
----★ of prompts & broken bits

“It didn't rain for you, maybe, but it always rains for me. The sky shatters and rains shards of glass.”

― Tablo, Pieces of You

Been dying to get my hand on a copy of Pieces of You (both the Korean and English versions hopefully) because I really look up to Tablo and the stuff he writes really eats at me so much that I can almost imagine his story flowing out of his words even when he doesn't try.

If you haven't noticed by now I'm the kind of author who's really into writing angsty fics that start out as fluff, which is really just me trying to deceive you into reading my stories and hoping for a happy ending when all I really want to do is kill characters (no you should not take me seriously here). 

I would really want to roll out a story that features a character who appears to have an 'okay' life, marred by what seems to be the smallest of things, only to be revealed in the last bit of the story that he or she has had more pouring down on him or her than people realize. Although the quote above probably hints more at separation and a break-up that affects one party more than the other, I personally think it would be more fulfilling to develop a character who stands in the rain and despite being offered umbrellas by passers-by, eventually cannot save him or herself because the umbrellas (i.e. help) simply aren't sufficient. 

Am really hoping that someone can write such a story, but then again it's just me, so just take what I say with a pinch of salt and feel free to use this quote in whichever way you think best.

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