This Is It Part 1

Why did I fall in love with you? [sequel to I WANT BOYFRIEND TO BE MY BOYFRIENDS]



Hyun Min’s POV

I woke up early and prepared myself for school. When I stepped inside my room, I was alone again. I sat down and remembered Minho, I can’t believe he has a good side after all. People just don’t see it because they always think he is a bad guy. Aughh, I can’t stop thinking about him. As the the time runs, my classmates are starting to come. They started to mingle with me, it feels so great, because they are surrounding me. I like it, not because I think they like me but because I feel so safe. Speaking of being safe, I wonder if Mnho’s group will still take their revenge on me. After all, I think he won’t do it on girls just like the kindness he did to the old lady last time.

It’s PE time, last subject the dismissal time. This time, we went to the field. After class, I fixed my things in my locker, then I noticed Minho is standing next to me.

“Anyeong, I would like to apologize for the things I’ve done” he said and bowed down. Henry, Kido and Seung Jo also bowed.

“Eh? I- its fine” I said in great shock.

“Kamsahamnida, thanks for forgiving us” he said and bowed again. Then they walked away.

I was so grateful and glad that he did that. When I reached my room, I scanned my notes, and there as a note that fell down from my notebook.


Sorry for the very small chapter. I'll update more, don't worry :D

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ChangingPhases #1
Nah. You did a great job so don't worry about it! I <3 the chappie! Yeah I was surprised to see it in my subscription box lol! [:
ChangingPhases #2
Aww don't cry!! Don't worry she'll fall for you soon hopefully. Heh. Update soon!!
1say16 #3
aww poor sunwoo update soon
Oh! Such cute story ! Update soon !! I totally love it ! <3
tralalaHaeRa #5
@ChangingPhases: the cover is new. LOL. Gomawo
ChangingPhases #6
Aww you can do it gurl!! BTW I love the cover it's new right? Or I'm just noticing lol.. I tend to notice things slow... [:
ChangingPhases #7
Aww you can do it gurl!! BTW I love the cover it's new right? Or I'm just noticing lol.. I tend to notice things slow... [:
1say16 #8
just say it already kira it wont hurt
ChangingPhases #9
aha~ So cute! Say Yes!!! [:
1say16 #10
awwww his so sweet ..... say yes kira say yes!!!!!!!!!!!!