Chapter 2

How Can This Be? - Editing

As the sun was rising,  it’s  faded light seeped through the curtains of a window, shining its rays onto Haneul. Since the rays were bothering Haneul’s sleep, she decided to wake up. She looked at the wall clock by her messy table. The time read 6:30 AM. Haneul had a lot of time to prepare herself before going to school.


Haneul did her morning routine as she washed her face and brushed her teeth. Today she decided not to put up her hair, so she just combed it to get the knots out. She looked through her closet to find a clean set of her school uniform and wore it.


Since Haneul had extra time on her hands, she decided to head to school a little earlier. Before she left the house, she grabbed a pear and locked the door behind her.


As she walked to the bus station, she waited a few minutes before a bus came. Haneul got on and looked for a seat. Unfortunately, the bus started moving even though she wasn’t seated. It was a good thing she was holding to one of the poles on the bus or else she might’ve fell backward and hit the back of her head.


Haneul sat in the middle of the bus and looked out the window. She liked looking out the window since to Haneul, it was like many scenes she could seen in a small period. She also liked making inferences at the things she had seen during her bus ride.


Once she got off the bus, the cold January morning air hit her. Haneul wasn’t really bothered by the cold-mild  breeze in the morning and walked towards the school building.


While walking towards the entrance, she saw a rather confused male student that she didn’t recognize by the school gate. Haneul was a very shy and introverted person but she felt the need to help the confused male. She bottled up all her courage and walked towards the perplexed male.


Haneul walked towards the male, and thought of how she would start the conversation with him. As Haneul neared the male, she had to keep calm and not panic in front of the latter.


“Are you new here? Do you need help with anything?” Haneul asked confidently while her fingers were playing with the hem of her blazer from nervousness.


“Yeah, I just transferred here and I was wondering where the school office is. The map they provided me is very confusing.” The male replied looking up to face the female. “I’m Kim Jongdae but you can call me Chen. And you are?”


“I’m Kim Haneul and sure I’ll take you to the office.” Haneul replied slightly smiling to the latter.


“Thank you so much. Can I ask you a question?”


“No problem. What might that be?”


“I was wondering why you are here at school so early? There is still 30 minutes before the school opens.” Chen replied smiling while his heart was beating faster than normal.


“I am aware of that. I was just going to the school library to get some reading done. Want to come along?” The fact that the female asked the male to come along was making his heart beat faster than before.


“Sure. I should get used to the school grounds anyways.” Chen said as they started walking towards the library.


The both of them walked in both utter silence. Chen was looking around the campus and getting used to the surroundings. On the other hand, Haneul was still trying to process what happened at the moment.


Did I just start a normal conversation with someone? And I am also helping them out. I think I am going out of my mind.


Once the library neared, Chen opened the door for Haneul to walk in first and the male followed behind her. The warm heater air greeted their cold skin from staying outside for a long period of time.


“Woah the library is so big. It is bigger than the one in my previous school.” Chen whispered to himself. He didn’t think that Haneul would hear it.


“Yeah it’s big. One of the top 3 biggest libraries at high schools in Seoul.” Haneul replied like it was the most normal thing to say.


“That’s big. How many floors is this place?”


“3 floors. My favorite floor is the 2nd floor. It’s the quietest in my opinion.”


“Why is the second floor the quietest?” Chen asked curiously.


“Not much people come to this floor. They mostly go to the 3rd floor or the 1st floor since books there are more interesting.” Haneul answered as they start walking up the stairs towards the 2nd floor.


Haneul looked for a table behind the bookshelves away from a place that could be easily seen. She sat down with Chen sitting diagonally across from her.


“Why didn’t you choose the tables by the stairs?” Chen asked as Haneul was taking out a book from her backpack.


“Truth is, I am a shy and introverted person.” Haneul said as she open the book and started reading.


“If you are shy and introverted, then why did you come to talk to me?”


“It would just be weird since I was the only person at campus and didn’t help you. It would give the school a bad name and you might think bad of me, maybe.” Haneul replied looking up from the book.


“That would be true. So how did it feel like after talking to me and helping me?”


“It felt good. I guess. A normal conversation. Something I never had since coming to this school. People are different here. They’re a bunch of snobs. Most of them are.”


“Have you ever thought as one of these people being your friends?”


“If I did then I wouldn’t have come to school this early and I wouldn’t have helped you out. I might’ve helped but I’m not sure of the answer myself. I would’ve probably tried to hard to fit in. I like being myself and not trying to be anybody else that I’m not.” Haneul answered feeling relieved in a small way.


