Chapter Thirty

It Slips Through Your Fingers

Hyukjae still wants Donghae to tell him himself, though, but he never does. Instead, Donghae acts as if everything is normal. As the days pass by and Hyukjae becomes more anxious, Donghae stays the same. It almost annoys Hyukjae though as he thinks that Donghae obviously isn’t very affected or troubled by the whole ordeal then.

It’s about two days before the group is supposed to leave when Hyukjae finally cracks.  

“Why didn’t you tell me you were going to China for three months?” he asks as Donghae dances. His moves slow down as he turns to face the obviously upset Hyukjae.

“I forgot,” he says slowly, staring at Hyukjae.

Hyukjae scoffs. “It’s in two days, Donghae.”

“I really did!” Donghae insists. “I haven’t even packed yet!”

Hyukjae just rolls his eyes, crossing his arms. Donghae’s eyes are full of despair now as he tries to convince Hyukjae that he really did forget. “Honestly!” he says, his voice almost pleading as he kneeled beside the sitting Hyukjae. “I forgot until you reminded me just now!”

“And when you remembered, would you have told me?” Hyukjae asks, staring into Donghae’s eyes. Donghae sees the hurt in the older boy’s eyes and sighs.

“Of course,” he replies. “I didn’t mean to not tell you.” When Hyukjae just sits there, an empty look on his face, Donghae wants to wrap his arms around him. “It’ll only be for three months.”

Hyukjae snorts. “Only three months?”

“You’ll have Sungmin and Junsu…”

Hyukjae looks up at Donghae, who’s looking terribly guilty, and sighs. “I know,” he murmurs, running a hand through his hair. “I didn’t mean to stress you out… it’s just going to be weird not having you around, that’s all. I’m used to you being there, and now I’ll have to practice alone.”

“I’m sorry,” Donghae whispers, falling back so that he’s now sitting instead of kneeling. “I wish I could change it, but they’ve probably already booked everything.”

Hyukjae shakes his head. “Don’t be,” he says. “You didn’t know.”

Donghae nods sadly. “Will you miss me?” he asks a little shyly, looking at Hyukjae as he ducks his head. Hyukjae laughs a little and nods.

“Of course,” he says. “Like I said, I’m so used to you being there.”

“I’ll miss you, too,” Donghae says, smiling a bit.

Hyukjae just sits there, nodding. He doesn’t know what to say because he doesn’t know if any of this is good. He shouldn’t be so attached to Donghae, and it scares him.


It’s their last day before the flight and Hyukjae treats Donghae to some ice cream. The two are walking in the park, their bags slung messily over their shoulders as the two eat and talk.

“Sungmin’s probably going to act moody for the next couple of days,” Hyukjae says.

“Why?” Donghae asks curiously.

“Kyuhyun and Ryeowook are going to be gone.”

“That bothers him?”

Hyukjae shrugs. “Probably Kyuhyun more than anything else.”

“He likes him?”

Hyukjae doesn’t know what to answer. “He did,” he says slowly. “But something happened, although I don’t know what it was. He’s trying to get over him, I think.”

“That must be why Sungmin’s always ignoring Kyu,” Donghae notes.

“Yeah,” Hyukjae murmurs, taking another of his strawberry ice cream. Donghae looks at him and Hyukjae asks, “What?”

“Can I have some?” Donghae asks, staring at the ice cream.

Hyukjae laughs. “Why? You have your own.”

“I have chocolate,” he says, pouting. “I want to try strawberry.”

Hyukjae just laughs some more though. “Well, that’s too bad,” he says, grinning as Donghae just frowns.

“Please!” Donghae pleads. “Just let me have one !” He moves to try and eat some, but Hyukjae just pulls away, laughing.

“No!” he says, smiling widely now, gums showing. Donghae stands there, pouting. Hyukjae laughs and says, “That’s not going to make me give you my ice cream, you know?”

“Come on, Monkey!” he whines, his lips pursed.

“You look like a fish!” Hyukjae exclaims, laughing some more. “That should be my nickname for you now! Fishy!”

“Hey!” Donghae complains, but Hyukjae just shakes his name, finalizing the nickname. “At least give me some ice cream then!” He moves to take a , and misses.

“Nuh-uh!” Hyukjae says, grinning as he runs off.

“You’re mean!” Donghae yells after him, following.

Hyukjae laughs, slowing down so Donghae could catch up. “Fine, fine,” he finally says, handing over the ice cream. “Have some. But only a little!”

Donghae smiles and the ice cream. “Thank you!” he says, beaming at Hyukjae.

Hyukjae rolls his eyes, eating his ice cream. “It tastes like chocolate,” he says afterwards, causing Donghae to laugh.

“I’m going to miss this,” Donghae says.

“We’ll do this again when you come back,” Hyukjae reassures.

Donghae only smiles. “Okay,” he says, walking side by side with the older boy. “And Monkey?”

“Yes, Fishy?”

“Thanks. For everything,” he says softly.

Hyukjae turns over to look at Donghae and his expression softens. “No problem, Hae.”

