but i had the image of Luhan as the prince who would do anything for his princess Chaerin...





a fairytale story that is set in modern times...










i am spazzing over my own craziness










let me know what you thought of it...






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20141104- it's gonna take me awhile cause i'm off for a vacation bwahahahhaahahahaa


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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 45: Omg just date already!!!! Lol I'm getting frustrated of them dancing around eachother
2NE1Blackjack000 #2
Chapter 44: Oh... thats sad :(
Missyouwannabe #3
Chapter 44: Wow..last to know huh? That
2NE1Blackjack000 #4
Chapter 43: Yes tao and minzy
Chapter 42: ohh gotta know more for Minzy x Tao ><
Chapter 14: Etven after reading your sebom minimum 10 times I can still read it for more times. It's such a lovely story :)
murisja #7
Chapter 24: sebom omo i just love it >_<
Chapter 13: Kekeke, lol Bom x Sehun gotta love this couple as much as Lubom! Well, Minnie is so cute ^^
Chapter 41: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >.<

a good pairing. Jjang!!
dntknw #10
Chapter 41: Oh GOSH tao and minzy kyaaaàaaaaaa