
Drabble Collection

Myungsoo stowed his hands in his pockets, trying to hide the shaking. As much as he could control his facial expression, there was really nothing he could do to hide the nervous tremors passing through his limbs.

His nerves only increased as his fingers brushed up against the small box hidden away in his pocket, and he felt his heart leap into his throat. Taking a deep breath, he took a calming glance at his lover, reminding him why he was doing all of this.
The nerves, the stress, the ball in the pit of his stomach - it was all worth a shot at forever with man next to him. The man who, one minute, could be calm and mature with endless wisdom to offer, and the next minute could be the dork next to Myungsoo now, head thrown back in glee as he tried to catch snowflakes on his tongue. 
Consistently though, Dongwoo was always kind, always loving and gentle and sweet, and always at least a little bit strange. He was perfect.

In their relationship, Dongwoo had almost always been the one to take the first steps and Myungsoo was the one to cement things. Dongwoo had initiated their first date, and their first kiss, and their first time, but Myungsoo was the one who officially asked Dongwoo out, and asked him to move in with him. It only seemed natural, then, that he would be the one getting down on one knee. 
If he was being honest with himself, his excitement almost equalled his nervousness. Myungsoo loved Dongwoo and he didn't see that ever changing, and he looked forward to the idea of seeing his ring on his boyfriend's finger. 
He knew Dongwoo loved him too - he more than showed that - but it didn't ease his nerves. This wasn't just like asking someone out; relationships came and went all the time. This was marriage, and though statistically nearly 50% ended in divorce, that wasn't what it meant for Myungsoo. When he asked for forever, he wanted forever...he just hoped Dongwoo had the same idea in mind. 
There was always the issue of the ring, too. Myungsoo knew it was the right size as he had bought Dongwoo rings before, though none as important as this one, but it was more the ring itself. He didn't know if Dongwoo would like it. There were thousands of engagement rings in every shape, design, and size for females but when it came to men the selection he could find was slim.
After a few hours of looking and some help from a sales assistant, he'd finally found one he thought was right. It was a thick silver band with a ring of diamonds going all the way around in the centre of the band. It was elegant and beautiful, and worth every penny. 

Myungsoo took a deep breath now as they walked on and Dongwoo unknowingly approached the spot where Myungsoo had it all planned out. He wasn't one for tacky, but it was a special occasion and so he'd gone the extra mile and gone out with Woohyun - who hadn't stopped gushing the whole time - the day before and decorated one of the oldest willow trees in the park with strings of lights. They were on a timer and would be on any minute. Myungsoo didn't have long to prepare himself.

"Dongwoo?" he asked hesitantly, seeing the tree just ahead of them now.
"Yes, cutie?" Dongwoo asked in reply, turning to face Myungsoo with a smile. Myungsoo couldn't help but smile back; Dongwoo looked adorable with snowflakes in his hair and nose tinged pink from the slight chill.
Instead of replying, Myungsoo just chuckled and leaned in to kiss the tip of the shorter boy's nose. He reached out to take Dongwoo's hand now and he led him to just beneath the tree. He knew the lights would come on any second now, but he had an idea on how to pass the time between now and then anyway.
He leaned on once more and pressed his lips to his lover's, his heart warming as he felt Dongwoo smile into the kiss, not complaining one bit.
He reached up and adjusted Dongwoo's scarf around his neck, pulling it up a bit so the boy wouldn't get cold. 
He rarely did though, as Dongwoo had once told him. He was far too active even in the low temperatures to actually develop a chill. Myungsoo had noticed that to be true; Dongwoo was always moving and as Myungsoo slipped his own hands into Dongwoo's, he realized his palms were warm. 
They kissed gently for a moment, noses bumping together and fog spilling into the air where their breath escaped. 

Myungsoo soon heard the telling beep of the lights about to come on, and so he pulled away slightly and adjusted Dongwoo's hat before he took a step back - his hands still in Dongwoo's - and watched behind the boy.
Dongwoo must've seen the reflection in the snow, for the second the strings of lights hanging down with the branches came, on he turned around and stared up at them in awe, his eyes going wide. Myungsoo had to admit, they did look spectacular. 

He let Dongwoo admire them for a moment as he took a final few seconds to build up his courage. It was now or never; he could do this.
Taking a last deep breath, he gave Dongwoo's hands a squeeze, bringing the attention back to him.
His heart squeezed at the way the lights shone in Dongwoo's eyes, lighting them up only more. Myungsoo smiled and felt himself relax a bit. He could do this. He could.

