Chapter 3

New Year's Promise

    Jaejoong relaxed farther into the tub. The bubbles were soft and the water was the perfect temperature.
    “Aren’t you gonna come bathe with me?” Jaejoong asked, reaching out for Yunho’s hand.
    “In a bit. I’m enjoying watching you for right now.” Yunho carded his hand into Jaejoong’s hair. “You know, no one else should have been able to see you like this.”
    Jaejoong look up at Yunho, confused. “What are you talking about?”
    “That photo book you did. You were in a tub wearing nothing but soap bubbles.”
    “Are you talking about ‘Intermodulation’? You were jealous of a photo shoot?” Jaejoong asked with a laugh.
    “A little. It was a great book. I made a friend of mine pick me up a copy. It hurt to see you looking so beautiful and confident with out me.” Yunho paused. “That didn’t come out right. I’m sorry.”
    “I understand.” Jaejoong pushed himself up on the edge of the tub. “Bathe with me Yunho. Make me filthy before you make me clean.”


    Yunho couldn’t remember when or how they got to the bed, nor did he really care. He just cared that Jaejoong slept well once they finally fell asleep. Yunho watched Jaejoong sleep. He kissed the series of bite marks and bruises across Jaejoong’s shoulders. They got a little too rough at points and Yunho had backed off in fear of hurting Jaejoong.
    Until Jaejoong took matters into his own hands, or mouth rather, and left a perfect set of teeth marks in Yunho’s neck. Yunho would be honestly surprised if Jaejoong’s bite wasn’t permanently scarred on to his body.
    Yunho couldn’t remember the last time they were that rough with each other. Well, he could, but he didn’t like to think about it. During the lawsuit, right before the split, they would take their frustrations out on each other.
    He cringed at the memories of the screaming matches followed by slamming each other into walls or wrestling one another to the floor. Yunho deeply regretted the physical and mental beatings they gave each other during that trying time. He should have been stronger, protected Jaejoong better. He hugged Jaejoong tighter.
    “Yunho, you’re drooling me. I was just falling asleep too.” Jaejoong rolled over to face Yunho. “Oh, Baby. What wrong? Why are you crying?”
    Yunho hadn’t even realized he had started to cry.  He wiped the tears from his. “I don’t know.”
    “I hope you’re not crying because I’m going to die.” Jaejoong smirked. “But if the stays this good I just might stick around.”
    “Jae…” Yunho groaned.
    Jaejoong traced the bite mark on Yunho’s neck. “Hey, if anyone needs to identify my body they can just look at your neck. That’s a perfect imprint. They’d be able to ID my body in like 2 seconds.”
    “Jae! Can you please not joke about your death?”
    “Why not?”
    “Because, it’s sick.” Yunho rubbed his eyes.
    “I’m sick. And I’m probably going to die.” Jaejoong smirked again. “How much do you think you sell my body for? I mean, I got a pretty sweet body…”
    “I’m done. I’m going for a walk.” Yunho threw the covers back. He pulled on a pair of sweatpants and searched the floor for a shirt.
    “Yunho, wait.” Jaejoong crawled the to edge of the bed and d for Yunho’s hand. “I’m sorry. Don’t leave. Just come back to bed and we’ll talk.”
    “I don’t want to talk if you’re just going to make jokes about your death.” Yunho sat down on the edge of the bed. “Why do you joke about it so much?”
    “Because it helps me cope.” Jaejoong wrapped his arms around Yunho’s waist and kissed the back of his neck. “I don’t know what else to do. Every time I think about this, I start to panic and I need to make a joke. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize it bothered you so much.”
    “You’re going to be fine Jaejoongie. What worries me is that you aren’t fighting; that you don’t want to fight.”
    “I’m just really tired. The treatments are killing me. I get so sick after each one and I really want to be done with it all.”
    “I’m not ready to let you go. I’m sorry, but I can’t yet. I love you too much. But I don’t want to lose you.” Yunho held Jaejoong’s hands and squeezed them tightly. “It just hurt to see you so accepting.”
    “I need you to be this accepting. I need you to be able to joke with me.” Jaejoong cupped Yunho’s face and turned it slowly. “I will fight, for you, but I need you to understand what I understand. I need you to accept that I might die. Can you do that?”
    Yunho was quiet for a long time as he contemplated what Jaejoong was asking of him. They could fight this together. Jaejoong was stronger than he realized and Yunho was certain he would be okay. He leaned back against and smiled slowly. “Well,” he said deadpan. “I can’t really sell your organs after you die. Maybe, I’ll just have you stuffed and put you on that god-awful horse lamp you own.”
    Jaejoong barked with laughter, slapping Yunho’s shoulder playfully. “You love that lamp and you know it.” He kissed Yunho’s cheek loudly. “See? It feels better when you can make jokes.”
    “Yeah, I guess.” Yunho pulled away and watched as Jaejoong leaned back against the headboard.
    “Bring me to the store later. I want to bake like a billion cupcakes and get Jina hopped up on sugar.”
    “Changmin is going to kill you.”
    “Well, I won’t have to worry about the cancer than,” Jaejoong smiled.
    Yunho forced a laugh. Jaejoong wasn’t going to stop cracking jokes; he was just going to have to get used to it. “Can we snuggle for a little while before I have to be your chauffeur?”
    “Yeah, come here you y beast.”
    Yunho scooted up the bed and rested his head on Jaejoong’s stomach. He traced the bruises that littered Jaejoong’s perfect skin. “Did I make all these?”
    “No. I keep walking into the edge of the island.”
    Yunho kissed the bruises, nipping lightly.
    “You trying to leave more?” Jaejoong laughed. Yunho’s lips tickled his skin. He ran his hand through Yunho’s hair.
    Yunho ran his tongue up Jaejoong’s chest and settled against him. He on Jaejoong’s collar bones.
    “Let’s just stay in bed all day,” Yunho whispered against Jaejoong’s throat.
    Jaejoong moaned lowly. “I would love to, Baby. But we have a lot to do. We need to go grocery shopping, you have private lessons this afternoon.”
    “Fine,” Yunho sighed. “I don’t want you home alone while I’m at lessons. Hang out with Junsu today, okay?”
    “Yeah. I’ll make him help me bake.”
    Yunho groaned as he sat up. His phone vibrated on the night stand. “Hello?”
    “Mr. Yunho?” a mousy voice whispered.
    “Hwaran? Are you okay?”
    “I need help. Can you come pick me up?”
    “Yeah. Where are you?” Yunho wrote down the address and rushed around the room looking for clothes.
    “What’s wrong?” Jaejoong asked.
    “Hwaran needs help.”
    “She didn’t say what happened?” Worry knotted Jaejoong’s face.
    “No. I’ll be right back.” Yunho kissed Jaejoong on the forehead. He prayed that Hwaran was okay. She didn’t sound hurt; just very scared.

