
Five Steps Closer

Kibum was the first to wake up the next morning. He slowly opened his eyes, his hand reaching up to rub the sleep away, as he stirred in bed and tried to see if there was anything around him that could tell the time. Just when he managed to catch a glimpse of the clock and saw it was 10.19am, his slight movement apparently woke Minho up. All of a sudden, Kibum felt a soft kiss on his shoulder. A smile naturally appeared on Kibum's face as he created a little distance between them and looked towards his boyfriend. It only grew wider when he saw that Minho hadn't entirely woken up yet since his eyes were still closed.

Not wanting to disturb Minho’s sleep, Kibum decided to gently remove his boyfriend’s arm around his waist so he could get off the bed and go about his morning routine. Yet, as he carefully lifted Minho's arm off him, a force fought against him and in the next moment, Minho's arm was secured even more tightly around him, locking him into place. It wasn’t the first time this was happening between them since Minho always loved sleeping in and making sure he had his favourite person with him. And so, Kibum could only let out a breathless laugh as he eyed his boyfriend who still had his eyes close.

“Minho, I need the bathroom.” Kibum grumbled.

Minho snuggled closer and mumbled into Kibum's shirt, “No you don't.”

“And how do you know that?” Kibum smiled helplessly at his boyfriend's childishness, “You're not my body.”

“Your hair is fine, bum.” Minho mindlessly muttered, seemingly still half asleep, “You still look cute.”

“I need to use the toilet, damn it.” Kibum said with a tone of finality as he repeatedly hit Minho's arm lightly, “Let me go, I'll be back in five.”

Minho reluctantly let go of Kibum as he peeked an eye open, “Five minutes. I'm counting.”

“You're an idiot.” Kibum rolled his eyes and got off the bed before Minho could hold him back once again.

Kibum wasn’t able to get rid of Minho that easily though because apparently, his darling of a boyfriend wasn’t even going to give him five minutes. Kibum had just finished using the toilet when Minho came in with no warning whatsoever. In fact, he almost lost half his life when he turned around to find his boyfriend at the sink, squeezing toothpaste on his toothbrush.

“Are you out of your-”

“Yours.” Minho simply said, ignoring the shock on Kibum’s face, as he lifted and shook Kibum’s Ziploc bag of toiletries with one hand before he began brushing his teeth with his other.

Shooting a glare at Minho, Kibum snatched his toiletries out of Minho’s hand and pulled out his toothbrush, “You couldn’t even wait your turn…”

Minho stopped brushing his teeth for a moment just so he could flash a smile (with flecks of foam on his lips, mind you) at Kibum through the mirror, “Just like how I can’t wait to kiss you.”

“Ugh, you’re disgusting.” Kibum groaned, wondering why on earth his boyfriend loved to be such a sap, as he came beside Minho and started brushing his teeth as well.

Minho’s smile was infectious though because soon enough, Kibum found himself smiling a little. They stood in a comfortable silence for the minute or so they were busy brushing their teeth. When they were both done and feeling fresher, Minho leaned forward and stole a kiss from Kibum’s lips.

Although he knew Minho was going to do it, Kibum was still caught by surprise. The minty fresh breath that ghosted over his lips was mocking him. It didn’t help that Kibum noticed the challenge in Minho’s eyes too. Well, he was more than ready to go head to head with his boyfriend. And so, Kibum locked eyes with Minho and slowly began his approach. Pressing his body up against Minho’s, Kibum wrapped his hand around the nape of Minho’s neck and pulled his face towards him with a little force. Upon hearing Minho’s silent gasp, Kibum smirked and brushed his lips over his once, twice, thrice, not giving a frustrated Minho the chance to take control. The teasing wasn’t going to end there because Kibum then used the tip of his tongue to trace Minho’s upper lip lightly in an excruciatingly slow pace. As Minho leaned forward, Kibum pulled back and grinned, pressing a finger onto Minho’s lips.

“You wish.”

With his hands firmly on Kibum’s waist, Minho parted his lips and quickly bit Kibum’s finger gently before he groaned, “Kibum…”

Kibum chuckled, more than satisfied that he had reduced Minho to such a state, and finally gave in to his boyfriend. He closed the remaining distance between them and properly kissed Minho, their lips moving together in a slow, natural rhythm, tongues meeting and sliding together, until Kibum traced the outline of Minho’s bottom lip and broke the kiss.

