Dara moved and aimed at Baekhyun’s neck, ready to rip it in half, everyone was stunned in their position.


“Dara, you are my BEAUTY and I, your BEAST! We are perfect together!” Baekhyun uttered as he opened his arms to welcome her attack.


At those words, Dara fell unconscious on top of Baekhyun.


Baekhyun had his eyes close the whole time anticipating the worst… nothing happened


“Is it done? Am I dead?” he uttered while lying on his back


All he could feel was the weight on top of him as he slowly opened his eyes to the sight of Dara lying unconscious on top of him.


“Well… this is awkward.” He stated as he gently sat up cradling Dara’s unconscious state in his arms.


Bom and CL approached Dara to check up on their friend, as they slowly lied her on her back.


“Bommie-ah… Chaerinnie… mian.” Dara fluttered to open her eyes as she moved ever so fast as her hands moved and gave each of them a punch in the gut, causing the two to spat out blood.


Chen appeared behind Dara and summon out his lightning to render Dara stunned.


Kai and Kris were at both Bom and CL’s side in an instant, trying to check up on them as Lay went near the two to heal them simultaneously.


Baekhyun could see that Dara was suffering, with her skin being charred and blood coming out of her eyes and mouth from the electrocution made by Chen.


“Chen, please stop!” Baekhyun shouted as he stood in front of Dara shielding her from the others.


“Baek! Out of the way! She is a danger to everybody and herself!” Chen shouted back.


“She is MY Beauty!” Baekhyun shouted out loud in a thundering voice, he was ready to transform and fight with his brothers to protect his Beauty.


To that Chen stopped as Dara lay on the ground unconscious once again. DO the grabbed the wristlets Lay uses on both Kai and Bom when they go berserk. The wristlets serve as some sort of leash for Kai and Bom, the more they move the heavier the wristlets get until they couldn’t lift their arms anymore.


“Just in case Baek… just in case… it will do her no harm.” DO stated calmly as he slowly clasped the wristlets on Dara’s thin and frail looking hands.


“Bring her in here… for everyone’s safety.” Lay stated as he was done tending to both CL and Bom, he patted Baekhyun’s back reassuring him.


Baekhyun nodded as he carried Dara carefull and laid her inside the cot inside the observation cell.


Everyone was recuperating fast, even CL for that matter.


“Did you see it?” Bom asked lookin at CL who was sitting beside Kris


“Neh unnie… just for a second I saw it… the desperation and sadness in her eyes…” CL sighed as he hung her head low with Kris trying to comfort her.


“It was as if she was pleading for us to help her… no… kill her!” Bom’s eyes widened with the realization as Kai was crouching in front of her.


“She nearly killed you!” Kai pointed out looking worriedly at Bom


“I’m still alive.” Bom replied plainly


“You could have been killed Bom-ah… stop putting yourself in danger please.” Kai sighed as he stood up and rested his forehead on Bom’s forehead and added


“Bom-ah… next time be careful.” After that Kai pouted to which Bom stated


“Aigoo… my doggy want a hug! Come here my doggy!” Bom opened her arms to hug Kai who willingly hugged her back.


“Kris wants a hug too…” Kris tried to aegyo his way to CL, to which CL just rolled her eyes, because doing cutesy stuff was far from Kris’ cold demeanor.


“Yah! Yah! This is not a lover’s lane! Go outside if you are just gonna be mushy in here! It’s already stuffy in here and you are adding to it!” Xiumin tried to push the four away from where he was sitting.


“Baek! Don’t go in there! It’s dangerous!” Suho warned and tried to stop Baekhyun from entering the observation cell.


Baekhyun ignored Suho as he still went towards the entrance and looked at Lay.


“Lay-hyung…let me in.” Baekhyun uttered, and then they saw Dara move.


“She’s awake!” Bom stated as she went near the tamper proof window glass.


“Let me in.” Baekhyun insisted


“No. Baek… stay there… I don’t know how much longer I am in control of myself… he injected something in me, he can manipulate me now… my thoughts are my own… but my anger and rage, he can control, he can direct it toward anyone… I am sorry for all of this… Bom… Chaerin.” Dara stated as she touched the glass and so did Bom and CL.


“Who is HE?” Baekhyun asked as he rested his forehead on the glass separating them, Dara touched the glass and as if she was caressing his face.


