First Dream Layer

On Time: Dreamscape


Seunghyun grunts, feeling his head aching after hitting the concrete wall. He then felt the cold weather hitting his exposed skin while trying to get out from the deserted alley. Turning his head left and right, he sighs in exasperation. People who passed by don’t seem to mind about his presence, which is the first thing he’s relieved about.

He seemed to have landed separately. Right until he heard a distant roar of a motorcycle approaching him.

“Oi, Seunghyun!” the woman shouts before stopping her motorcycle, and then throws a helmet at him. “Come on, hop on!”

Catching the helmet swiftly and after securing it in place, Seunghyun looks quizzically at her. “Jaekyung-sshi? But I thought-”

“No, it’s me, Yoonseo,” she smirks while fixing her gloves in place. She then throws a leather jacket at him, in which the latter quickly wears due to the cold weather that nearly numbs his nerves.

“How did you change your appearance?”

“Long story, but right now we have to go to the abandoned building that Seongwoo had told us,” she explains while Seunhyun places himself behind her. “I’ll tell you along the way. Hold on tight!”




The door of the van opens, and Jaejoong quickly gets in the van with Kyunsoo, with the latter shuts the door rather abruptly.

“It’s so cold out there,” Kyunsoo comments while rubbing the sides of his arms.

“Yes, I know,” he flatly answers, and then proceeds on turning the heater on. “Grab these jackets.”

“So, where are we heading?” Jaejoong asks while grabbing two jackets from the front seat.

“Towards her recording studio. She must be there,” Seongwoo simply says. “We’re going to pretend that this is Jaejoong’s van, and he’s going to pick her up. Alright, here we are.”

Halting the car into a stop, the three of them sees her getting out from the studio, with few people surrounding her. Cameras shoved right in front of her, and more and more people shouted for her name. Jaejoong hurriedly slides the van’s door and gets out, then pushes his way towards Rin, relieved that no one seems to notice who he is.

“Ah, Jaejoong!” Rin calls out. “It’s unusual for you to be here. Aren’t you on your schedule?”

“I just finished it, minutes ago. I was just thinking if we can have lunch together,” Jaejoong lied. “Or we can just go straight home?”

“Oh, I’m starving. Let’s just head for lunch, yeah?”

Sliding the door for her, she gets inside and so is Jaejoong, who closes the door. However, once Seongwoo starts to drive, Kyunsoo quickly covers Rin’s head with a cloth bag that was slightly covered with a light sedation. Rin didn’t have any chance to fight back, and only lets out a gasp before her body goes limp.




“So tell me again why did you have to change your face? And since when you can drive a motorcycle?” Seunghyun yells at her while she drives, zig-zagging the road.

“Rin and I, we are the same person, and I can’t risk myself being seen by her since the time flow will clash if it happens. That’s why Seongwoo told me to ‘forge’ my face into Jaekyung’s face before, and to fool Rin, I have to be a perfect doppelganger and mirror Jaekyung’s mannerisms as well,” she yells back. “And for your second question, I seriously have no idea. I got this thing right after I landed.”

Seunghyun doesn’t utter another word whilst holding tight onto Yoonseo’s waist since she’s driving at a rapid speed.

“The weather is so cold here.”

“Oh, that,” she murmurs, halting the motorcycle when she sees the red light. “Seongwoo shivered after he gets in from his office. Must be the AC-”












Right before Yoonseo is able to finish her sentence, she sensed a bullet flying right centimeters away from her left ear. She instantly ducks her head to avoid the incoming bullet after hearing another BANG!  Turning her head to see who had shot them, her face changed into a shocked expression of hers, indicating that she didn’t see this coming at all. Yoonseo is completely stunned upon the revelation, her breathing increased.




Before Seunghyun is able to see what caused her to curse, Yoonseo drives away despite the traffic light that is still red, and increases the speed as she zig-zags through the cars.

“What the hell is going on?” Seunghyun shouts, trying to have her stop driving so fast.

Yoonseo didn’t budge, however, and instructs him to grab the gun from her jacket’s pocket instead. “Those are trained projections, for God’s sake! Seongwoo didn’t tell us that Rin had her mind trained to defend herself from this!”

“How could she be trained?” he asks confusedly while trying to shoot the attackers to buy them some time to escape to their meeting point.

Yoonseo freezes upon hearing his question, but tries her best to concentrate on their escape, muttering “Oh my God.”


“What is it? What’s wrong?”


Making a U-turn for a shortcut, she increases the speed even more so in frustration, trying her best to avoid the incoming projections from left and right. One of them lunges towards the motorcycle they're on, and Yoonseo have no other option but hits the projection that blocked the way.






“Her goddamn eyes did it!”






Yay first chapter! This time it's short, and it's sort of an introduction chapter so yeah :D

Have a nice day guys! :)

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FantasticGurl #1
Chapter 1: hiii!! update soon :DD