

     Tao’s weapon of choice was inevitable. There were only two weapons left to choose from at this point (a mace and a sword) and Tao picked up the mace without even glancing at the other weapon. The one who had left him there in the darkness was expecting this. With its blunt club and spiked chain, the mace was similar to the nunchucks Tao was used to using; regardless of the fact that he had no memory of ever setting eyes on any type of weapon before, fighting was in his nature.  He was completely confident that he would win his battle and destroy his opponent: Kris. There was not a shred of doubt in his entire being. This was what he was born to do.

     “Child, are you ready?” The voice spoke calmly and kindly, as if it actually cared about the outcome of the battle and wasn’t just making it happen for fun.

“Of course.” Tao’s voice was equally calm. “This is what I’m supposed to do. I’ll win no matter what.”

“Your confidence is commendable, young one. Be careful though.” Tao rolled his eyes in response, but he stayed silent. “Your adversary will be here shortly, child. Make sure to be fully prepared.”

Tao gripped his mace and stood up into a fighting position – the same one he’d got into many times before – as he watched the sword sink into the floor as if the cold hard marble was actually made of sponge. “I’m ready when he is.”

     Kris materialised in front of him a moment later, a sword in his hands – the same sword that had just disappeared into the ground. Tao charged at him immediately – he hadn’t been lying or joking when he said he was ready to fight – and swung his mace in his direction when he was about half a metre away from him. Fortunately for Kris, he had just enough time to block his attack with his sword. It was narrow escape for him. He had almost lost before the battle had even officially begun.

     “Tao, no. What are you doing?” The mysterious voice sounded shocked but its owner was evidently amused.

Now Tao was bewildered. He’d believed that he was supposed to fight the second he saw his opponent. “You asked if I was ready. And I was.”

“Remember your manners, child.” The voice softened now. “You may be prepared, but your rival wasn’t when you attacked him. Now go back to where you were. The battle doesn’t start until I say it does.” Tao saw no use in arguing and so went back to his original spot.

     “So, you’re Tao then?” Tao nodded in reply to his adversary and shot him a cold glare. “Well Tao, mind telling me about yourself?”

What could he say? He knew virtually nothing about himself. “My name is Tao, and I’m the one who’s going to kill you.”

“Confidence. I like it.” Kris commented before the voice with the unknown owner interrupted them.

     “Alright. Tao, since you seem so eager to start, you may begin your battle now.”

     Apparently Kris had no idea how to fight – and Tao was almost one hundred percent certain that he was not underestimating his enemy. While Tao was standing ready in his fighting stance, Kris was standing casually with one arm across his chest, the other swinging his sword around aimlessly. When Kris noticed Tao staring at him, he smirked and walked towards him slowly, his sword still pointing at the ground.

      “You won’t be able to win holding your sword like that.” Tao pointed out, but Kris took no notice of his advice.

“I know what I’m doing.” Kris growled in reply – it wasn’t an aggressive growl, however.

“And what is it that you’re doing?”

Kris didn’t answer until he was standing barely a few inches away from Tao. “That’s simple – I’m seducing you.” He reached out to cup Tao’s face – rather stupidly – but his hand never reached its intended destination because Tao’s mace had already collided with his wrist, smacking his hand away and tearing a rip in the skin in the process.

“Oh really?” He asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking at the sight of Kris holding onto his wound desperately, his face contorting into an expression of pain. “To me it just looks like you’re losing.”

     Refusing to dignify Tao’s statement with a verbal response, Kris let go of his wrist and his face returned to a calm yet angry look. Unfortunately, Tao was completely prepared for Kris’ attack, so when he swung the sword, aiming at his rival’s legs, Tao was easily able to block it using his mace. Before Kris could react, Tao kicked his legs out so that they crashed into his opponent’s shins, knocking him off balance. As he watched his enemy fall back onto the floor, Tao wasted no time and immediately hovered over him, using his right arm and legs to pin him down. Kris would have been able to push him off if it wasn’t for Tao’s quick, almost catlike movements. Instead, however, Tao’s mace repeatedly collided with his face, leaving several gashes in the fragile skin. In attempt to defend himself, Kris sliced at Tao’s back with his sword, causing Tao to cry out in pain.

     Through his cries, Tao managed to wrench Kris’ sword from his hand. He didn’t bother waiting for Kris’ response. He raised the sword sadistically, and then, in an instant, descended the blade onto Kris’ chest. Blood surged out of the wound as he dug the sword in deeper, making sure to pierce his heart. It wasn’t long before Kris had been completely drained of life.

      “As I expected, Tao.” The voice praised him, but Tao didn’t care for compliments. He just wanted to get on with discovering answers to the many questions he had about his existence – and if killing was the way to do that, then so be it.

“Whatever. What do I have to do next?"

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Chapter 8: This is so good!!! Please update soon I really want to know what happens next !!!
Chapter 8: I don't particularly like senseless killing //help I can't unread the bloody violence especially Sehun's severed head// but this is so intriguing, I have so many unanswered questions. I can't wait for everything to unravel soon. A part of me is somehow wishing this was all a long dream sequence. Character deaths do not bode well with me.
leedino #3
so, luhan died... And minseok is suspicous! This story is so different, and i love it so much for that.
Please update sooon! <3
leedino #4
Chapter 7: omg. please update sooon!
this fic is so good!
i feel like people should read this more
leedino #5
Chapter 4: this is scary and stuff but its kewl~
are they gonna all be alive at the end? they betta be xDD actually, its your choice. you choose. i dont want a spoiler
anyways, update soon!
Chapter 3: Ahhh!!! What's happening??! >_<
leedino #7
Chapter 3: ohmygod.
this is so different but in. VERY GOoD WAY!!!!