"I love you," he began, taking a pause.
"I love you too," Dongwoo smiled, giving Myungsoo's hands a quick squeeze.
"More than that though, I'm in love with you. I try to tell you as often as I can, but I know I'll never be able to really voice what you mean to me," Myungsoo continued, his heart beginning to pick up pace. "I was reading through one of my old journals the other day, from way back when I only had a crush on you and you had no idea. I guess I was trying to be poetic and I compared you to a comet. I wrote that you were brilliant and dazzling and that you lit up my world, but I was afraid you'd just pass me by. I realize now that I was wrong. You're not a comet; you're the sun. You're still brilliant and dazzling, and you more than light up my world, but you've stayed with me all these years too. Your warmth is incomparable, your presence is undeniable, and I'm lucky just to be with you. You make me happier than I ever thought possible, and when I was younger, my mom told me that when you find a love like this, you don't let it go. Well, she's right, and I don't want to ever let you go..." Myungsoo his lips, trying to word out what he wanted to say now.
Dongwoo seemed stunned into silence, and it was more than slightly endearing.
"I've planned this moment out a hundred times, but I can never get it quite right so I'm just going to have to come right out and say it: I love you more than anything in the world," Myungsoo said, meeting Dongwoo's eyes as he reached into his pocket and slowly pulled out the box, opening it as he sank down onto one knew. "Jang Dongwoo, will you make me the happiest man in the world tonight; will you marry me?"
Myungsoo's heart was pounding but he kept his gaze steady as his eyes locked with Dongwoo's. For half a second, there was no reaction and Myungsoo nearly panicked, but then he saw it. Dongwoo's eyes began glistening with tears, and then one fell, and his lips parted into a smile so bright Myungsoo felt all the air leave his lungs. The same must have happened to Dongwoo, because his reply came in the sound of a near voiceless whisper.
"Yes- yes, Myungsoo- yes-"

Myungsoo's chest exploded in joy and he carefully slipped the ring onto Dongwoo's finger before getting up his feet and pulling Dongwoo into an impossibly tight hug. He couldn't help but grin back as he reached up with one hand to wipe Dongwoo's tear away before bringing him into a kiss.

He felt Dongwoo kiss him back with equal passion and Myungsoo knew then that he hadn't been lying. Without a doubt in his mind, he knew for sure that he was the happiest man on earth tonight. 





this one is in honour of one of my lil beans on tumblr @the-sobbing-life-of-a-fangirl. 

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Rememberdonggyu #1
Chapter 18: I am just in love with this... With your way to write and with your drables and oh gosh its ask hard to find donggyu and I just love yours... You should keep writing , really!!!! Anyway, thank you so much for this brilliant stories
Piou0102 #2
Chapter 11: I'm into Donggyu these days and I found your drabbles and they're amazing! <3 I found "Crush" so cute and I almost cried at the end of "I know" and then "Thinking out loud" and "Lucky" were sooo cute as well! :3 But then, there's this one, "make believe" and I really love it, those two last sentences are just... painfully beautiful and and... can I request a sequel for this? I guess if you wrote it like that, it's because you wanted to keep it at that, but... it's worth a try, no? ><"
I love you for writing this drabble even though I'm only here for Dongsoo but the other stories are still great! ≧﹏≦
hotterthanasummer #4
Chapter 15: This was such a nice read~ They're so cute here - socially awk Gyu and talks-a-mile-a-minute Dongwoo <3
this drabble is gem. glad to find it...
since the ship is not that grande #slap, thanks for writing this. and yay for dongsoo couple \^-^/ #justignoreme
this fic is written in the way that i like most, kid-like and innocent dongwoo. and charming l. L is charming and y and him liking the unawarely(?) gorgeous dongwoo.
swim is my best favorite, and then there are home *sleeping dongwoo, omg!* tranquil, and safe.
I read them all in one sit. it is a great petit four for evening tea. I have to thank you for the ficwork. it is beautiful...
geezleweez #7
Chapter 8: this was cute and so awesome, having dongyeol feels with the last romeo comeback
ladybirdcarina #8
Chapter 7: ugh...right in the feels...T____________T

I don't think it's possible for Dongwoo to get any more's just not humanly possible...he's absolutely perfect and I just...hfeagbfvdsgbjhdslgbfve
Chapter 6: this is SO SWEET N CUTE!!! I'm gonna get diabete because of your drabbles!!!
Sunny_Afternoon #10
Chapter 3: this was so cute ^^