
Little deer Luhan

The girl watched Luhan all over. She couldn’t believe that he was really the deer that she met in summer.

“H-how did you become a human?!”, she asked and made a few steps back. Luhan just shrugged his shoulders.

“And… what are you going to do now?”, she asked when he didn’t answer her. “I don’t know. I… just wanted to find you.”, Luhan explained.

“Where do you stay at night? Do you have a home?”, the girl asked and he shook his head. “Okay…. Maybe you could stay here… but… can I trust you?”

“O-of course! Please let me… s-stay with you…”, Luhan stuttered. The girl looked at him with curious eyes.

“Fine. I let you sleep in my house. Nice to meet you (again), haha”, she stretched out her hand but Luhan didn’t get what she wanted so he just stood there and stared at her hand.

“What? Don’t you know how to shake a hand?”, she said confused. Luhan just raised his eyebrows.

“Shake… hand?”, he whispered. “Oh… I see. You don’t know the humans world, right? Can you speak properly?”, she put her hand down again and looked at Luhan who shook his head again. “Not really…”, he answered then. A smile appeared on the girls face. “Don’t worry. I’ll teach you everything!”, she said excited, grabbed his hand and dragged him with her outside the hut.

From this day on, a special friendship started. The girl taught Luhan how to speak and how to behave in this world. Luckily, Luhan was a fast learner and in a few weeks he was able to go outside and make contact with other humans too. Luhan liked this world very much, especially the exciting and funny things like swinging or playing games. He went to school too and found a lot of new friends there but he still lived at the girls’ house.

The two spent a lot of time together and Luhan noticed that he got other feelings for her. It was a confusing feeling, it made him feel hot and it was like a thousand butterflies would fly inside his stomach. He didn’t know what to do and didn’t want to tell it to her, so he asked one of his friends.

“Sehun… can I talk to you?”, he asked his friend when they were walking home from school together.

“Hm?”, Sehun just said and looked at him. Sehun was the only one who knew about Luhan’s real side. It was surprising that he believed it but he did and it made Luhan happy to have another friend with whom he could talk about everything.

“I have a… strange feeling when I see her… you know… that girl....”, Luhan mumbled and watched the ground under him while walking.

“What kind of feeling exactly?”, Sehun asked, he exactly knew what girl Luhan meant. “Uhm… well… somehow I feel warm and… I don’t know. I want to protect her all of a sudden, I miss her when she’s not around me, I want to make her laugh and feel happy when she’s smiling. Am I sick? What is this?“, Luhan asked and looked at his friend who smiled from ear to ear.

“You ask what this is? THIS is love my dear friend. You fell in love.”, Sehun explained and patted Luhan´s shoulder.

“Love?”, Luhan asked confused. Sehun nodded. “Yes. Love. You love her!”, he said and formed a heart with his hands but Luhan didn’t understand.

“I don’t get it… what is love? And what do I do now?”, Luhan asked then.

“Love is the feeling you always have when you see or think about her. And now you should capture her heart!”, Sehun gave him a thumbs up.

“But… how?”, Luhan still didn’t understood anything. Sehun seemed to give it up and sighed.

“Okay…just watch some dramas or love films. Then you will know what you have to do.”, Sehun explained, patted Luhan´s shoulder again and went into a side street. “BYE! And good luck!”, he shouted while waving his hand to Luhan and walking away.

Luhan did what his friend said, bought a love movie in a shop and watched it at night. He took notes and was a little bit shocked when the people’s mouths were touching. “What is this?!”, he asked himself again and again but with the time, he began to understand. He had to give her presents, make her feel good and in the end, when she’s happy and smiling, he had to kiss her.

Luhan made plans how to win her heart. He gave her flowers, went out with her, cooked dinner for her and did everything possible to make her laugh. She became really happy through him and sometimes he could swear to see her blushing like the woman from the movie. Weeks passed by and then, Luhan was sure that the time had arrived.

In the afternoon, he grabbed the girls hand and dragged her with him. They went to the wood, to the spot where they first met when he was still a deer. “Do you remember it?”, Luhan asked when they stopped between all the trees, still holding hands.

“Yes. I remember… you were a cute little deer.. alone in this forest.”, she whispered and looked up to him. Luhan had grown up to a very handsome man and she adored him everyday. For some minutes they just stood there and admired the beauty of nature around them, then, Luhan took her hands in his and turned around to face her.

“You are the best thing that ever happened to me. I am so happy that I met you… please don’t ever forget this. The day we met was the best day of my life till now.”, Luhan said with a soft smile on his face.

The girl listened to him carefully and waited for him to continue but he didn’t. Instead of this, he quickly leaned in and kissed her. It was just a short kiss but she could feel with how much love it was filled. She was so surprised that she didn’t move and inch when his mouth was right beside her ear.

“I think I love you.”, he whispered. She needed a little while to react but then, she put her hands on his cheeks and kissed him back.

“I love you too!”, she whispered then. From this day on, they were a couple and nothing could destroy their relationship.

Luhan who was once just a little deer became a human, found the love of his life, got married and lived a wonderful life with his family. He loved that girl his entire life long until they died together.

Hmmm i don't know.... is this sequel good? If not, just ignore it please :D

I just felt like i should do a sequel for this story, haha ^^

- Panda

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Sahar_H #1
Chapter 1: cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: nice..... hehehehe....update soon...
CubeLoverNaeun #3
Chapter 1: Yay~you updated so fast((:
CubeLoverNaeun #4
Seems interesting~