She closed her book and put it in her backpack. She looked at her phone in her backpack to check the time before turning it off. “We should get going, the school opens in five minutes,” Haneul told Chen as she grabbed her backpack, pushed her chair in and was walking down the stairs to the main floor. Chen followed behind her as they walked towards the main floor of the library.


There was a hallway connecting the library building to the main school building. The two of them walked towards the hallway as the bell rang. They continued walking forward, past the main entrance of the school. A few steps from the main entrance, they were at the main office.


“This is the main office,” Haneul said breaking the silence the two had,“You can ask the secretary for your schedule. I have to go to my class now. It was nice meeting you.”


“Thank you for your help. It was nice meeting you too and I guess I’ll see you around,” Chen said as he went in the office. ‘See you around? Kim Jongdae what are you thinking?’ Chen mentally cursed himself.


‘I guess I’ll see you around.’ These were the words that lingered in Kim Haneul’s mind. What does he mean by that? Could we possibly be friends?


Haneul brushed off her thoughts and went towards her locker. She was hesitant to open her locker since there could be hate messages but once she opened it, but there were no pieces of paper in her locker besides her books. She took out her books from her backpack and placed it in her locker. She took the necessary books for her classes before lunch.


Once Haneul walked in the classroom, something was off. The teacher wasn’t in the room and it could mean there might be a new student in this class. And that means Chen might be in this class.


Could it be possible the he will be in this class? Well it’s possible that it could be another student. What if it is Chen? No. No. He can’t be in the class.


A string of thoughts raced through Haneul’s head. She suddenly looked at two of the seats besides her desk. No one occupied those desks and Haneul started biting her bottom lip.


He might sit here. But it might not be him. But what happens if it is him? Please let him be in another grade.


The bell rang signaling that class would start. Haneul was still in deep thought and didn’t notice her teacher coming in with Chen behind him. She looked up and saw the latter. She froze in her seat avoiding eye contact from the male.


“We have a new student in our class. Introduce yourself,” The teacher told the class.


“I’m Kim Jongdae but I preferred to be called Chen,” Jongdae said with a smile.


“Chen, I would like you to sit next to Haneul. Any two seats beside her is fine. Haneul raise your hand.” The teacher told Chen while eyeing Haneul.


Chen already knew whom Haneul was. In fact, he just met her about 10 minutes ago.


Being Haneul, she cursed under her breath and raised her hand obeying the teacher as Chen walked towards her. It was still quite awkward even though they met not long ago.


The both of them sat in utter silence listening to the teacher’s lecture about today’s lesson. It was quite boring like how it would always be. They took notes and did some practice problems.



All. In. Silence.


Chen was wanting to start a conversation with Haneul but he didn’t know how to start.


Hi. Nice to see you again?

Can’t believe we’re in the same class?




Kim Jongdae what are you thinking. Get your head straight.


The bell rang signaling the end of their first class. Chen couldn’t believe that the bell rang. He could finally talk again. It wasn’t like he couldn’t talk at first. No. It’s just that he was relieved to see Haneul again.


“We’re in the same class. Funny thing,” Chen laughed.


“Yeah. Very funny,” Haneul rolled her eyes as she was leaving the class.


“Oh haha. That’s very nice of you,” Chen replied sarcastically, “See you soon. Don’t be late to class.” Chen left to his next class.


“Just hope you’re not in any of my other classes,” Haneul mumbled walking towards the two gyms since she has Physical Education.


Oh how she hated that class.


Nonetheless she placed her books in her PE locker and got dressed into her PE clothes.


Haneul was leaving the girls’ locker room to the track with some of her classmates. She was walking to the track when she heard a familiar voice.


Wait. He’s going to be in this class too? How many classes does he have with me? This can’t be possible to have an exact same schedule as me.


Haneul sighed and walked towards the track and sat on the bleachers with her classmates. She wasn’t really social with other people so she sat alone, like always.


A few boys were coming out of the boys’ locker room Chen was one of them. He had gotten the new PE uniform from the main office. Chen was busily chatting with the boys and didn’t notice Haneul.


“There is this girl in our class and she is always alone. She’s also quiet but she’s pretty,” Chanyeol told Chen.


“Yeah? What’s her name?” Chen asked.


“Kim Haneul,” Baekhyun replied.


Kim Haneul? Is she really in this class? No way.


“Why is she always alone?” Chen asked looking at the three boys.


“Maybe she isn’t that social. Not anti-social but just, you know, scared of talking,” Kyungsoo replied.