“We should go greet your family.” With his hands on Minho’s chest, Kibum patted his boyfriend and created some distance between their bodies.



“I don’t think now’s the right time.”

Minho let out a breath as he looked down at his obvious problem.

“Seriously, baby?” Kibum followed the direction of Minho’s eyes and then looked back up at his boyfriend incredulously, “I didn’t even do much!”

“Apparently, you did enough.”

Kibum’s mouth formed a perfect ‘O’. “Wow, those cosmopolitan tips really work.”

“You’re kidding me.” Minho deadpanned.

Kibum shook his head innocently before he shrugged his shoulders and casually suggested, “Well, I guess I should help you with that…”

“Don’t.” Holding Kibum still, Minho immediately turned down his offer, “I don’t know how I’m going to face my family immediately if you do.”

Kibum couldn’t help but laugh. When Minho shot him a stare, he instantly stopped laughing, rearranged his expression and squeezed Minho’s shoulder apologetically, “Sorry baby… I think I should just go out now and let you take a cold shower…”

Without waiting for Minho’s reply, Kibum stepped out of the bathroom and even helped to close the door behind him.

“Hurry, Minho.” Kibum raised his voice just enough to make sure Minho could hear him, “I need to bathe too…”

As he walked away from the bathroom and heard the shower turn on, Kibum finally burst out laughing, falling into the bed as he added, speaking to no one in particular.

“For a different and more normal reason than you though…”

It was only the first morning together but Kibum already knew he had no regrets getting into Minho’s car the night before.


“Where’s your mum?”

“I don’t know, she might be-”

“Minho? Are you back?”

A third voice was heard first before they saw Minho’s mother walk out of the kitchen to join them in the living room.

“Morning eomonim!” Kibum instantly greeted with a formal bow as Minho’s mother walked closer towards them, “Happy new year!”

“Kibum ah, happy new year to you too! It’s so good to see you!” With a smile so bright, Mrs Choi patted Kibum on his arm dotingly, taking a good look at the boy she watched grow up together with her son but could usually only see on screen, “How have you been?”

If not for his mother’s complete disregard for him, Minho would have greeted his mother as well but since she obviously only had eyes for Kibum, he remained silent and watched Kibum and his, overly friendly if he might add, mother interact.

“I’ve been good.” Kibum answered with one of his best smiles before he went on to say, “Thank you for having me over.”

Mrs Choi instantly shook her head, “Don’t be silly, you’re more than welcomed to stay over.”

It was then did Minho’s mother finally look at her own son.

“When did you get in, sweetie?”

“Umma, I thought you didn’t know I was here.” Acting shocked, Minho purposely said first before he stopped joking around and replied just as both his mother and Kibum tried to hit him (Kibum was the only one fast enough to succeed), “Late last night.”

“Oh?” Mrs Choi questioned with a warm smile, “Did you both sleep well then?”

Without even looking at each other, Minho and Kibum quickly nodded like obedient kids and kept the details to themselves.

Mrs Choi nodded as well and said, “That’s good… come on, you boys must be hungry, let’s eat.”

As they settled down at the dining table which was already filled with a hearty breakfast, Minho looked around their quiet house and asked, “Umma, where’s hyung?”

“He went out to meet his friends after breakfast.” Mrs Choi replied while passing the bowls of rice to Kibum and Minho, “He’ll be back for dinner later… what about the two of you? Any plans today?”

“Nope… we haven’t planned anything yet.” Minho answered on behalf of the both of them before he turned to Kibum and asked, “Do you have anything in mind?”

Kibum shook his head, “Don’t worry about me, you can go ahead with your own plans, Minho.”

“Kibum ah, Minho will bring you around.” Mrs Choi said before Minho could speak, “Or I wouldn’t mind if you two stayed in the house… it’s also good to just rest and relax.”

“Umma, what about you?” Minho wanted to know if his mother had any plans herself.

“I actually have some errands to run so I’ll be out of the house…”

“That means we’ll have the whole house to ourselves…” Minho pondered out loud, mind already thinking about how he and Kibum could spend the day (which involved a number of activities they couldn’t do with Minho’s family around).