“His name is Junsu, an ancient vampire… he is responsible for all the experiments done with me… Kai… and Bom.. he first created hybrid vampire just for his own personal satisfaction, he tried with many vampires… and I was the first success at that time… and then he shifted his attention in manipulating wolves… hence… Kai… and then becoming greedy for power of manipulation he tried to create a wolf by just injecting a serum into a full grown human… he has done it with a few human and has not succeeded… until Bommie-ah.” Dara massaged her head.


Lay noticed something while wearing his UV glasses as he tried to study the vial Dara gave to Kai. He then turned the lights off inside the observation cell and opened the UV light. Once opened, it brought horror to everyone who was looking at her.


“D-dara-ah!” Bom uttered when she saw the traces of cuts and bruises and scars that have healed over time, it was all over Dara’s face, back, arms and legs.


“Wh-what did he do to you?” Baekhyun uttered under his breath, trying to control his anger and avoid losing control of what is left of his composure.


“When he captured me while I was tracking a group headed by Joon, they were after Chaerin that time, I was caught off guard and was captured. Junsu didn’t leave nothing to chance, he worked on me the moment I set foot in his laboratory. Injecting me with serum and chemicals to try and perfect my imperfection… my emotions…HE made me fight my brother! Cheondung! He is under HIS control! When I refuse to fight him, I get a beating.” Dara explained.


“You have a brother?” CL asked


“He was created like me… in a test tube… he was made in the same batch as me… we were tested and trained together.” Dara answered and then she shook her head and then landed on the ground holding the sides of her head, as if trying to control a headache.


“Kris… his next target is Chaerin… I don’t know why… but she is his next target… take her as far away from here as possible… careful not to think of where you are taking her… I can track her through your mind… please… go now!” Dara stated tears were b in her eyes as she looked at Kris and then at CL.


“Unnie! Promise me! Promise me, we will see each other again!” CL bid Dara a teary goodbye as Kris transformed himself into a wolf with wings and they fled off through the window.


“Lay… the vial I gave to Kai… you have to find a way to inject it in me during my berserk mode… you will know when I am in berkserk mode once I start attacking… make sure to find a way to inject it in me… please!” Dara looked at Lay’s direction as he slowly nodded with his brows furrowed.


“What will it do to you?” Baekhyun asked in a worried tone, fearing for the worst.


“It will stop me from losing the last amount of control I have in me, it will stop me from transforming into something much more destructible.” Dara replied plainly.


“Lay, do whatever you can to inject it in me… whatever happens, you must inject it in me.” Dara pleaded towards Lay, Lay stared at Dara for a while and then nodded.


Dara’s ability is to read minds and converse telepathically. So she told Lay through her mind what the vial will REALLY do to her. Lay wanted to protest saying that he will find a better cure than the vial, but Dara insisted that, that is the only way to stop her.


Dara then remained silent for awhile, ignoring the worried calls of Baekhyun in the other side of the glass.


“He is coming for her… they are near… brace yourselves… they will appear in the north side of the mansion… and Cheondung is heading for the south mansion… looking for me… here they come!” Dara uttered.


After Dara said the last words, she slammed her fist on the glass and she didn’t have a hard time smashing it into pieces, much to the shock of everyone, especially Baekhyun… because a while ago, Dara was just enclosed in the observation cell, having a hard time standing up and just looking helplessly at Baekhyun, now he was staring at her eye to eye.


Dara then easily removed the wristlets in her hands, much to the shock of both Kai and Bom who already have experienced how heavy the wristlets get, rendering them motionless due to the heaviness it bears.


“Kai… go now… please!” Dara stated in a deep tone struggling to control what is left to control.


To those words, Kai, Bom, Luhan, Suho, Xiumin and Sehun chose to face the group who were to arrive at the north side of mansion. Kai teleported all of them, all at once… it was one of the enhanced abilities Kai has mastered by studying with Lay and DO regarding his powers… before he can only teleport himself… but now, with constant practice he can now teleport a group to a certain location.


Dara went through the glass and headed straight for Chanyeol and Chen who were already summoning their powers to contain Dara, but she was so fast that she appeared in front of the two and grabbed their necks and threw them on the far corner of the laboratory.


Dara looked to her side, and there, she saw Tao with his long stick guarding Lay who was transferring the serum in a syringe, she then shifted her attention and headed straight for Lay. It was a good thing DO was behind Dara and he managed to grab a hold onto Dara’s whole body, to at least slow her down from reaching Lay.


“Dara! Stop!” Baekhyun uttered as he stood in front of Dara and hugged her tightly.


“Hyung! How much long?!” DO grunted as he kept on holding Dara back.


