Time Management

Time Management

A/N: Before you read the story, this is somehow connected to Quiet Places so I would just like to remind you that Kyuhyun is a Chinese citizen here although he has Pure Korean Blood.


Time management has always been very important to Kyuhyun. He always made sure to spend time for his studies, play, friends and family equally. This balance he was able to create was temporarily unstable when he arrived in Korea for his one month special education program.

It is quite understandable that he would get distracted. He may have Korean blood but he is still a Chinese citizen who lives in China. It’s his first time to be in Korea, first time to have Korean friends so he took a lot more of his time with his new friends (mostly Ryeowook) and to explore different places from parks to restaurants to malls to hotels to tourist spots.

After his 1st week of stay in Korea, he noticed how his test scores seem to lower down although it is still enough for him to get a passing grade but still, he is not happy with his performance. He realized that he forgot all about time management and decided to go back to planning and managing his time more carefully.

He also realized another thing. Yesung is jealous of him because he had been spending a lot of time with Ryeowook. He liked being friends and hanging out with Ryeowook but he doesn’t like the fact that their friendship is affecting Yesung and Ryeowook’s relationship. It’s about time for him to discuss about time management to Ryeowook.

“Ryeowook, is it really okay that you’ll be hanging out with me? I know that you are usually hanging out with Yesung by this time.” Kyuhyun said as they walked alone the seashore with their barefoot. He had his camera with him all the time to take snapshots of the wonderful views and places in Korea.

“You’ll only be here for a month. As for Yesung, I don’t know how long I’ll be stuck with him so I’d rather hang out with you right now.” Ryeowook replied as he bent down to pick up a shell. “This one looks nice. I’ll take it home. Maybe I’ll give it to Yesung though I doubt he’ll like things like these.”

“But you’ve been neglecting Yesung. It shouldn’t matter how short my stay here in Korea would be because even if we won’t spend that much time together, we’d still be friends. But Yesung is different because he’s your boyfriend and if you don’t spend that much time with him, he’ll be angry or something.” Kyuhyun explained.

“Are you talking based on experience?” Ryeowook raised an eyebrow.

“No. I’m just saying that you should learn to manage your time between friends and boyfriend.” But Kyuhyun had no idea that he was actually late into giving that advice because Ryeowook and Yesung already had a fight earlier.

By the end of his 2nd week of stay in Korea, it was finally revealed that Yesung and Ryeowook broken up. Then Ryeowook told them the real story and that they were just a fake couple but to Kyuhyun’s eyes, he saw a real couple. That’s why before Ryeowook could finish his story, Kyuhyun left to look for Yesung.


“What are you doing here?” Yesung glared at Kyuhyun. They were currently at a certain secret spot at the school’s backyard but since Kyuhyun found his way there, Yesung is going to crush out this place from his list of hiding spots.

“I know it’s because of me that you and Ryeowook argued but I never did anything so now, I want to do something. I apologize for being the cause of your jealousy and argument.” Kyuhyun bowed out of respect and politeness. “Please see Ryeowook again.”

Yesung’s glare disappeared as he saw Kyuhyun’s sincere form. “Please don’t blame everything to yourself. You’re not entirely at fault. Ryeowook and I are partly at fault too.”

“So will you see Ryeowook again?” Kyuhyun looked up and stood straight.

“Does he want to see me again?”

“I’m sure of it.”


“Where have you been? Donghae, Kibum and I have been looking all over the school for you since we found out that you disappeared while Ryeowook was still telling his story. Really, you could have just told us where you‘d be going instead of disappearing just like that. We kinda got worried, ya know.” Sungmin finally found Kyuhyun in one of the classrooms. He took out his cell phone while talking the whole time to text Kibum and Donghae that they could go on to their delayed date now that he found Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun grabbed Sungmin’s wrist, which was connected to the hand holding the cell phone. Sungmin was about to complain about not finished texting and ask why Kyuhyun was grabbing his hand but before he could talk, a finger was placed lightly on his lips. The same finger  moved to point towards the window.

Sungmin looked at to where Kyuhyun was pointing out. “OMIGAWD!!! Is that Ryeowook and Yesung making out by the school gate?!?!?! Of all places!!!!!!!!! Gosh!!!!” Sungmin’s jaw dropped and his eyes bulged out.

Kyuhyun couldn’t contain his laughter because at the moment, Sungmin looked comical.

“Let me get a picture of this!!!” Sungmin used the camera of his cell phone to take a picture of the couple making out. “I am so going to use this for blackmail. I’m also gonna tease them until they blush so badly that they’re going to put tomatoes to shame. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” He suddenly became mischievous and evil based on weird attempt of evil laughter.

Kyuhyun shook his head in amusement.


Since that day, it’s been Kyuhyun and Sungmin spending more time together because Ryeowook was starting to balance his time between Kyuhyun and Yesung. Kyuhyun also managed to balance his time between exploring Korea and studying.

“Who says you can’t do both together?” Sungmin had an idea of taking Kyuhyun to wherever Kyuhyun likes to go whether it would be the beach, park, mall and etc but he also made sure that they brought their assignment or books to study. Whatever place they are currently exploring at, they made sure to stay longer at that place by studying.

Kyuhyun was glad he could do both things at the same time. He usually likes studying alone in a quiet place so it surprised him that he could still study well despite Sungmin being talkative and the noises that other people made.

When it comes to studying, Sungmin still is talkative but he would talk about the topics of whatever it is they are studying so to Kyuhyun it felt like listening to a really talkative teacher. But unlike a real teacher, Sungmin had a cute voice and a cute expression on his face while talking so Kyuhyun really like watching and listening to him talk.


“Why does Sungmin doesn’t have a boyfriend?” Kyuhyun asked one morning as he hung out with Ryeowook, Kibum and Donghae. Sungmin was unusually late that morning.

“There are actually a lot of guys going after him. He keeps on complaining about not having a boyfriend when all he has to do is say ‘yes’ to one of them then tadah! He’ll have a boyfriend.” Donghae said as if he was performing magic.

“Are you starting to like Sungmin that way?” Kibum asked with a sly smile. “I noticed you’ve been spending more time with Sungmin now that Ryeowook is spending more time with Yesung.”

Kyuhyun shook his head to the side. “No. I was just curious that’s all.” So maybe he was really having a crush on Sungmin but in a few days, he’ll be going back to China so he doesn’t see any need for him to confess. Besides, he doesn’t want this time management to be ruined again. He just doesn’t have time for love life.


A/N:  No worries~! There is a sequel that shall be posted in the next chapter~ As for now, comments please~!!!!

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Chapter 2: loved the ending author-nim! :D though i wish there was a sequel to it:( lol
Chapter 2: I was shocked when Kyuhyun left and nothing happened. LOL
ayawani #3
Chapter 2: There's no sequel for this Author-nim??
Chapter 2: you scared me there :P i like the ending (the real one keke)
i love it!
Chapter 2: The ending... Anyway, what happens after the month is over? Two broken hearts appear? Me no likey... X/
memoire- #7
Nice ending! I'll kill you if you end their story like that.
aww ~ one month is not enough..make it last longer.....kyumin need it... please... *puppy eyes*