Chapter 30

Players of Deception

The four of them were able to move all of Charmaine’s belongings into her new apartment within five hours. With the boxes and bags neatly lined against a wall in her living room, Charmaine went into the kitchen to grab some bottled water to offer to them. The unpacking she would save for later when she’s alone.

“I’m starving,” Tavia exclaimed as she took a bottle from Charmaine. “Let’s grab a bite to eat then come back to start with the unpacking.”

Charmaine shook her head, “I’ll do the unpacking myself. You guys wouldn’t know where I want my things.”

Tavia stretched her legs out on the new shiny glass coffee table and said, “Okay let’s eat then go shopping afterwards.”

“I’m in,” Ron said throwing a smile at Tavia.

Raymond moved to sit down besides Charmaine and said, “What about your home cooking?”

Tavia heard the question and said lazily, “Charmaine can’t cook even if her life depended on it.”

“I was going to start learning tonight,” Charmaine said defensively with a hint of a smile.

“You’re tired from the move,” Raymond said, “Let’s eat out tonight and you can start your cooking lessons another night.”

Suddenly the doorbell buzzed and Tavia turned to Charmaine with a puzzled look, “Are you expecting anyone?”

“I am,” Charmaine responded as she got up to open the door to reveal Kevin standing there holding two large brown paper bags.

Kevin’s view of the living room was blocked by Charmaine so he wasn’t aware that she had company. “Happy Birthday!” he shouted happily.

Charmaine had forgotten today was her birthday. Smiling softly at Kevin for remembering she said, “Thanks Kevin.”

“Oh Charmaine, I’m so sorry I forgot,” Tavia said apologetically as she rushed up to Charmaine. Seeing who was at the door her face fell. “Hello Kevin,” she said coolly, still miffed by his behavior from yesterday.

“Hi,” Kevin responded in a monotone and walked into the apartment and saw Ron and Raymond sitting on the sofa. Nodding his head in greeting to them, he placed the bags of food on a nearby table. “Looks like everyone wants to celebrate this special day with you but don’t worry I brought enough food to feed all of us.”

Raymond got up from the sofa and walked over to Kevin. Eyeing him warily, he said, “I didn’t know you and Charmaine were that close.”

“We’ve known each other since we were babies,” Charmaine explained as she smiled fondly at Kevin. In a catchy voice, she said softly, “I can’t believe you still remember my birthday after all these years.”

Kevin placed an arm around her shoulders and gave it a firm squeeze, “How could you even think I would forget it.”

Raymond saw their exchange and was annoyed by the obvious affection between them. He turned to Charmaine, “Why didn’t you tell me today was your birthday?”

Charmaine shrugged helplessly, “I forgot myself.”

“So did I,” Tavia chimed in. The aroma from the bags drew her over to the table. She bent her head towards the bags and sniffed, “Smells delicious. What did you buy?”

Kevin rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and began taking the contents out of the bags. “My mom made everything. It’s all of Charmaine’s favorite dishes.”

Charmaine’s eyes glistened at the mention of Ho Ma and she unconsciously laid her hand on Kevin’s arm. In a tender voice, she said, “Tell her thanks from me.”

Raymond who was standing beside them did not mistake the adoration in her eyes when she looked at Kevin. Not wanting to feel left out, he stepped in between them and said, “Charmaine, why don’t you have a seat and I’ll get a plate of food for you.”

“Can it wait,” Kevin asked but it wasn’t a question but rather a command. Looking intently at Charmaine he pulled out a small jewelry box from his pocket. “Can we talk in private?”

Charmaine saw Kevin’s uneasy expression and knew immediately that whatever he had to say concerned her father. “Sure, let’s talk in the bedroom.” She headed in that direction and didn’t see the displeasure on Raymond's face.

When they were alone Charmaine sat down on her bed and crossed her arms. “What message do you have from him?” She saw the surprise on Kevin’s face and added, “He asked Ho Ma to make the food didn’t he?”

Kevin smiled at her astuteness and handed her the gift. “Your father personally made this for you.”

Charmaine slowly raised her hand as if to take the gift but then dropped her hand back down onto her lap. “Can you take it back to him? I don’t want it.”

Kevin nodded then squatted down in front of her. “I understand. Do you want me to relay any message to him?”

Charmaine thought about it then shook her head her eyes fixed on the jewelry box that Kevin was still holding.

Seeing the direction of her gaze, Kevin asked quietly, “Do you at least want to have a look at it?”

Grudgingly, Charmaine said, “I guess it won’t hurt to have a peep. Can you open it?”

Kevin did and inside the velvet jewelry box was a silver tiara brooch embedded with tiny crystals that seem to sparkle with life. On the lid of the box was engraved “My Princess.”

Charmaine felt tears sting her eyes as she remembered the endearment that her father used to call her by. Sniffling she whispered hollowly, “I-It’s beautiful.”

Kevin sat down beside her on the bed and placed a comforting arm around her shoulder, “I know you don’t want to hear this but your father loves you very much.”

A subtle knock sounded on the door before it was opened by Raymond. He took one look at the pair on the bed and his face darkened at the sight before him.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 62: Thanks for these ChaRay stories! I’m binge-reading all of them!
Chapter 62: That was a really good story!
Didn't expect it to end the way it did! (T ^ T)
Chapter 54: (´Д` ) Noooo!
Chapter 15: I'm kind of rooting for Kevin since he's so shy, it makes him cute. \(//∇//)\
Chapter 10: Lol, it seemed like Raymond changed his mind about her pretty quickly.
charray #6
Wow, Simcon, you are so wonderful. I couldn't believe in my eyes that you have uploaded this one in just one day, thanks so much. I enjoy every story you write about our lovely Charray. We Charray fan must be very lucky to have such a good writer like you. Thanks so much.