Guns and Grenades

On Time: Dreamscape

Seongwoo then unleashes his plan, and started it by motioning Yoonseo and Seunghyun to prepare the PASIV machine in order to convince Rin that they’re on her side. He then motions all of them to drag Jaejoong to get in the van while he leads Rin inside the van as well. Once both Jaejoong and Rin are inside, Yoonseo quickly retrieves the IV cable from Seunghyun, and injects it on Jaejoong’s wrist. Kyunsoo did the same as Rin rolled up her right sleeve up to her elbow, and Seongwoo holds onto her back as Kyunsoo injects the needle onto her wrist.

Right after Rin fell asleep; Seongwoo carefully lays her on the van’s chair as Jaejoong fell asleep too.

“She’s out,” he announces, and as if on cue, all of them take off their masks as Seongwoo instructs them to get in the van. He then opens the exit gate, and returns to the van.

“Wait, whose subconscious are we going to exactly?” Kyunsoo asks after seating himself between the unconscious Jaejoong and Seunghyun.

“We’re going into Rin’s subconscious. I lied and told her we’re going into Jaejoong’s so she’d be a part of our team,” Seongwoo explains as he starts the engine. “She’s going to help us break into her own subconscious so it’ll be easier for us to finish the job.”

Driving the van towards the exit, Seongwoo clicks his tongue in annoyance after looking out through the window.


“Ugh, they’re coming,” he speaks, obviously irritated.


“Let me handle it,” Seunghyun suggests, lifting up the one thing that finally makes Seongwoo nods in approval and opens the window above Seunghyun’s seat.


Seunghyun loads the FN SCAR-L Assault Rifle that he obtained previously from the trunk of the van, and shoots some of the projections off from the roof. But only some of them got hit by the bullets that Seunghyun shot at them, and it increases his agitation even more. He occasionally ducks when some bullets nearly shot him, causing him to curse too.


“Seunghyun, can you pass the large briefcase below your chair to Yoonseo? I believe she will like it,” he orders, and Seunghyun quickly does so, passing a large briefcase containing a South African MGL Grenade Launcher to her. Yoonseo smirks in delight as she views the weapon, but she frowns again once she looks at the rooftop.

“There’s too many of them!” Yoonseo speaks as she loads the gun.

“No doubt. They’re getting closer,” Seongwoo mutters, speeding the car to the road. “Buy us some time. They’re going to attack from above, I assume.”


“Why did you have this in the first place, anyways?”


“Just in case if either you or I need it,” Seongwoo yells, not bothering to look back. “Hurry!”


And after the door opens for Yoonseo, she quickly steadies herself while loading the gun. Right after she spent a minute to locate the precise target, the gun makes quite a loud noise as she shot the incoming projections, making a loud explosion noise as the grenade lands and clears a path for them to pass.



“Oh, now that’s quite like it,” she chortles as she closes the door harshly. “God, I’ve always wanted to do that.”




“Security will be tougher down there,” Kyunsoo says. “Aren’t you supposed to handle the second layer, Seongwoo-sshi?”

“I’m aware of that, but I’m not suitable for the job of a dreamer down there,” Seongwoo replies, driving as quickly as he can to avoid the projections. “Besides, Seunghyun is the perfect man for the second layer since he knows so much about her and he knows what he must do to successfully create the landscape to plant the seed. So, we’ll go like we had planned before.”

“But I thought you’re the one who knew her for so long,” Seunghyun asks, looking confused.

“I told you already when we planned about this, didn’t I? You’re the kind of person that Rin is willing to share her deepest secrets to. Even though I knew her long before you did, she never did spill anything darker about her other than her eyes,” he explains. “That’s why you are the perfect dreamer for the second layer.”

“Guys, guys. Just do as he says,” Yoonseo speaks, trying to calm them down. “He knows more than we do. Besides, we have more important things to do here. We have to quickly get to the second layer before we mess everything up in here.”

With a nod from Seongwoo, the remaining three each grabs an IV cable from the open PASIV machine. After securing the needles on the wrist, Yoonseo looks up at Seongwoo.


“Did Jaekyung set Seunghyun up with a weapon, at least?”


“Yes she did,” Seongwoo answers, then looks at Seunghyun from the front mirror. “You’re equipped with two grenades as well since you’re the dreamer. Use that when you’re in a tight spot, don’t waste it on easy targets.”

“Roger that!” Seunghyun utters while securing the belt on his hand.

“We only have one shot at that kick, Seongwoo,” Yoonseo reminds him. “Please don’t die or initiate the kick too early. You know what happens if either of those probabilities occurs, right?”

“You don’t have to tell me. I know it already,” Seongwoo rolls his eyes while chuckling. He then glances briefly behind him.


“I will put the headphones on Seunghyun and play the music when it’s time for the kick,” Seongwoo yells, with his finger grazing over the trigger button. “Ready?”




And right after they all nod, Seongwoo presses the button....

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FantasticGurl #1
Chapter 1: hiii!! update soon :DD