He let go of his hold on Dara and punched the ground as he summoned a huge earth wall to somehow slow Dara down as Baekhyun was still holding on to Dara.


“Dara… please…hold on… try to fight it as long as you can!” Baekhyun struggled as Dara punched through Baekhyun, making her fists go through Baekhyun’s stomach.


“Baekhyun!” Tao shouted as he stood his ground preparing for Dara who was charging in front of him.


Meanwhile, the welcoming committee who were stationed upstairs were busying themselves with creating a barrier for incoming attack.


Suho, Xiumin and Sehun let out their powers to create a barrier to slow the attacking group down.


“Incoming in front of us…. Hyung… the air is a bit chilly!” Sehun smirked looking at Xiumin who was freezing his arm as he directed his freezing power in front of them waiting for the first sign of movement.


Meanwhile, Dara was busily evading Tao’s attacks with his stick and she was struggling a bit to fight off with someone who was making her slow down a bit, with Tao’s time control ability.


Lay successfully transferred the serum in the syringe and went to check on Baekhyun to somehow close the wound Dara created.


“Hang in there buddy! I’ve got the serum ready! Now… how do I get this into her system?” Lay uttered as he smiled down at Baekhyun.


“Give it to me hyung… I’ll take care of it!” Baekhyun uttered as he did the unthinkable.


He injected his fangs with the serum and transformed himself into a wolf.


“Baekhyun! You unpredictable piece of!” Lay didn’t finish his sentence, because Baekhyun was already sinking his teeth into Dara’s arm which was about to rip Tao’s neck into two.


Tao’s arm was dislocated from fighting with Dara but other than that he was okay as he stared at Baekhyun sinking his teeth into Dara who was still at the moment waiting for Baekhyun to finish.


Once done… Lay grabbed a lab coat and threw it over to Baekhyun’s direction who was slowly transforming back to his human form. Once done, everyone, including CHanyeol and Chen who were a bit injured surrounded Dara, waiting what will happen to Dara now that the serum was in her system. Dara was on all four, trying to catch her breath.


“Dara-ah!” Baekhyun stepped forward slowly reaching towards her.


Dara lifted her head and looked at Baekhyun, her eyes were clear of confusion, as she smiled and hugged him tightly.


“Oh…. Oh….. oh… careful… remember you got me there!” Baekhyun uttered slightly wincing from the pain in his stomach, where Dara attacked him.


“Main! Baek! It worked! It stopped! I can feel it!” Dara uttered as the rest released a sigh of relief.


“Welcome back!” Baekhyun whispered in her ear.


“We need to help the others… Cheondung is near… he changed his direction… he is also heading for the north side…leave him to me!” Dara stated as she looked up at the ceiling, as if she sensed something.


Baekhyun helped her to stand as the rest went upstairs to help others.


Dara was second to the last to get out of the room…. Lay was the last one.


“You have 60 minutes to finish everything noona…” Lay began and then continued


“I still don’t think this is the only way… Baekhyun needs to…” Lay was shaking his head


“We don’t have much time… worry later… let’s finish everything under an hour… 59 minutes to go!” Dara stated as she caught up with Baekhyun and the others.







I am breaking my 5-part rule (where i finish a story in 5 parts only)





since it is very hard to contain Dara's story in 5 parts only... Dara's will have an additional part...






what do you think will the serum do to Dara?






What bearing is there for Dara becoming Baekhyun's BEAUTY?




all will unfold in the next chapter...




comment down below





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20141104- it's gonna take me awhile cause i'm off for a vacation bwahahahhaahahahaa


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Missyouwannabe #1
Chapter 45: Omg just date already!!!! Lol I'm getting frustrated of them dancing around eachother
2NE1Blackjack000 #2
Chapter 44: Oh... thats sad :(
Missyouwannabe #3
Chapter 44: Wow..last to know huh? That
2NE1Blackjack000 #4
Chapter 43: Yes tao and minzy
Chapter 42: ohh gotta know more for Minzy x Tao ><
Chapter 14: Etven after reading your sebom minimum 10 times I can still read it for more times. It's such a lovely story :)
murisja #7
Chapter 24: sebom omo i just love it >_<
Chapter 13: Kekeke, lol Bom x Sehun gotta love this couple as much as Lubom! Well, Minnie is so cute ^^
Chapter 41: kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa >.<

a good pairing. Jjang!!
dntknw #10
Chapter 41: Oh GOSH tao and minzy kyaaaàaaaaaa