Chapter 28

Players of Deception

Ron observed Tavia from across the table with a mixture of amusement and annoyance. He watched as she pierced a piece of meat with her fork then dumped it into . Throughout their meal he noticed that she seemed miffed at times and then she would smile and relax the next second. He also knew her shift of mood was because of Kevin’s earlier behavior towards her and it was just of her to feel annoyed by it. Kevin practically gave her the cold shoulder. Ron knew what he did before was wrong. Tavia had turned him down flatly the other day and yet he lied and said she accepted his invitation. He only did it because he felt that he had a better chance with her than Kevin. She and Kevin were not suited for each other. Tavia was lively with a comical sense of humor, just like himself. Kevin, on the other hand, was plain and too righteous for his own good. There was only one word to describe Kevin according to Ron and that was boring. Ron hadn’t expected Kevin to back out of the date completely. He only said what he said so that he could join them. But what’s done was done he thought feeling a tad ashamed of himself. He now know never to repeat the stunt. “How’s the food?” he asked as Tavia forked another piece of meat.

Tavia who was still fuming over Kevin’s uncalled behavior looked up blankly at Ron. “Huh?’

Ron wasn’t the least bit bothered by her lack of attention towards him. He smiled cheerfully and repeated the question.

Putting her fork down, Tavia swallowed and said, “It’s very good and I like the atmosphere here.”

Ron knew she would and that was why he even picked the restaurant. “Are you doing anything tomorrow?”

“Actually I am,” Tavia said apologetically. “Charmaine is moving into her apartment tomorrow and I have to help. I don’t know how long it’s going to take.”

Not deterred by that small obstacle, Ron said with a wide smile, “Why don’t I come along and help. I have nothing else to do anyway.”

Tavia saw the sincerity on his face and decided to take up his offer of help on behalf of Charmaine. They didn’t hire any movers for the job and there was no way she and Charmaine could move the luggage by themselves without making at least ten trips back and forth. With appreciation, she said, “That would be great! Thanks!”

Happy that he was going to see her again tomorrow Ron looked down at her now empty plate. “Do you want dessert now?”

“Dessert?” Tavia asked with a horrified expression. “I’m so full I can barely move.”

Ron laughed and teased, “You barely ate anything at all.” Signaling the waiter, Ron said, “You must have dessert after dinner. Besides, I don’t want you to start spreading rumors about what a cheap date I am by not letting you have dessert.”

Tavia batted her eyes and said coyly, “Would I do that to you?”

Ron looked at her upturned face filled with unabashed humor and said somberly, “Yes you would!”

Tavia burst out laughing and said, “You bet I would!” and continued laughing with all thoughts of Kevin forgotten.


Charmaine walked into her hotel room with Raymond following behind. They had a great time at the concert and chatted non-stop about it afterwards on the ride back to the hotel. It was still early in the night and both of them were too perked by the concert to sleep. They decided, mutually, to head back to the hotel and ordered some room service to ease their now growing hunger.

Raymond walked into the room and saw about a dozen of luggage and bags scattered around the room with clothes spilling out from a few of them. He quirked an eye at her and asked, “Going somewhere?”

Charmaine had been so busy with work that it must have slipped her mind to mention her move to him. Smiling apologetically at him, she said, “I’m moving into an apartment tomorrow morning.”

Raymond felt a bit slighted that she didn’t find him important enough to remember to tell him of the news. He didn’t say a word but stood looking at her in a way that made Charmaine felt like a thoughtless child. Shifting in her stance, she said earnestly, “I’ve been meaning to but work had been so hectic in the office and when I do see you I can’t seem to remember.”

Raymond’s expression softened at her explanation. Smiling at her he said, “I’ll come by tomorrow morning with breakfast to help.”

Relieved that he wasn’t angry, Charmaine said, “I like that. After we’re done with the move, I’ll reward you for your help with some of my homecooking in my new apartment.”

Raymond looked skeptically at her and said, “You know how to cook?”

Charmaine pressed her lips together to suppress the surge of giggles waiting to erupt and said, “No, but I’ll start learning tomorrow night.”

Raymond laughed and thought how adorable she looked at this very moment with her lips curled in a cunning smile and her eyes sparkling with mirth. He definitely liked this playful side of her, something which he didn’t see when she was in the office. At work, she was always very professional, maintaining her poise and an air of authority. However, outside of work he sees a different side of her that perhaps was the real her. “Should I start preparing?”

Confused by the question, Charmaine asked, “Prepare for what?”

Raymond took a step back from her and with his palms raised in a defensive position said, “For my funeral!”

Charmaine’s eyes widen with mock anger and then she started advancing towards him with her hand raised ready to strike out at him. “Why you!”

Raymond laughed and began backing away from her only to stumble on one of her open luggage. Luckily Charmaine caught his hand in time before he fell to the floor. The force of her pull was rough and instead of balancing him, it had the opposite effect causing him to fall forward on top of her and onto the nearby bed. With his body half covering her, and their faces only inches apart, Raymond stared down at her, the laughter fading. “You’re beautiful,” he said huskily.

Lost in the pool of his dark beckoning eyes Charmaine’s breathing turned rapid just as Raymond kissed her.

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HottestVIPSone #1
Chapter 62: Thanks for these ChaRay stories! I’m binge-reading all of them!
Chapter 62: That was a really good story!
Didn't expect it to end the way it did! (T ^ T)
Chapter 54: (´Д` ) Noooo!
Chapter 15: I'm kind of rooting for Kevin since he's so shy, it makes him cute. \(//∇//)\
Chapter 10: Lol, it seemed like Raymond changed his mind about her pretty quickly.
charray #6
Wow, Simcon, you are so wonderful. I couldn't believe in my eyes that you have uploaded this one in just one day, thanks so much. I enjoy every story you write about our lovely Charray. We Charray fan must be very lucky to have such a good writer like you. Thanks so much.