And the two walk together, no words being shared, even though so many things are being spoken now.


Sungmin is sitting at home at the same time Hyukjae and Donghae are out together, doing his homework, when there’s a knock at the door. His mom answers it, and when he hears his name being called, he walks out to the living room.

His heart falls when he sees who it is.

“Kyuhyun is here to see you,” Mrs. Lee says, smiling brightly, oblivious to the tension in the air. “I’ll go and bake some cookies.”

Sungmin almost says, “You don’t have to,” but Kyuhyun just thanks her and bows as she leaves the room.

“Why are you here?” Sungmin asks quietly, not looking at Kyuhyun.

“I was just checking up to see how you were doing with your singing,” Kyuhyun lies very well. “I heard Ryeowook’s your new tutor.”

Sungmin just shrugs. “He will when he gets back.” He doesn’t know why Kyuhyun cares though.

“Sungmin, I don’t know why you’re ignoring me, but this is getting kind of ridiculous,” Kyuhyun says, frowning at the older boy. “Why won’t you just let me tutor you?”

Sungmin frowns. “You said you liked me how you were supposed to like a girl.” Sungmin still hasn’t forgotten that.

“And what’s wrong with that?” Kyuhyun asks, frowning. “I thought you liked me, too.”

Sungmin’s now scowling at Kyuhyun. “Not anymore,” he repeats, unknowingly causing a sting in Kyuhyun’s chest. “And what do you mean ‘what’s wrong with that’? Do you know how it feels to be told that?”

Kyuhyun’s blank stare means ‘no’.

“It’s like me telling you that I like you like how I’m supposed to like, say, my boyfriend, if I had one. You’re saying that it’s wrong for you to like me!”

Kyuhyun frowns. “But I like you anyway! Isn’t that what counts?” 

“No!”  Sungmin yells back. “Well, maybe… I don’t know! But obviously you aren’t used to liking a guy and it makes you uncomfortable!”

“I never said that!”

“But I can tell!” Sungmin yells. “You’re like Hyukjae! You don’t know what you want!”

“Don’t compare me to that idiot,” Kyuhyun snaps. “I know what I want, and I’m not ignoring it.”

“Don’t call my best friend an idiot!”

“But he is! He has no idea that he’s falling for Donghae! But I know that I like you! I know it, and I accept it, and yet you’re intent on ignoring me now.” Kyuhyun sighs, shaking his head. “I didn’t expect for you to like me again,” he says. “I just wanted to tell you to get it out there. I’m not like Hyukjae, hiding and ignoring my feelings. I admit to them, even if I’m a bit confused about them.”

Sungmin can’t help but sigh as well, calming down a bit. “What do you want from me then?” he asks tiredly, staring hopelessly at the younger boy.

“To talk to me again,” he replies.

“Fine,” Sungmin answers a bit reluctantly. “Although I don’t know why it matters since you’re leaving tomorrow.”

“And I want you to not ignore me for this,” Kyuhyun says, moving closer as Sungmin just stands there, not even paying attention.

“Not ignore you for wha –?” But his question is cut off by Kyuhyun’s lips pushing down onto his.


A/N: At least one of the couples finally kisses. /raises fists at both of the couples. You both are so frustrating! Anyway, the kiss will be talked about later on (‘cause I’m evil and I like to wait to explain things and why they happen) although it should be in the next, next chapter (when SuJu M returns after only one chapter, although it spans over three months).

Just in case you haven’t noticed, Kyuhyun and Hyukjae are both very similar in the fact that they turn gay for one guy in particular, but I try to make them different by letting Kyuhyun accept it more, while Hyukjae just straight out ignores it because he doesn’t understand it. Kyuhyun is definitely smarter in this situation. Also, Sungmin is a bit smarter as well, compared to Donghae. So Kyumin is the smart couple, and Eunhae is the ignorant couple. Yay…?

Ah, two chapters at once. Finally. The next update is probably next week (again, sorry – this went from everyday updates to every week) and I’ll try to do two chapters again. Actually, this was supposed to come out earlier, but I had a faulty internet connection at my beach house, then when I got home, I had tennis games and homework. Sorry D: Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!

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milesmilehyuk #1
Chapter 34: The fic was a little boring it seemed more sihae and when it happens eunhae the fic ends, sorry ..
Chapter 34: Loved this story! Sungmin FTW!! XD
Chapter 18: Chapter is copied twice :)
Damaris123 #4
Chapter 34: First time reading a SuJu story
Damaris123 #5
Chapter 23: This chapter thoe❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ecargebeohp_10 #6
Chapter 12: Sungmin is still in denial yet so obvious.. Haha
I wish siwon's part was explained more clearly since donghae always said they had 'something to do'. Great story overall :)
salfie #8
Lovely story, Thanks a lot
Azin1994 #9
Chapter 34: Awww!!!hyuk is really pabo!!!
Sweet story!!!
I Love it!
theeKPOPlover #10
Chapter 34: I just finished one of the best eunhae fanfics out there but i felt like u left some holes :)