Chapter 2

New Year's Promise

    Yunho woke up feeling like he was sleeping next to a furnace. The sheets tangled around him were soaked with sweat and for a moment he wondered if the radiator was acting up again. He reached out for Jaejoong and gasped, pulling his hand back. Heat was rolling off Jaejoong’s skin.
    “Jaejoongie? Wake up, Baby.” He shook Jaejoong’s shoulder gently. “You’re burning up.” Yunho fumbled to turn on the lamp. Squinting his eyes against the harsh light he dug through the night stand for the thermometer.
    “!” Yunho swore as he read the thermometer. “Jae, wake up. I need to bring you to the hospital.  Please wake up.”
    Jaejoong remained unconscious no matter what Yunho did. He grabbed his phone and called Yoochun, his fingers shaking as he hit the send button.
    “Yeah?” Yoochun’s voice was heavy with sleep.
    Yunho glanced at the clock and swore when he realized it was 3 in the morning. “I need you. Jaejoong has a high fever and won’t wake up.”
    “How high?” Yoochun scrambled out of bed and pulled on the first pair of pants he could find.
    “103.6. He won’t wake up.” Yunho was near hysterical. “I can’t wake him up.”
    “Yunho, you need to calm down. I’ll be there in like 5 minutes. Get a cool wash cloth and rub him down. Make sure he’s dry and wrap him up in a blanket. We’ll bring him to the hospital.”
    Yunho followed Yoochun’s directions. He spoke softly to Jaejoong the entire time, hoping he would regain consciousness. He changed Jaejoong’s clothes, shocked at how soaked they were.
    Yoochun pounded the key code in and went straight to the bedroom. He helped Yunho carry Jaejoong to the car and load them in.
    “I’ll carry him in,” Yoochun offered as he park in front of the ER. Jaejoong had lost so much weight and Yoochun lifted him easily.
    The doctors took Jaejoong to a room quickly but refused to let Yunho and Yoochun back until they were done examining Jaejoong.
    When Yunho was allowed into Jaejoong’s room he gasped. He wasn’t expecting Jaejoong to look so frail.
    “We’re trying to bring down the fever now. We also gave him a mild steroid, his heart rate was rather low. He should wake up soon.” The doctor didn’t look up from writing on Jaejoong’s chart.
    Yunho sat next to the bed and held Jaejoong’s hand. His skin already felt much cooler.
    He didn’t want to admit it, but Yunho was scared. He didn’t want to face life with out Jaejoong by his side. He was almost asleep when he felt Jaejoong’s hand squeeze his.
    “Hey, Baby,” Jaejoong whispered softly. “Where are we?”
    “I had to bring you to the ER. You were running a fever and wouldn’t wake up. I panicked and called Yoochun. He’s in the waiting room.”
    “I’ll talk to him later. I’m sorry I scared you.” Jaejoong ran his hand through Yunho’s hair.
    “It’s okay. You’re better now. Do you need anything?”
    Jaejoong shook his head. “Are you allowed to lay down with me?”
    “Yeah,” Yunho smiled. He stretched out on the narrow bed and wrapped his arms around Jaejoong’s waist. Jaejoong sighed and settled against the crook of Yunho’s shoulder.
    “Wake me in a couple hours. I’m really tired and cold.”
    Yunho pulled the blanket tighter around them and watched as Jaejoong drifted off to sleep.