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Chapter 3: Plagued by the possibility of facing mortality, they both have to cope and come to terms with many unpleasant truths. Their relationship has endured many obstacles and I hope they come out of this stronger. Thanks for sharing!
Cuppaforme #2
Chapter 3: hi. . i'm a big yunjae fan and i can't believe that i only came across your fanfics today. I really enjoy your stories and love the way you write, I hope you will come back soon.
Chapter 3: This story is…just wow, no words for it. Poor Jae. I hope it will have happy ending so please,update soon!!!!
gogumaboice_aktf #4
Will be waiting for your update please let them have a happy ending!!!><
Chapter 3: Please no sad ending ....
phinea2009 #6
Chapter 3: Just started reading this story. It's bittersweet how Jae is "preparing" himself and Yunho for his passing which I hope will not come to pass.
Chapter 3: Gosh Jae dont joke about death. Its awful. Whats wrong with hwaran? I hope she doesn't have something bad in mind. This is not angsty right? So may be hwaran not then. If it is not. Is her parents sick?

Anyway thanks for the update.
Chapter 1: Just please no dying. And please please please make JJ healthy again. I wanna cry now.
foodiemin #9
Chapter 3: know what...i agree with yunho..u sgouldn't joke about dying..idk wae..but it hurts the ones loving you more...
anyways..gawd..let me sob my feels out!!T.T
save JJ!!
kimchijejung #10
Chapter 3: Hii~ new reader here~
Its so sad :(, jae should be strong. But like yunho, I don't like died's joke.
Will hwaran okay? She sounds really need hope