Little deer Luhan

Little deer Luhan

Once upon a time, there was a little homeless deer... 

His parents were killed by a hunter.

He was lonely and had to take care of himself so that no other animal could kill him. For a long time he just walked around in the wood and searched for some water. During his long journey he saw a beautiful girl. She walked around too. She looked innocent and kind-hearted. The deer just knew about bad humans but this girl, he thought, couldn´t do anything bad. So he walked up to the girl and hoped to get her attention. At first she looked at him in surprise but then she smiled and streched her hand out, to touch him. He came nearer so that she was able to over his head. She smiled and said: “Hello little deer. Where are your parents?”. He wanted to answer her but he couldn´t talk. And from this moment on, he began to wish that he could be a human too. “Do you have a name?”, she asked then. He didn´t knew what to do so he just shaked his head. “No? Ok then I´ll give you a name!”, she said excited. “Hmm…what about… Luhan?”, the smile on her face widened. The deer liked the name and because he didn´t know how he should answer, he jumped around and hoped that she will understand him. She laughed and said: “Good. Now you are Luhan.”. Luhan wanted to play with her longer but she looked at the watch on her arm and said that she would have to go now. He wanted to go with her but he knew that he couldn´t leave the wood because of all the traffic and hunters. So he waited on the same place for her.

Summer ended, fall came and in the end he waited until it was winter.

He grew up and became a teenage deer. But no matter how long he waited, she didn´t come back.

So he gave up and searched for water and food again. After a long time, he finally found a brook. He didn´t know that it was a magic brook that can make wishes come true. While he drank the fresh cold water, he wished to himslef to be a human and that he could talk to that girl. On exactly this moment his whole body began to glow and he felt hot inside. He closed his eyes because of the light that came from inside of him and when he opened them again, he saw hands. His hands. And feet. His feet. He was a human. First, he was so happy to be a human that he forgot about the girl. He made his first steps and tried to say some words he had heard before. Of course he practiced his name too. Then, he remembered the girl again. He didn´t even knew her name. What if she isn´t here anymore? But he didn´t wanted to give her up so he walked straight into the village next to the wood.

He hoped to find her there but he didn´t. The whole day long, he searched for her but she was nowhere to be seen. He wanted to ask the other humans on the street but he didn´t knew how. Speaking was easy but he didn´t knew much words and wasn´t able to describe her. When the night came, he searched for a place to sleep but that wasn´t easy without looking like a strange boy. So he went into a garden and laid down in a little hut. He didn´t sleep well this night. It was cold inside there and the floor was very hard.

He woke up because of the sunlight that suddenly fell on his face. Yawning he opened his eyes and looked in the direction from which the light came from. And there he saw a familiar silouette. “Who are you?”, she asked. Luhan stood up and couldn´t believe his eyes. Right in front of him stood the girl he had searched for for so long. “Luhan.”, he answered. First she looked irritated, but then she began laughing like crazy. “Hahaha, should this be funny?! Luhan is a deer! Tell me, who are you?”, she asked again. He didn´t understood why she didn´t believe him. “But… I am really Luhan.”, he said then. She stopped laughing and suddenly looked angry. “Really boy who-“, she wanted to say something but when she came nearer to him and looked in his eyes, it seemed like she would remember something. “Oh my god…”, she wispered then. Luhan just stood there and rejected her look. “You are really Luhan…”, she said and over his cheek. She remembered his eyes and his eyes were still the same. It was really her deer-friend Luhan. 

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Sahar_H #1
Chapter 1: cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute <3 <3 <3
Chapter 1: nice..... hehehehe....update soon...
CubeLoverNaeun #3
Chapter 1: Yay~you updated so fast((:
CubeLoverNaeun #4
Seems interesting~