    “Yunho, I need your help.” Jaejoong was sitting up in bed. The past few hours had been hell on earth.
    “Yeah, anything.” Yunho pressed the back of his hand against Jaejoong’s forehead, sighing in relief that the fever finally broke.
    “I need you to help me write my will. I have a lot of stuff to go through and I don’t want anyone to have to deal with a mess when I’m gone.”
    “You’re not going to die, Jae. We don’t need to worry about that.”
    “I might. I need to make sure everything is in order. It will be easy. Most of the restaurants will default to Yoochun, but I want you and my sisters and parents to have some stock too. The coffee shop is going to you. The revenue from that should pay for Hwaran’s lessons for as long as she wants to dance. I want to leave a trust fund for Jina.”
    “Why are you talking like this?” Yunho shouted.
    “Because I’m dieing!” Jaejoong shouted back. “I’m going to die and I don’t want my loved ones to be left with a giant legal cluster-!”
    “How can you be so calm about this? It’s really ed up that you are so ready to die. I don’t want you to leave me.”
    “This isn’t about you,” Jaejoong fumed. “I’m sick. Very sick. And I’m being realistic. There is a very high probability that I’m going to die. I just want everyone taken care of.”
    “You’re going to live. You have to live,” Yunho choke on tears as he spoke. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye.
    Jaejoong’s face softened. “Yunho, Baby. Listen to me, please.” He wiped the tears off Yunho’s cheeks. “I’m not ready to die. I’m in pain and I’m really sick. I just want to make sure. Please help me do this. I love you and I don’t want to leave you.”
    “I love you, too. Don’t make me do this. I can’t do this right now. I… I’ll call Yoochun to help you.”
    “No. I don’t want Yoochun. I need you to help. You need to help me. This will help you get closure.” Jaejoong kissed Yunho’s lips softly. “Get me some paper.”
    “Do we have to do this now?” Yunho tried to stall.
    “Yes.” Jaejoong sat back and pull the tray table between them. “I’m too tired to actually write, so I’m gonna dictate for you. I’ll sign it when we’re done and then you can bring it to a lawyer tomorrow.”
    It took nearly two hours for the will to be written out to Jaejoong’s liking. Yunho felt sick with every word he wrote. He wasn’t ready for the finality of Jaejoong’s will.
    Jaejoong carded his hands into Yunho’s hair and pulled him close. “Thank you, Yunho.” He kissed Yunho languidly, controlling his emotions better than he thought he could. “When do I get to go home?”
    “Later this afternoon. Changmin and Jihye are bringing over dinner so you don’t have to do anything.”
    “Okay. Are they bringing Jina too?”
    “Yeah. She’s excited to see you.”
    Jaejoong relaxed into the bed. He was still tired, but just wanted to go home. “I want to take a bath with you tonight. I want a massage and I want to make love. I just want to feel normal.”
    “Alright. I’m not treating you that much differently am I?”
    “A little bit. I’m sick, Yunho. But I’m not dead yet. I want to be as normal as possible.”
    “You’ve lost a lot of weight. More than you should have. I don’t want to hurt you.”
    “I’m fine. Well, as fine as I’m going to be for a while. I let you dote on me because I know if helps you.”
    “It doesn’t help you?” Yunho asked, pain clear in his voice.
    “It does. But it helps you more. You need more time than I do to come to terms with my illness.” Jaejoong cupped Yunho’s cheek. “You make me feel better, especially when you hold me tight.”
    “I’ve left bruises doing that.”
    Jaejoong shook his head slightly. “I don’t care.”
    Yunho pulled Jaejoong into a bone crushing hug. He slipped one hand under Jaejoong’s shirt and scratched his back lightly. Jaejoong sighed contently and kissed Yunho’s neck.



Sorry this chapter is so short... OTL

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Chapter 3: Plagued by the possibility of facing mortality, they both have to cope and come to terms with many unpleasant truths. Their relationship has endured many obstacles and I hope they come out of this stronger. Thanks for sharing!
Cuppaforme #2
Chapter 3: hi. . i'm a big yunjae fan and i can't believe that i only came across your fanfics today. I really enjoy your stories and love the way you write, I hope you will come back soon.
Chapter 3: This story is…just wow, no words for it. Poor Jae. I hope it will have happy ending so please,update soon!!!!
gogumaboice_aktf #4
Will be waiting for your update please let them have a happy ending!!!><
Chapter 3: Please no sad ending ....
phinea2009 #6
Chapter 3: Just started reading this story. It's bittersweet how Jae is "preparing" himself and Yunho for his passing which I hope will not come to pass.
Chapter 3: Gosh Jae dont joke about death. Its awful. Whats wrong with hwaran? I hope she doesn't have something bad in mind. This is not angsty right? So may be hwaran not then. If it is not. Is her parents sick?

Anyway thanks for the update.
Chapter 1: Just please no dying. And please please please make JJ healthy again. I wanna cry now.
foodiemin #9
Chapter 3: know what...i agree with yunho..u sgouldn't joke about dying..idk wae..but it hurts the ones loving you more...
anyways..gawd..let me sob my feels out!!T.T
save JJ!!
kimchijejung #10
Chapter 3: Hii~ new reader here~
Its so sad :(, jae should be strong. But like yunho, I don't like died's joke.
Will hwaran okay? She sounds really need hope