어둠이 떨어질 때 ¦ WHENDARKNESSFALLS → lookin' for mains yo .


Elias - the current leader of STA - runs a very military based division. She originated as an army woman and got KIA, coming back with three of her most treasured friends; Travis, Mitty and Death to renew the STA division. The purpose of STA is to finish things efficiently and quickly without the the hesitance that comes from your mentality. They work as a pack - there are no lone wolves. Each person within this division was trained to treat every situation as war, because life is war itself. They're very dependant on one another, often caught speaking military lingo - they take their jobs seriously and finish them quickly so there is no aftertaste of guilt.



As a leader, she doesn't exactly strike you as one. She leads her division with actions, not words - mainly because she has no way with them and if she tries, she just sounds like she's scolding you. Elias looks at her division as soldiers and speaks to them like soldiers, "Don't sass me boy. It'd take a bullet to the heart to keep me from combat." She hasn't had a chance to be in a proper romance because she's always seen as a man amongst the crowd, but that doesn't matter because she intends people to view her as a warrior who will fight for lives - no matter how few. The division are aware of the powers Elias holds, she has a pact with the periums - her favorite being Death. He gives her the choice of who will be spares and who will die, she does everything without worry. But she frets the faithful day where Death will give her the option : "your men or you?"



The very beginning of the cerbus race began with HALO. Before Carter took over, this division was the most distraught. They couldn't trust themselves nor the humans they protected. But it's a new decade and things have changed. Their leader is their mother - the one who has taught them values and trust. They go to her for advice and love. They're a family that isolates themselves from anyone outside of HALO. A group filled of animals. The most malevolent, heartless, cynical, conniving, ruthless, frightening cerbus are found here. They're the epitome of nightmares and horror movies. They'll betray strangers without so much as a backwards glance.



There is not a single moment where you'll find Carter without a cigarette in hand. She's a strict leader on the job - punishing all jokers and keeping everyone on a short leash. However, off the scenes the division sees her as a mother - and she sees them as her children. They trust her with their own individual problems, and she glady provides them with advice. Only some people know the reason Carter is strict Hell. They've seen her cry at the side of a girl's hospital bed. She was Carter's partner and has been in a coma for 3 years because of her carelessness. No one else knows. The situation is vague, like her magic. No one knows the true extent of her powers, other than the fact that all shadows remain loyal to Carter. Any secrets or beings that pass through the darkness is delivered to her ears. Like the hate they have for Carter's human boyfriend; Jace Woods.



Loyalty, trust, work ethic, intelligence - this makes up the Timore division. Their faith lies in Cyrus' hands, their lives that'll be easily used to defend one another. And just as this division trusts their leader, he trusts them. They're very decision-heavy. They weigh the pros and cons, they know that with each step taken their comrads follow. Their choices affect not only themselves but everyone else in the division. The way they react to things will or may be different depending on the options one took. However, if you take the wrong path... you face the consequence of Cyrus forcefully removing you from the Timore division.



Everything apart from his gender and name are unknown. His actions and decisions are always unclear to outsiders, they never make sense until it actually happens. Don't expect to be able to understand each gear and cog in this man's head because you never know - there may be a hidden motive wedged in between the screws. Cyrus sees his division as friends, they laugh together and play together. In fact he trusts them with his life as much as they trust him with theirs. It's well known Cyrus has a superiority complex known as confidence - except his confidence is to a whole knew level. He's proud in battle because he has the ability to warp reality and fantasy. He can make your biggest nightmare appear right before your eyes and create illusions that'll feel more than just 'real'. He gives you options, hinting at the answer with cynical riddles. That is Cyrus' twisted sense of humor.

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Chapter 1: top gif is from psycho pass
sonic the hedgehog is
telling you to stop
-justbecause #3
holy facking fack you guys