Isn’t that social but not anti-social. Doesn’t seem like it. She was talking to me normally.


“We’ll give you a dare. I want you to make her talk. No stutters. Just a smooth conversation,” Baekhyun smirked.


Chen smirked at the thought of making Haneul talk. This is going to be a piece of cake.


“What do I get in return?” Chen asked with no fear in his words.


“Being in our group and hanging out with us. Seem fair?” Baekhyun thought.


“No. Doesn’t seem fair enough to me,” Chen smirked. The smirk on his face will never be wiped off.


“Hm… Let’s see. What do you want?” Chanyeol asked.


“A special tool kit at any price,” Chen smiled knowing he would get it anyways.


“So a special kit thing at any price and a join in our group. Deal?” Baekhyun smiled.


“Deal,” Chen smirked for the nth time with a handshake with Baekhyun.


The four of them headed outside to the track towards the bleachers. The first person Chen saw was Haneul.


“Which one is Haneul?” Chen asked bluntly. He spotted her but being the new kid right now, he decided that he was going to pretend that he didn’t know her.


“Which one do you think it is? The girl all by herself on the 5th bench,” Kyungsoo replied.


Chen smiled, “I’ll make you guys proud.”


Chen went to the 5th bench and sat at a small distance away from her.


“Um… Hi. It’s good to see you again.” Chen started talking. His heart was beating so fast that it was the only thing he heard, besides Haneul talking.


“Is that a good thing? Or no?” Haneul questioned not looking at him.


“Well… Just so you know, Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Kyungsoo but mostly Baekhyun dared me to try to talk to you and I get to be in their group and get a special thing for myself,” Chen whispered to her. “They are also listening so yeah…” Chen looked away.


“So this is all about that? Is that the only reason you are approaching me? To join their group?”


“Not really. I got dared and I also get something on my own so no big deal. I’m pretty sure they don’t know about our convo now and I don’t think I’m suppose to tell you that I got dared.”


“I see. Any requirements I need to follow?”


“Not really. Just like don’t stutter is what they said,” Chen told her while looking down on the ground. He could feel the heat and the light blush forming on his cheeks.


“Okay. What do I get in return?”


“I’ll treat you to something. How about that?” Chen thought. He felt stupid after he said that sentence since he couldn’t think of anything.


“Whatever,” Haneul replied with a slight smile.


The PE teacher told them to jog 6 laps before starting their activities. The two were jogging together at the same pace. Chen didn’t even notice that Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo were a few feet behind the two.


“Woah. She’s talking with no stutter. I’m impressed,” Kyungsoo smiled.


“You’re right. He gets to join our group and get the thing he wanted. Just hope it doesn’t exceed $500,” Chanyeol replied panting. It was only their second lap and Chanyeol was running out of breath.


“Okay fine. But the three of us all need to chip in to buy the thing he wanted. Whatever it may be. He deserves it,” Baekhyun replied.


Kyungsoo and Baekhyun jogged slower for Chanyeol’s sake. You’d think that since Chanyeol is tall, he’d be more physically active. Nope.


Chen and Haneul were both running out of breath on the 4th lap. They decided to stop talking for a while to catch their breath until they finished their 6 laps.


Once the two finished, they walked around the track since they couldn’t be sitting down.


"Whose class do you have next?” Haneul asked out of curiosity.


“Math. I’m not sure about which teacher but the room was 410 I think. How about you?” Chen replied. He thought about the possibilities of her having the same class with him.


She thought before replying. So he did have the same class as her. But why?


“Hello. Earth to Haneul,” Chen said waving his hands in front of Haneul.


“Huh? Oh. I have the class too,” Haneul replied. “You should show me your schedule next class.”


After she replied, all Chen could think of was fate.


Could fate really be by my side? Wait. Think for a moment Kim Jongdae. Is this really love at first sight? Think about it.


“Sure.” Chen replied.


They both talked and walked the track multiple times. The PE bell rang signalling the end of PE class and that it was time to change back into their normal uniform. Everybody was waiting for the regular bell to ring to go to their next class.


The funny thing for girls is that after PE, they spray tons of perfume to cover up the sweat smell. But for Haneul, she just put on her cucumber and melon deodorant. She didn’t like perfumes since some smells doesn’t make you smell crisp or clean while some scents are way too strong.


Haneul finished dressing and was straightening her blazer. She took her items out of the locker and closed it.


The bell rang and both genders from the two locker rooms were scrambling out to their next class. Chen happened to ‘bump’ into Haneul. He greeted her and she did the same. He then followed her to their next class.