Upon hearing his boyfriend’s words, Kibum stopped chewing his food for a split second and kicked Minho under the table in the next. Surprised at the sudden kick to his ankle, Minho instantly turned to look at Kibum who was back to quietly eating his breakfast, acting as if nothing had happened.

“Kibum, you-”

“Hmm?” Kibum had such an innocent expression on his face that Minho almost thought he was imagining things but he knew for sure his boyfriend had kicked him.

“Nothing…” Minho muttered into his bowl of rice, knowing it wasn’t the right time to confront his boyfriend. He knew his mother was watching them.

True enough, Mrs Choi was very much amused, and also rather confused, at their interaction but she still couldn’t help the motherly smile that tugged on her lips.

“Alright boys, I’ll leave you two alone then… I have to leave soon anyway.” Mrs Choi said as she regretfully stood up to take her leave, “Will you both be alright? Do you need any food for later or…?”

“We’re 22, umma.” Minho laughed, “We’ll be fine.”

“Don’t worry about us, eomonim.” Kibum replied politely, “Thank you!”

Mrs Choi ignored her son and grinned at Kibum, “Alright Kibum… have fun you two!”

And with that, she left the two boys alone and got herself ready to leave the house. Kibum and Minho shared a look with each other before they each went back to finishing up their breakfast. Well, that look alone was enough for them to understand they weren't going to talk until Minho’s mother had left the house.

“Okay! I’m off.” Mrs Choi came back to the dining room once more before she left, “I’ll see you both later.”

In reply, Minho and Kibum nodded and said their goodbyes with angelic smiles. By then, they were done with their meal. Once the door closed and they were absolutely positive Mrs Choi wasn’t in the house anymore, Minho and Kibum immediately broke the silence at the same time.

“Why did you kick me?!”

“Are you stupid?!”

“I didn’t even do anything!”

“You didn’t have to sound so thrilled that we were going to be alone in the house!”

“I didn’t sound thrilled!” Minho never felt so wronged in his life before.

“Oh really?” Kibum crossed his arms, “I saw that look on your face, Choi Minho, I know what you were thinking!”

“I wasn’t thinking anything!” Minho’s attempt to defend himself was weak especially when Kibum was being this assertive, “I just… you know… think we should use the time we are alone wisely.”

“Yeah, and that means do the stuff we didn’t do in the bathroom this morning.”

“Kibum, you can’t blame me!” Minho sighed out loud, “We haven’t… in ages.”

"I know..." Kibum couldn't disagree but he still shook his head, “Not in your house though.”

“You’re telling me… that for the five days we’re here, I can’t touch you?”

Kibum nodded.

“Why not?”

“Not the right place.”

“And the dorm where our three members also stay at is the right place?”

“They turn a blind eye.”

“My family isn’t even here.”

“I’ll still feel like they’re watching me.”

“Trust me, I’ll make sure you wouldn’t be thinking about anyone or anything other than me.”

Kibum raised an eyebrow, “You think too highly of yourself.”

“You know it’s the truth, bum.” Minho shrugged, holding a smirk back.

Kibum rolled his eyes, unwilling to continue this discussion further, as he stood up to clear the table.

“I really miss the times when you didn’t talk this much…” Kibum mumbled out loud while he went about bringing the dirty dishes into the sink.

Minho stood up as well and began helping Kibum with the rest of the dishes, following closely behind his boyfriend into the kitchen. Yet, although he did want to help with the chores, Minho couldn’t deny that he had an ulterior motive.

As soon as all the dishes were in the sink and Kibum the tap, Minho came behind him and s his arms around Kibum’s waist, reaching to the front just enough so he could help his boyfriend wash the dishes as well.

Since he was holding on to a fragile bowl in one hand and a soapy sponge with the other, Kibum had no wish to break anything and thus was trapped in his position.

“Go away.” Kibum said sternly as he moved his shoulders in a poor attempt to nudge Minho away, “Now’s not the time to play.”

“I’m just helping you with the dishes.” Minho answered, his hands truly helping Kibum with the dirty dishes but his lips were doing something else entirely.

