Hot Chocolate & Cake

That One Person,You

Hehehe,I GOT DA POWER!! Well power to update,FULL SPEED AHEAD!!! :D

*I know I'm a lil hyper and honestly Idk why too xD

Enjoy,subscribe,comment! :D


No one's P.O.V 

''Min Li!!'' Tao shouted.
Min turned around,happy as ever to see Tao.

''Tao!!'' Min Li shouted back and ran towards Tao to give him a hug. Tao just stood there dumbfold.
'' What brings you here?'' Tao asked as Min Li broke the hug.
'' Ohh,you see I um....Well I moved out from my house,I had a lil fight with my dad. But it's good! I'll become more independant.'' Min Li said with a smile that melted Tao's heart.

What they both didn't realise that there was a drunk motorcyclist driving really fast and was heading towards Min Li. Tao saw that and quickly pulled Min Li in.


Both of their hearts was racing,it was usual for Tao's heart to be beating so fast but Min Li... Does she love him?

''It felt so nice having Min Li by my side.'' thought Tao.
'' Excuse me....'' said Lay ruining the moment.
'' Ohh I'm so sorry,I didn't mean to-'' Tao said.
'' Nah it's ok,thanks by the way. Why don't we go in?'' Min Li said as she walked in.
'' Hi Min Li!'' the EXO-M boys greeted her with big smiles across their faces.
'' Hey guys! I didn't know you all worked her!'' Min Li said as she sat at the bar table.
'' What brings you here? Did you come alone? You know it's not safe to come out her alone.'' Xiumin said,acting all mother-ish.
'' I moved out from home,had an argument with dad but I'm happy. Yeah, sorta. Haha yes mom,I won't do it again.'' said Min Li.
'' Wow,that's really brave of you. I bet if I talked back to my dad,that would be the end of me.'' Luhan said.
'' Umm I was wondering whether I could work here too. I mean like my mom's secretly giving me allowance but that'll be for school fees and emergency use only.'' Min Li said as they all looked over to Tao.
'' Is anything wrong?'' Min Li asked as they all snapped back into reality and smiled.
'' Nope,but yeah sure. You have to meet our boss first,he'll be coming in tomorrow. Don't worry,he won't bite.'' Chen said.
'' Great! How many days do you work here?'' Min Li asked,feeling excited.
'' Well during weekdays after school,like around 3pm until the shop closes.'' Kris answered.
'' Umm Min Li,shouldn't you be more worried about where you're gonna stay first?'' said Tao as he sat down at the bar table. There were only 2 tables left until the shop closes.
'' I've got an idea!'' Xiumin said and banged the table. All eyes were on him. '' You can rent a hotel!'' Xiumin said as everyone looked away.
'' Ya don't you know how expensive a hotel is?'' Lay said hitting Xiumin's head.
'' Why don't you stay with us? We have an extra room in our house.'' Luhan said as Xiumin hugged him.
'' You're a genius!!'' Xiumin said,hugging him tighter.
'' Ya!! Don't squeeze me too hard,all my smartness will flow out.'' Luhan said and pushed Xiumin away.
'' Sure! Do you work anywhere else?'' Min Li asked.
'' Well we do work at a bubble tea shop during weekends. Wanna follow us?'' Tao said. 
'' Yeah!! I love bubble tea!!'' Min Li said,clapping her hands.
'' Ya we're going there to work and not to finish all the bubble tea by ourselves.'' Kris said.
'' But it's so attractive...'' Luhan said.
'' I know right..'' said Min Li.

As they chatted,Tao went to the counter to make a cup of hot chocolate for Min Li. He also cut a slice of vanila oreo cake for her.

'' Here.'' Tao said,handing the hot chocolate and cake to Min Li. '' Enjoy! And don't worry,it's on the house.'' Tao said and winked at Min Li as the last customers left. He changed the open sign to a closed sign. Min Li took a bite of the cake and a sip of the hot chocolate and immediately fell in love with it.
'' This is delicious! Thanks Tao!'' Min Li said as Tao blushed.
'' Glad you like it.'' Kris said as they all watched her eating.
'' Ohh where are my manners? Please take a bite.'' Min Li said,putting her cake in the middle. It was barely touched sinced she took small bites.
'' Don't worry about us,it's your first time here,enjoy it.'' Luhan said and pushed the cake back to Min Li.
'' Are you guys sure?'' Min Li said.
'' Yup!'' they all answered.

~Fast forward~

'' Ahh home sweet home!'' Kris said as he lied down on the L-shaped sofa.
'' I'll bring you to your room.'' said Luhan.
'' I'll take your bags.'' Tao said.
'' Oh no no,it's ok,I can take them...'' Min Li said.
'' Min Li,I'm a gentleman. '' Tao said and smirked.'' Unlike that pig lying on the sofa.'' Tao said and Min Li giggled.
'' I heard that....'' Kris said as Tao rushed upstairs with Min Li following behind.

Luhan opened a white door,inside there was a huge bed and a table at the corner. The room wasn't as big as Min Li's but at least she had somewhere to stay. The wallpaper was flowery and the toilet,boy it was huge. With a bathtub and a huge sink. There was also a computer which was just beside the table and a built in TV.

'' Thanks guys.'' Min Li said and smiled.
'' Don't mention it.'' Luhan said.
'' You should get some rest.'' Tao said.
'' Alright then. Goodnight!'' Min Li said and waved at them.
'' Nights!'' they both replied.

Back in Min Li's house 

'' She really meant it??!!'' Min Li's father said in horror.
'' Yes,I kind of agree with her. You should let her do what she wants.'' Min Li's mom said.
'' Stay safe,my sweetie.'' Min Li's dad thought.





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Chapter 10: i love it!!! very nice ending....
PauSungRa #2
Chapter 10: KEKEKEKE.. I love the story. I love the ending. Way to go! ^_^