Chen smelled a scent that smelled crisp and clean. The scent was being emitted from Haneul.


She smells good. Does it sound like a creep that I’m smelling her? Probably. I wonder what perfume she is using.


Chen followed her to the classroom. Haneul went to her seat whereas Chen went to the teacher.


There was only one extra seat in the class and that was in Haneul’s table group.


Haneul sat down and looked at the board to do the do now. She saw that the teacher was pointing to the seat next to Haneul.


What they both didn’t notice was that Baekhyun was also in this class. He had been keeping an eye out for Haneul since he knows his friend, Kris, likes her. It still hasn’t caught his attention why Kris would like a girl like her. He brushed off the thought and focused on the lecture the teacher was giving.


What the three had in common about Advanced Algebra is that, they didn’t know why they would need these math skills in the future. It’s not like they would be a mathematician in the future.


During class, the teacher passed out a worksheet to work in class individually and if you didn’t finish, it’ll turn into homework. The good thing for Chen was that he already learned this at his previous school. Well, at least parts of it.


Haneul was working on her worksheet as much as she possibly can. She didn’t want to do any homework when she got home anyways. Who does? Not her. She finished the last problem a few seconds before the bell to lunch.


The bell rang and it was lunch time. Everybody was packing up quickly so they could leave class to converse with their friends. Baekhyun came up to Chen after he was done packing.


“Hey Chen. I guess you win the bet,” Baekhyun started.


“I guess I did. Anyways, let’s get to lunch and show me your group of friends,” Chen replied totally forgetting about Haneul for the first time of this day.


Haneul was thinking to about heading to the library. It was quiet there and she didn’t feel like eating anyways. She quickly packed her things and headed towards her destination.


It sound in the library was usual. Quiet. She would always go to the 2nd floor since she liked it there. Haneul had no specific place she would sit on that floor as long it was by the windows away from the staircase.


Haneul sat down on the leather cushioned seat. She pulled out her book from her backpack. The same one she tried to read this morning. Once she started reading, she was pulled in to know all about the book’s secrets.


Meanwhile, Chen was hanging out with Baekhyun’s friends a group known as EXO. Strange. Chen would’ve never thought that there would be a name for a group of people in highschool. More or less a group of friends. And it so happens that Chen joined the most popular group of people.


“So Chen, where are you from?” Joonmyeon asked curiously.


“I’m from Siheung, Gyeonggi Province.” Chen replied casually.


“No way. I’m also from Gyeonggi Province.” Baekhyun, Minseok, Kyungsoo exclaimed.  


"Woah really? I thought you were all originally from Seoul since we are all, you know here." Chen laughed.


"That's true. I guess you can assume that," Minseok chuckled,"Joonmyeon, Chanyeol, Jongin and Sehun are from Seoul. Kris is Chinese born in China but moved to Canada but he's now here in Seoul. Luhan is from Beijing, Tao is from Qingdao and Yixing is from Changsha. All located in China."


"Wow. So Kris is like multi-lingual?" Chen asked.

"Yeah. And that face of his is real famous around here," Baekhyun joined in.

Chen had a great lunch time with his new friends, a group called EXO while Haneul was at the school library enjoying her book she tried to finished.




So Chapter 2 is up! I tried typing as much as I can during break so now you have about more than 3.5k words for this chapter! There will not be a scheduled update for this story. I just update when I finish a chapter. Thanks for reading!

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[HCTB] 150626 Chapter 4 is up! Enjoy~


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2407briana #1
Chapter 6: Thanks for updating!
2407briana #2
Chapter 5: Awww Kris and. Haneul are cute!
Frozenxiumin #3
Nice story^^
For some reason chapter 1 isnt showing
Crunky #5
Chapter 12: Chen must be a hella of a good hacker.
mahea_808 #6
Chapter 12: Ooo new reader btw im a little confused on wwhas going on where is haneul, sehum, and luhan? What are they planning? No offense but I kind of jope she ends up with kris sorry jongdae oppa?... update soon really love this story ;)
Chapter 12: Okay, Chen=awesome hacker dude. More Chen hacking, please?!
Chapter 11: Author-nim, I have skimmed this and I think it would be better if it were not so repetitive. You say the same thing multiple times adding a new thought now and then. Otherwise, I think it is pretty funny at times;) Keep going!
Crunky #9
Chapter 3: OMGGGGG Chen is jealous of Krisss XDDD
Crunky #10
Chapter 2: Woahhhhh she met Chen!!!!!! I hope Chen liked her!!!!