To Kibum’s frustration, Minho was now trailing kisses from his jawline and down his neck. Kibum groaned (or actually, moaned but he didn’t want to admit that), all the more unable to push Minho away especially when he was attacking Kibum’s weak spots. Besides, Kibum couldn’t even find fault in Minho’s words because he was indeed still washing the dishes whereas Kibum himself had stopped, helplessly holding on to bowl so tightly while the sponge had dropped once Minho pressed the first kiss to his neck.

Damn Minho and his talent at multitasking.

Kibum could only allow Minho to remove the bowl from his hand and place it safely in the sink. Then, as he kissed Kibum’s shoulder, Minho washed both their hands under the running water.

“I hate you.” Kibum muttered as he watched Minho’s hands move against his own.

“You love me.” Minho spoke against Kibum’s ear with a smirk.

When their hands were clean of soap, Minho turned off the tap while Kibum defeatedly turned around to face his boyfriend, leaning against the counter.

Kibum let out an audible sigh as he looked into his boyfriend’s eyes. Knowing Minho was waiting for him to say something, Kibum paused for a long moment first while he played with the button of Minho’s jeans. Just as Minho grew impatient and reached out to hold his hand in place, Kibum finally broke his silence.



Minho grinned, instantly holding Kibum’s hand, and led them both out of the kitchen.

If there was one thing Minho liked about the New Year, it was how he had his way with Kim Kibum.


Author's Note: just a whole lot of fluff (and implied ) for your reading pleasure~ while i try to decide if Minho's family should find out about their relationship... and if there's a point to this story. \(//∇//)\

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aniel9 #1
Chapter 5: I can't stop smiling. Your story is really touching. A real pleasure to read.
Chapter 5: argh.. this really warms my heart. all the cute & fluff moments.. those moments when minkey staring lovingly at each other.. who can resist them!!!! like really!! & minseok is so precious. hahah. i love Mrs Choi. shes great.
miann.. idk y it took me this long to finish this. when u uploaded the sequel, then i remember that i never finished this. must be my old age. <3
Chapter 5: i cant stop smiling and giggling majority of the time reading this. u always write awesome minkey fics, thank u.. and "minho and his talent at multitasking", i need to stop and composed myself. hahahaha XD
kim_park #4
Chapter 5: It's really cute vanna..and i like the way mrs.choi thinking about his son"s happiness first.. really hope that that's the true, though..hehe
anyway,,nice fic you have here vannaaa... :)
Chapter 5: I loved everything about it, it was absolutely amazing and perfect! I can totally see more in the future which you know I would love. However I can't complain about anything. It was an awesome and feel good read from beginning to the end.

I know this wasn't written for me, but I did get my AFF wish for christmas which was an awesome MinKey chapter fiction. Thank you so much for sharing!

❤️ Dani
Chapter 1: You did! I'm enjoying it so far on to the next chapters ;)

salome620 #7
Chapter 5: finally, they opened up to Minho's mother. i'm glad she took it well. happy MinKey is the best.

thank you for sharing this story with us.
kawaling #8
Read it this morning before heading to school and didn't have the time to comment :P
All in all, looks like Minho's hyung will be the most uncomfortable with the situation...with what he heard I can't blame him ha ha ha
But umma took it pretty well, of course she'd be worried...but the love, oh the love of those two <3 I always imagine them staring at each other and having wonderful silent conversations (I'm crazy like that)...
However, thanks for the awesome fic!!
Chapter 5: haha!!! i love how minho answer his brother at the end!
glad his mom approved!
is there a sequel for key's family?

tnx for the fic!!!
Chapter 5: sobs this is so sweet T__T i almost got emotional halfway too.. it's really not easy but they put faith in their love for each other and family to actually come out ;;

“Eomonim… I know I’m the last thing you want for your son…” no, dear. you're the best he can ever have ;;

“Umma, it’s never been a choice to love Kibum… I can’t be without him.” WEEPS BLOOD

“I’ll leave him to you, Kibum.” this is probably the most important line of the whole fic T____T

sometimes i want to see minho's stubbornness for real because i'd die from his cuteness hahahaa! thank you for writing something so beautiful like this :) i always love your stories, you know that right?